Sorry I wasn't on earlier I just got the sims 2 yesturday yeah for me it's an awsome game its better than the orignal well hope you guys visit my other site"redroseinlight" don't forget to and guys I think I'm going to make a rule that if you don't vist,comment or pm me to let me know that you read my site I'm going to delete you as a friend I'm just thinking about it well hope you guys vote for the contest leave a comment on the last post okay well see ya

Hiei:Visit Chiaki site or die(my japanese name if you guys didn't know)and don't forget to got to animefanchick site if you want to know about me!!!!

Kurama:what hiei means is plz come by and vist Chiaki doesn't want to delete you as her friends cuz it yall that got her to the top right now and plz visit redroseindarkness and redroseinlight to learn about me I love you girls*throws roses to the girl*

Yoko: Your such a fruitcake kurama and also if you want to learn more about me go to those site fruitcake just said I love you all but mostly chiaki*gives me a frenchie and pinches all the girls but*I love this site.

My dark form: well you heard the guys visit and don't forget to leave a comment about the contest and yoko not infront of everybody you'll make kuram jealous*whipsered to you guys out there visiting my site**Hey guys kurama and yoko don't know I'm married to abou 10 other guys soo hush up plus sesshomaru would kill me if he knew but I know what to say to him to get him off my back.

sesshomaru:Inuyosha what did you just say about marriage
Me:Nothing sessy I love you and would never get married to anybody before introducing them to you big brother*puppy dog face*(that's wierd since I'm a half dog demon LOL)
sesshomaru: that's right and for being a great sister and my only I'll take you out for icecream
Me:yeah!!!! don't try it ladies sesshomaru only does this to me cuz I'm his only baby sister bye
sesshomaru:lets go.
hiei,kurama&yoko:what about us
Me:See you guys later.=)
I'M SOOO WIERD!!!!!*Also ladies sesshomaru is taken by my sissy sesslover and I have proof I have a picture of them kissing they don't know me and inuyasha spy on them hehehehehehe here it is and if this is sesslover18 it was all inuyasha idea plz don't hurt me

Inuyasha: Say what it was your idea.
Me: sesshomaru is calling me inuyasha plz we can agrue later and will you and koiega(koga twin sister also is inuyasha's wife back off kagome or I'll kill you I already told you this before made her up okay) watch shippo thanks bye and koiega should be here in 10 seconds. bye (I have a big imagination don't I people. also inuyasha and kagome if I see this picture ever again of the two of you your heads are mine here's the pic

(this is kagome pleading for me not to hurt her I took a picture of her doing it Ha! I'm sooo evil)

Like I said the other 300 times see ya people.