hehehehe yeah as by my title your like
WTF well I'll tell you
the past two days have been FCAT
this standernized test every kid in FL have to
take and I need it to graduate >.< sucks
that's not why I'm in dream world hahaha
this is why I have been talking to my crush
who is kind of like my best friend =)
his name is phu hehehehe he's soo cute but then
again I think most asian guys are I don't know
why but I do heheh but anyways we talk alot and
hang out in school alot I guess XD I wish I could
hand with him outside of school but he lives far
and my mom would never let me hang with a guy
unless it's a family member GOSH!!!
anyways I like him alot and he lets me call him
bear hehehe or bear bear it's funny and on my myspace picture is a pic of a girl with a chain around her arm and the other part of the chain is connected to the guy so it says phu belongs to me XD hahahaha he was like "O.O you actually made tha"
I said yup XD well anways we walked together today
I was holding on to his arm and listening to his
music =) and I walked him to his bus XD hahahaha
kind of backwards huh but w/e XD my friend jen
was walking with us and when he left she said
"why don't you tell him you like him"
I told her I can't just tell guys that I like them
like that >.< I don't know I scared of losing him
as a friend =( if I tell him *sighs* it sucks
but I know i will soon =) and I hope we go out
hahahah I'm not allowed to date till I'm 16 tho
-_- mom......hahaha but that's okay I'm gonna try
and make him go to homecomming next year =) and
since I"ll be 16 in June I'll be able to date him
hehehehe =D
well anyways Love you all