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myOtaku.com: inuyashagirl852

Friday, April 8, 2005

   The Rest!!!?
Hey guys well today at school was great. First at S.S(social study for slow people) we had a sub and she was mean we was making jokes on her. Steven called her the bitch from hell LOL and at gym we played stupid battle ball (its like dogde ball except with small black balls there softer so we won't get hurt.) I was voting for the other team cuz I was bored and I was also looking at the guy I may have a little tiny itty bitty crush on maybe not but he keeps staring at me. anyways science test. LA (language art) we read poems and at lunch yes the funnest thing of the day we listen to the rest of sora's dream(animefanchick) yes there is another part to it he it goes. After sora got her chamber next to naraku's(wink wink *man I'm perverted but don't mind me) she went for a walk and heard noises and it was inuyasha and the rest they came for naraku for killing kagome(personally if I was them I would of buried her body and said I really the care about this slut)anyways they was fighting and of course naraku was winning and inuyasha sword was next to sora ( his sword was knock out his hand) and she picks it up and it gets big and she said how does inuyasha carry this big thing man it's heavy. She was watching the fight and got invovle in it and she killed sango(poor sango=( we knew her well) then miroku got mad and he use his talamines(sp?) on her but they didn't work so he did the next best thing he ask her to bear his children she said no and said If I said no the first time what makes you think I would say yes the second time. miroku say the second time and trys to remember her so where going down memory land (miroku's memories:slap slap slap no no no perv perv perv scream from pincing girls buts and more slaps LOL)and he finally remember her and says oh yeah your kagome's friend why are you here with naraku. she says kagome friend and she laugh and said I was never that bitch or slut(one of those she said) friend I just used her to get tough the well. he says how did you know about the well and before he could tell her (that's right you got it) naraku kills him(I can't belive it she killed my husband *she's going to get on monday*) and then he fights inuyasha again and she's getting bored watching( I said to her when she was telling me this dream that be patience he'll get in the BED with you after he finish is enemy my gosh man I'm a perv LOL LAMO)anyways you go and kills inuyasha(no no no no she killed my bro my twin bro she bascially killed my hold family except my son shippo and my daugher kanna I adopted the two I love kids ^_^) and her dream ended weird dreams. Hey I want you guys to think about what I said to her when she described her chamber to me she said her chamber was a rare fabric silk silk curtain silk bed* did you get what I was thinking think perverted now there you go you got it I was thinking eww naraku and you are going to get busy LMAO. She started to laugh and was turning red man it was funny at lunch.

Well at tech class the pervertness got wrost my friend brian made it wrost. Okay we are making C2O cars for class and when you cut it it looks like a stick so he was making a circle with his and hand and making the the car go in and out in and out in and out*sorry for the imagination on this hey I saw it so be quite* and I was like eww and he was poking it at me and he hurt my chest *I like to say chest cuz breast sound... it doesn't sound right.* It hurt soo I hit him after that it was my last class math class cuz we had a sub it was fun my sub was from NewYork (YEAH REPERSENT THE NY I'M A TRUE NEWYORKER AND I'M PROUD YEAH HE YEAAAAH LOL) and he was making fun of dennis and called him denise funny huh and I was helping my friend with her work and all and I was laughing at zach and chris cuz there funny. I was mad cuz mike kept calling my other husband kurama gay I was pissed off say KURAMA IS NOT GAY SO SHUT UP ABOUT!!! and then I started asking everybody if they liked yaio man some said yes cuz they didn't know what it meant so I told them and they were gross out LOL. Well then it was time to go home cuz they were calling buses well my day was fun. What did you think well heres some pics okay well bye
~Chiaki~Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com HOTTIE OF THE MONTH PIC Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com COUPLE OF THE MONTH PIC OF THE DAY: KIKYO AND INUYASHA AT THE BEACH Image hosted by Photobucket.com well see ya hope you liked the pics

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