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myOtaku.com: inuyashagirl852

Friday, October 28, 2005

   NEW THEME ^.^ post time 10:31PM
yeah yeah yeah I know posting to late and all that kind of junk well OH WELL I DON'T CARE lol.
anyways things was okay today and I miss talking to my baby jeremy v.v we don't talk alot now v.v but I won't give up hope *does anime grin* lol anyways today was cool but ashely my friend told me that billy told her he didn't have a gf but he told me he did and I told her and she said really and I said billy didn't tell you he told me he told you tho. then she said what a liar and I'm like wow.

I'll ask him about it tomorrow ^.^ anywaaaaaaaaays DO YOU GUYS LIKE THE NEW THEME I LOVE IT ^.^ the song goes with it. Oh now my friend kumiko(keyla Aka:kagomehater852) she is going to tell steven (the boy that flirted with me for the rest of the last month of school after that bush garden trips (if you don't remember go to my achive list and look for April 21 for the details lol or go to my xanga it's still there www.xanga.com/users/inuyashagirl852

have you guys notice my banner at the end of the post..COOL right it links back to my quizilla quizzes the inuyashagirl852 account one okay and those quizzes are for GIRLS ONLY sorry fella's I'll make a quiz for yall sooner or later lol So I love you guys and I love my baby jeremy *blows jeremy a kiss* ^.^ and waves to juan *WAVES HI* (I won't say his username cause I don't think he wants ya to know lol) well I love you all kisses and may God bless you okay

Chiaki over and out

your friend and graudian angel 0=)

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