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myOtaku.com: InuyashaGirl8803

Saturday, December 11, 2004

   Dentist *cringe*
So I went to the dentist a few days ago and that wasn't at all fun. I'm so scared of the dentist, it's a phobia of mine. I didn't freak out or anything though. It turns out that I have three cavities that I have to have taken care of on the 21st.

We had a drama class party thing friday. It was very fun. Games, food, no work. That's how school should always be.

I have a penpal! It's awesome. She's from Korea and I talk to her pretty much everyday through email. I think it's the coolest thing since sliced bread, penpals. I have another one. It's a boy from France, wich is totally cool too.

What else is interesting enough for me to share with you all... I had a very interesting conversation with Josh, you know, the cute one.

Josh: (sees my umbrella on my desk) Woah.
Me: What?
Josh: You know those little chocolate doughnuts you get in a row?
Me: Yeah.
Josh: I thought your umbrella was one really long pack. I got excited for a minute.

Me: You look very nice today, Josh.
Josh: Thank you.
Me: You're welcome.

Josh: (throws my umbrella towards Karshara)
Me: What the...
Josh: It was bothering me.
Karshara: I'm scared of flying umbrella's now.
Me: You know, Josh, you could have just asked and I would have moved it.
Josh: Sorry, it just bothered me.
Me: It's okay.

Those were the main points of my friday in 2nd period. Josh is such a cutie. Anyways...

My dad bought Dodgeball today. I've seen it before, but I had to watch it again. It's the funniest movied I've ever seen. I totally recommend it. I told my dad to buy Collateral, too. It comes out on DVD on the 14th.

I'll see you all later. I have a new movie to write and an old one to finish editing. Ciao.


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