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Oh I'm so full of those, it would take forever to list them all.
Anime Fan Since
Hmm... Is there such thing as "before forever"?
Favorite Anime
Ha! You expect me to list them all?!
I want to learn how to not breathe. I just hate it, breathing get's in the way of everything.
Acting, anime... and a most hated hobby... breathing.
Woah... To name them all... I'm good at breathing... though as I've stated before, it's not my favorite thing to do.
| InuyashaGirl8803
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Dentist *cringe*
So I went to the dentist a few days ago and that wasn't at all fun. I'm so scared of the dentist, it's a phobia of mine. I didn't freak out or anything though. It turns out that I have three cavities that I have to have taken care of on the 21st.
We had a drama class party thing friday. It was very fun. Games, food, no work. That's how school should always be.
I have a penpal! It's awesome. She's from Korea and I talk to her pretty much everyday through email. I think it's the coolest thing since sliced bread, penpals. I have another one. It's a boy from France, wich is totally cool too.
What else is interesting enough for me to share with you all... I had a very interesting conversation with Josh, you know, the cute one.
Josh: (sees my umbrella on my desk) Woah.
Me: What?
Josh: You know those little chocolate doughnuts you get in a row?
Me: Yeah.
Josh: I thought your umbrella was one really long pack. I got excited for a minute.
Me: You look very nice today, Josh.
Josh: Thank you.
Me: You're welcome.
Josh: (throws my umbrella towards Karshara)
Me: What the...
Josh: It was bothering me.
Karshara: I'm scared of flying umbrella's now.
Me: You know, Josh, you could have just asked and I would have moved it.
Josh: Sorry, it just bothered me.
Me: It's okay.
Those were the main points of my friday in 2nd period. Josh is such a cutie. Anyways...
My dad bought Dodgeball today. I've seen it before, but I had to watch it again. It's the funniest movied I've ever seen. I totally recommend it. I told my dad to buy Collateral, too. It comes out on DVD on the 14th.
I'll see you all later. I have a new movie to write and an old one to finish editing. Ciao.
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