AIM RamenAllAround E-mail Click Here Yahoo! Messenger inuyashaiccool
Birthday 1993-10-13 Gender
Female Location up north Member Since 2005-09-15 Occupation middle school student Real Name Jianey(jenny)
Achievements blah Anime Fan Since who knows? Favorite Anime blah..all of 'em Goals it's far from here i don't wanna be thinkin bout it...watever Hobbies shikamaru stuff....I would like to lay down in the grass and watch the clouds go by but its hot...i would like to learn to play shougi and I like sleeping Talents -_-..I got none inuyashaiccool
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hamburger Babi3
this has got to be the funniest picture i have ever seen! Comments (2) |
i found out who that dude form getbackers that uses daimond dust is his first/last was kyouji kagami
The Man Of Babylon City strikes back! Kyouji Kagami is the residential observer who has the skill... The Diamond Dust! This Diamond Dust attack reflects the light and if the unlucky one went to you, you, the enemy will suffer glass wounds in the skin, puncturing your lungs, and caput! you're dead!
what if Jubei and Kyouji became a Gatekeeper?
Jubei(Chotarou Banba) and Kyouji(Shun Ukiya) will "open the geeeeeeehhhto!" and you will see Jubei has the gate of needles while Kyouji has the gate of mirror fragments
Another Hint: Kyouji Kagami has secretly have a crush with Himiko. That is why he carry his camera with the pictures of Himiko Kudo Comments (0) |
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Yesterday was awesome I went to the theatres with my cuzzi3..we went to watch SHE"S THE MAN it was funny..yeah but my bro was REALLY sick and didn't go with yeah Comments (3) |
Sunday, March 12, 2006
FF X-2
Yes Im almost done with FF X-2 im at the last the end im supposed to fight "VEGNAGUN"*dramatic effects in the back* but im having a hard time getting pass Shiva, shes the aeon that helped Yunie...sorry Yuna..then i have to talk to that Shuyin guy that looks like Tidus about what Lenne who looks like Yuna...about how she felt or something like that!.I still need to level up still' im barely at level 34 yeah and i can't beat Shiva and my "stoopid" brother used assult on them (Yuna, Paine, Rikku) and then he couldn't control them, I was so laughing at him it ws so funny but sad that i lo..well he lost cause...well iono.anywaise im having a hard time leveling up because of this one stupid monster that keeps on using petrifecation(SP?) on my then when i actually get to Shiva she always uses her ULTIMATE WEAPON called DAIMOND DUST.. it reminds me of this one dude name something from GetBackers,,, and he uses and attack called Daimond Dust to but his attack is liitle flicks of daimonds while Shiva's is umm ice..and so on it keeps killing me like under 5 minutes..i hate it..well thats enough for today i'll post sumthing up lates..
Tiff--oh yeah i saw the preview of Disgaea 2 on this one mag that my bro always gets..its looks pretty cool..tell me if you ever get it. Comments (0) |
No...sugie cookies
guess what you know the cookies i bought on the 6th well they're all gone will I survive! Comments (2) |
I just heard that in two months my friend is gonna go to FLorida for her family vay.k ( vacation)...and i asked to go with her she said she would let me go only she didn't had enough money...she also said its gonna be her first time on an airplane..oh yeah she's going for her family renunion Comments (0) |
Wednesday, March 8, 2006
Quiz..again Good job, you're officially an incoherent moron.
oh yeah you read about the sugar cookies well no need i bought some and my brother went out to get some Chinese food for dinner..and then we went to the store to get some groceries and I got some SUGAR COOKIES which is way better than Peanut offense to pb cookie lovers..its just that it mke me had a hard time swallowing!well bye!! Comments (5) |