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Friday, February 11, 2005
 Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting
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Name: Inuyasha
Location: Hello
Gender: Male
Age: 15
B-Day: 08/08/89
Occupation: student
Member since: 01/29/05
Goals: to be with someone
Anime Fan Since: 5 years
Favorite Anime: Inuyasha
Hobbies: collecting inuyasha sfuff
Talents: being the letter of my gang
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
story inuyasha pic by pic

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Name: Inuyasha
Location: Hello
Gender: Male
Age: 15
B-Day: 08/08/89
Occupation: student
Member since: 01/29/05
Goals: to be with someone
Anime Fan Since: 5 years
Favorite Anime: Inuyasha
Hobbies: collecting inuyasha sfuff
Talents: being the letter of my gang
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why Naroku
i cant sleep look what Naroku did to inuyasha and kikyo if i was in ther world i will kill him but i will leave inuyasha and kikyo aloun well here is a pic what Naroku did!

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Name: Inuyasha
Location: Hello
Gender: Male
Age: 15
B-Day: 08/08/89
Occupation: student
Member since: 01/29/05
Goals: to be with someone
Anime Fan Since: 5 years
Favorite Anime: Inuyasha
Hobbies: collecting inuyasha sfuff
Talents: being the letter of my gang
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hey look, i am the chosen one mahahahahah

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Name: Inuyasha
Location: Hello
Gender: Male
Age: 15
B-Day: 08/08/89
Occupation: student
Member since: 01/29/05
Goals: to be with someone
Anime Fan Since: 5 years
Favorite Anime: Inuyasha
Hobbies: collecting inuyasha sfuff
Talents: being the letter of my gang
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well i like upgrade my site oh ya i finnaly got a sword from my older bro it kinda looks like inuyasha regualar sword that he carries around. well all you know is that i am in love yaaaeeeeeeee! ok here is a pic
who i love 
and will always be!
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Name: Inuyasha
Location: Hello
Gender: Male
Age: 15
B-Day: 08/08/89
Occupation: student
Member since: 01/29/05
Goals: to be with someone
Anime Fan Since: 5 years
Favorite Anime: Inuyasha
Hobbies: collecting inuyasha sfuff
Talents: being the letter of my gang
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
what??????????????? she is hot
so what ok lets see here 1, 2, 3, 4 yayayyayayayaya i like 4 girls noooooooooooooooooooooo in anime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Name: Inuyasha
Location: Hello
Gender: Male
Age: 15
B-Day: 08/08/89
Occupation: student
Member since: 01/29/05
Goals: to be with someone
Anime Fan Since: 5 years
Favorite Anime: Inuyasha
Hobbies: collecting inuyasha sfuff
Talents: being the letter of my gang
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a girl that i love
well this pic is for you well i cant sing si here it gose, well i cant not chose from a pack but i cant stop thinking about you you are all ways on my mind your name is all ways on my paper well i cant see i think i am going blind because i am in love with you, my hart is about to brest but i will love that! well if you like it just tell here is a pic about my feelings 
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Name: Inuyasha
Location: Hello
Gender: Male
Age: 15
B-Day: 08/08/89
Occupation: student
Member since: 01/29/05
Goals: to be with someone
Anime Fan Since: 5 years
Favorite Anime: Inuyasha
Hobbies: collecting inuyasha sfuff
Talents: being the letter of my gang
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Saturday, February 5, 2005
hey i am going to a dance
well my friends really want me to go to this dance right and then they said that they, i mean that i am on a blind date the girl that they are setting me up with knows me and i dont know her well ya! and most of the girls at my school likes me yikes well i only like 3 girls but they are a seret^_^
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Name: Inuyasha
Location: Hello
Gender: Male
Age: 15
B-Day: 08/08/89
Occupation: student
Member since: 01/29/05
Goals: to be with someone
Anime Fan Since: 5 years
Favorite Anime: Inuyasha
Hobbies: collecting inuyasha sfuff
Talents: being the letter of my gang
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
hey here is the movie part 4 Foren and Kagome part 2 love
inuyasha part 4
foren and Kagome part 2 love
Foren- aw it harts like needles going in to my boudy and ripping me apart.
Kagome- Foren?
Foren- { is sleeping} zzzzzzzzz
Kogome- { he is a sleep i hope kikyou dose not come, ha dont tell me am i in love with both it cant be Foren did love but dose Inuyasha love me? i think he dose, but i want to tell Foren that i love him to but Kikyou loves him more then me she is the one that.... i dont know what to do}
Inuyasha- Do what?
Kagome- Inuyasha! { kissed him}
Inuyasha- ya Kagome.
Kagome- i want stay with you for ever { but Foren}
Inuyasha- Kagome you can i want to stay with you to but i still have to get reavange first or i cant move on ok.
Kagome- ka { please Inuyasha i want to love you when you are still alive with me}
Foren- Ha wares Kikyou? is she here, ya!
Inuyasha- No shes not here? Kikyou!
Kikyou- hin Inuyasha found him, me and Foren have to go we will be right back i have to heal him.
Inuyasha- hearry and do it fast ma and Kagome will find Naraku know go.
Kikyou- can you walk?
Foren- no i cant.
Kikyou- then i will carry you.
Foren- all right, hey Kikyou.
Kikyou- you will be fine ok{ i wont let Naraku let him be a full demon, then you wont love me some day he will be the one to go to hell with me}
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Name: Inuyasha
Location: Hello
Gender: Male
Age: 15
B-Day: 08/08/89
Occupation: student
Member since: 01/29/05
Goals: to be with someone
Anime Fan Since: 5 years
Favorite Anime: Inuyasha
Hobbies: collecting inuyasha sfuff
Talents: being the letter of my gang
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
the movie the first 3 parts of hope you like!
The Movie
The Chosen One that can Deafet Naraku
By: InuyashaKikyou123
Part 1
Inuyasha and Naraku
Inuyasha- Naraku you will pay for what you did to Kikyou and Foren!
Kagome- Inuyasha!
Naraku- Ha, well Foren!
Foren- Ware is Kikyou?
Inuyasha- Out of my way Foren I will take care of this Back klass wave, ha.
Naraku- Inuyasha is that all you got!
Inuyasha- Let Kikyou go you basterd Wind scare, ha!
Foren- Kikyou!
Kikyou- Ha!
Foren- Are you ok, I am sorry I could not get here sooner, Naraku he will pay for this, Inuyasha!
Inuyasha- Take Kikyou and Kagome out of here I will handle this, go!
Foren- Ok, come on Kagome.
Kagome- Right, Inuyasha! I love you!
Inuyasha- Kagome! Dont worry I will come for you when this is all over!
Kagome- Ok Inuyasha!
Kikyou- Ah!
Foren- Kikyou, dont worry I will take you some ware safe.
Inuyasha- You are mine Naraku, Wind scare, ha.
Naraku- What, no!
Miroku- My hand it is puling me in!
Sango- Miroku.
Miroku- My hand it is ok know but my wind tunnel is still there, Inuyasha did not difeat him yet, we should go Sango and help, Foren might go on his demon form to kill Inuyasha and Kagome!
Sango- Yes we should go.
Miroku- Hochy take care ok Keno please.
Hochy - You got it!
Foren- Ha, oh no damn Naraku, ya ya ha.
Kagome- Are you all right?
Foren- Take Kikyou and get out of if you have the chance!
Kagome- No I wont, ha.
Foren- Grrrrrr, arrrrrrg geeeeer no Kikyou, Kagome get out of here when you have the chance, arrrrrrrrr.
Sango- Kagome!
Kagome- Sango, Miroku!
Miroku- Lets get out of here!
Foren- Arrrrrr.
Kikyou- Foren no!
Miroku- Laeve him you dont have the chance!
Sango- Lets go Kilrar
Kikyou- { cring} Foren, why that Naraku will do this to him he dose not want to be a full demon}
Inuyasha- What the Foren, then that maens, Kagome!
Foren- Die Inuyasha!
Naraku- Right on segudle, know Foren kill him!
Foren- Whay dont I kill you, I have the time!
Naraku- What the!
Foren- You should not gave me this sword Kanna Wind, ha, what?
Naraku- Nice try!
Foren- What, no geeeeeeer aerrrrrrr, no!
Kikyou- Foren no I know you dont want to be a full demon I must kiss you, know you and me will die together.
Inuyasha- Kikyou no just kiss him dont die yet we might need you guys, not yet Kikyou!
Kikyou- { Kissed Foren} dont leave me I dont want to see you die like this!
Foren- Kikyou, I wont be the demon eny more, I will stop Naraku from doing this in the first...
Kikyou- All you have to do is rest!
Foren- Ya!
Naraku- All I have to do is make that Foren kill Inuyasha any time I want, but first, kill Kagome and Kikyou, know Foren!
Foren- Ha not again, Naraku I will not transform never, never for you, ha.
Naraku- Kill Kagome and Kikyou!
Foren- I wont!
Kikyou- Foren!
Foren- stay a way!
Kikyou- Foren I can stop this!
Foren- I said stay a way!
Kagome- Dont Kikyou, dont get nare him!
Foren- Geeeer aerrrrr, die Kagome and Kikyou.
Kagome- we have to get out out here!
Kikyou- Right!
Part 2
Foren's True Demon
Inuyasha- Kagome are you ok?
Kagome- I am fine but we have to get out of here.
Inuyasha- You scared me, I thought foren Killed you but it did not happend, oh Kagome.
Kagome- { He is inbrasing me} um Inuyasha we have to go know!
Foren- Geeeeeeer aerrrrrrrr kkkkkkk!
Inuyasha- Ok lets all go.
Naraku- What is Foren doing, go after then or I will kill you.
Kikyou- No you wont I will not missed {Shot the arrow}.
Naraku- Kill her!
Foren- Ha Kikyou are you ready to die, all I have to do is use thease claws on you.
Kikyou- Foren I know you, you dont want to be a full demon.
Foren- I am now and I am happy now I cant love you and Kagome I will be powerfull, the strongest demon of all, ha, no, what is it now.
Naraku- You are truing into a wolf Dog demon, you dont need to be in a human body to have this power, know kill her!
Foren- Aeeeeeerggg, know I am a demon kkkkkkaaar, what I, Kikyou!
Kikyou- { Foren you are back but you are a demon know what will you do know will you come after me}?
Foren- I will be with you forever, Naraku will not take your life, if he dose I will come for you, I wont let Naraku have you, so promis me somthing that you wont go after me?
Kikyou- Why, I must follow.
Foren- Kikyou, ha, aaaaaaeeeeeerrrrrr get out here Kikyou we cant be together now I am a full demon I cant kill you, if you get out of here, ya go now!
Kikyou- I cant leave you but now I have to good by Foren.
Foren- Aeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr Naraku! What do you disier?
Naraku- Ha you are no match for me why dont you go in my body so I can kill Inuyasha, come to me!
Kagome- No Foren you dont want to do this!
Foren- Aaaaaaeeeerrr, aaaeeerrr.
Kagome- No whats happing to him, Foren, just be a half demon.
Naraku- He wont, he wants to be a full demon, now Foren go after her!
Foren- Aaaaaaeeerrr, ya, haa Kagome, hin.
Kagome- Foren I am here no one is going to heart you again.
Kikyou- Get a way from him.
Inuyasha- Kagome get out of the way, ha.
Foren- I am feeling a lot beter Inuyasha, now lets kill Naraku.
Inuyasha- Right! Hey Naraku you are no match for me and Foren so why dont you give up!
Naraku- Ha, Foren you wont last your demon bloode will take over soon again!
Foren- Ha no it wont, ha papare to die Naraku.
Naraku- I think not, go on your demon mode, that will stop you from intafearing.
Inuyasha- What? { I must stop his tranformastion if I dont he will come after Kagome} Foren now is not the time we have to stop Naraku you should not let him take over you snap out of it come on.
Foren- I cant, aaaaaeeeerrr, grrrrrrraaaaarrrrr, get a way from me{ atack Naraku}, grrrrrrraaarrrr.
Naraku- You can excape I am now your mind Foren you should not came here like Kagome did, ha ha.
Kikyou- Die Naraku I have you now, this is for Foren!
Naraku- What, no, Kikyou's arrow, ya ha that will not do, to kill me.
Kikyou- It did some damege to you so you should be scard by now Naraku.
Naraku- You will join Foren in my boudy this is not over.
Kikyou- Foren!
Foren- Kikyou I am sorry I could not stop him.
Inuyasha- Kikyou get Foren out of here me Kagome will find him, when Foren can fight we will need him.
Kikyou- Ok we will be there soon.
Kagome- { I hope Foren will be ok but still Naraku can make Foren become a full demon by his shards, he has 3th of them maybe if Kikyou takes one out of him he can be a half demon instead}!
Inuyasha- What are you thinking about Kagome?
Kagome- It is nothing!
Inuyasha- All right lets get Naraku,{ but ware is he did he disapare again?}
Kagome and Foren
part 3
Foren- Kikyou! you know i can still become a full demon, right?
Kikyou- Ya i know! Foren i love you and i dont want to see you die.
Foren- I might not live that much longer i will die.
Kikyou- dont say that { kissed him} i am going to love you forever and you will love me right?
Foren- dont worry i will, if i live ok, i need to kill Naraku first befor any thing happends in my life ok.
Kikyou- ok!
Kagome- How is he?
Kikyou- he be fine, i will be right back i am going to find help, ok!
Kagome- all right.
Foren- Kagome aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggggggg!
Kagome- oh no foren, { kissed him} oh no what have i done i kissed him???? oh no dose this mean that i love him, i must stay with Inuyasha but??????? Kikyou will kill me if i?????? Foren dont tell!
Foren I wont just be care full if i do become a full demon.
Kagome- ok just stay there.
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Name: Inuyasha
Location: Hello
Gender: Male
Age: 15
B-Day: 08/08/89
Occupation: student
Member since: 01/29/05
Goals: to be with someone
Anime Fan Since: 5 years
Favorite Anime: Inuyasha
Hobbies: collecting inuyasha sfuff
Talents: being the letter of my gang
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