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Friday, September 5, 2008
Lookie lookie I change my theme well lets get down to business I
for not doing the usual thing I usually do when you all update, second
I just got my internet back it wouldnt work in my
room so I'm in my brother's room right now,
third my school sucks still I dont fit in as always but it doesnt really
bother me no one know
I exist ^^ thank god XD life been pretty easy going nothing unexpected
happen well one thing did and it scared the
living spirit out of me but I shall not say what it is sorry ah well how's
life? school?
etc etc...bai bai now ^^
Picture of the Day
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Monday, August 25, 2008
First day of school *kill me* x_x
Today I woke up at 6:00am I slept like baby :3 but my brothers and sister only slept for 3 hours well we drove 20minutes to our new school first was my brother Randy he's still in elementary school so he has to go early it tooked around 30 minutes to get him into his proper class >.> ugh next was me and my brother we went to the library for an orientation then we had to wait for someone to help us and crap afterwards they made us wait in a line for the counselor to make us our schdule we waited in a line for 3 hours and a half!!! x_x I only went to 4 classes. Latin 3 *only because they didnt have Latin 2* then I'm off to English 3 stupid man cant even get the class under control. Off to lunch I go I met up with my brother and we stayed outside in the freakin' hot sun until the bell rang >.< Afterwards I went to BCIS we did nothing in there! Boring piece of- yeah then off to Environmental System *Science* I hate my new school and please! I'm begging you all to please shoot me dead!!! x_x
Oh BTW I put up some new wallpaper check them out when you all have time k? *goes and load up a water gun...*
Picture of the Day

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Saturday, August 23, 2008
Busy Day
*sigh* What a day, what a day today I had to go to my doctor to get a shot that I was missing if not a school that I'm transferring to will not let me go there. Oh yeah when I was done my sister had her physical she's going to be playing volleyball >.> ugh afterwards me, my mom, and sister went off to wal-mart so my sister can buy herself a new backpack...that reminds me Hatchi do you got an extra for me to use this year? ^^ Well she didnt bought a backpack so we left empty handed and head on over to Saigon Taipei to buy some stuff for soup when we were waiting for the fishy and stuff mom gave us $20 to go over to the other store to buy some shampoo >.> for my sister ehh...As we were done we headed out and met up with my mom we went home mom cook I put my books in it's own box! yay! ^^ XD then I went to bed and now I'm up posting this! ^^ but I'm still exhausted x_x oh yeah well bai bai now!
Picture of the Day
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Damn meatballs I dont feel good at all...This is how it all begin I was in my room sleeping as usual but this time I slept with my whole entire arm over my neck so when I woke my throat started hurting -.- as the day went by I knew I was going to have a fever why? cause my neck was really hot I couldnt swallow, eat, or drink it hurted too much then my head oh my god my head was killing me! I lie there the whole night I couldnt feel my hands my legs got real heavy and numb it was horrible but today I feel better my throat is still sore though...
Picture of the Day
Sorry no picture of the day today...
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Sunday, August 17, 2008
Gackt and Hyde
I know I know it says Gack and Hyde, Hyde is in my GB ^^ I dont really have much to say so I'll leave you all with a picture ^^
Picture of the Day
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Thursday, August 14, 2008
....How am I to begin this post...Well hmmm let see yesterday my blonde sister came over asking me can she borrow my psp since she's going out of town to Corpus Christi for the next 3 days and my neice got to come over well that doesnt matter later on I was playing Kingdom Hearts around 1 or 2 am I got stuck in Deep Jungle the Tarzan place so I gave up like I always do XD *I was hyper at the time too* I try to see if Samurai Warriors work for me but it didnt so I took the sticker of the price of it out of the case and smack it on my forehead XD then I got on the interanet and looked around I didnt really know what I was doing I couldnt talk to anybody since they were in the other room playing Guitar Hero 3 x_x as I was in my room I heard a knock on the door O.o I came out and my sister came out of the other room and she told me she didnt hear anything and say that I'm just hearing things so I got back on the interanet again then I heard another knock this time my sister thought it was my mom coming home early from work and yet she still didnt want to open the door so I skip over and open the wasnt my mom it was our neighbor upstairs they said that their place been robbed O.o I was surprise but I didnt really care since it's none of my business when the lady ask me if i heard or seen anything she kept on looking at my forehead I was wondering why then it came to me LOL I still had the sticker on my forehead well after that everything been easy going
^>^ <----It's a ducky or penguin you choose well bai bai now
~Screaming Rainbows!! XD
Picture of the Day

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Well it's official that my mother doesnt really give a damn about how we feel it was a tie actually if we wanted to move or not I said that I didnt care because either way I have no choice my brother said no my little sister and brother said yes the reason why it's a tie because my mom thinks that an I dont know/ care is a no but my grandmother! said yea so it's a 3 out 5 that says yes I mean what's the point of even asking us if no one try to put it to my point of veiw I mean if no one cared about me at least have some since to act like they care about what I have to say I rather drop out of school and live with my sister for crying out loud...well today my mom went to sign the paper and I yet still dont know which school I'm going to it just pushes my nerves sometimes ugh! Hatchi were moving on the 22nd three days two days before school starts -.- doesnt really matter to me because I hate school to the max XD oh and thanxs Ostrich=Evil I never really think things through before I start complaining about idiotical stuff ^^ At first I really liked the moving but then it got really boring but this time I hope we stay there for at least one year and a half *the time when I graduate XD* well hope all goes well to everyone! bai bai!
Picture of the Day

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Saturday, August 9, 2008
Depression and Confusion
Ok first off this is everyone choice to read for I SHALL WARN YOU IT'S GOING TO BE LONG AND CONFUSING XD
Depression I really really want to jump off a damn cliff right now the story begins...Did I ever told you that I've move six times throughout my whole life yea it's not much but it's enough to drive me insane! First we move because the family was getting bigger during the year of 2007 my family was having problems so we needed to move it was after my Freshman year I had to leave my high school and my one and only friend Hatchi, we move into an ugly stupid crappy ass apartment/ duplex. 2008, I've finish my Sophmore year...with flying colors XD and during this SUMMER we moved YET again and so now I must! Transfer AGAIN to another high school...Confusion my brother say that we dont need to transfer since we still live close to the Carter anyways but it doesnt end there another apartment complex call and said that we can now move!!!!! in OMG WTF! we barely in this place for 2 months and my mom wants to move again...She said that it was up to us to decide so I chose to stay so did my brother but she planted the guilt thing on us so now I'm piss off like fuck! The second time we ever moved half of my black clothes went missing GONE VANISH ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH...
What do you think I should do stay and be guilty? or move again and suffer much worser than i'm having to deal with?
Picture of the Day
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Friday, August 8, 2008
I had fun yesterday that is the reason why I couldnt update I got a chance to sleep in and got to talk to Hatchi online finally my sister came to take us out to play volleyball and swim she actually let Hatchi came she was really planning on to take only the family along but she had a change of heart ^^ well when went to a rich ass apartment my sister knew a friend that live there...well we play volleyball for like 30 minutes until one of my sister friend came to play...well we play for like 2 or 3 hours it was around 8pm by now me and my sister took a quick trip to quicktrip to buy everyone drink since she was broke I to pay -.- got back and swim!!! Well...I just floated around I dont know how to swim XD well we got home and just relax ^^
how was everyones day/night today?
Picture of the Day
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Testing 1…2…3…
I’ve changed my theme! YES! Well since I couldn’t sleep I thought of changingit to MYV for the time being :3
Picture of the Day
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