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Thursday, December 28, 2006
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omg im so sorry for not telling ya that i was going to leave even i didnt know that i was goin to leave *sigh* the day that i last updated i c not much updated ehh oh well well let see my sister is getting a abortion *sniff* it's not fair!!! im at her house right now i promise i will comment today!! and wat else im watching Robot Chickent right now wit my little brother oh did i told u i burn my sister kitchen it wasnt actually my fault! but yea i didnt want to stay home cuz my mother is drunk my grandma looks like she's dead cuz shes drunk too and there in asshole there that i dont like i want my little sister to come with me but she plan on staying home with takkun *sigh* oh well i probably wont be able to update tomorrow though well im going to visit sites now bai bai.
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Friday, December 22, 2006
Do anyone no what today is?
alright just got done watching inuyasha im not going to watch FMA bcuz i've watch it like a thousand times already ^^ and plus i dont feel like updating in the middle of the evening cuz some ppl have to do something else well yesterday was ok ok i went to Ultra Blue apt hang out i went home to my sister cuz she was at work my little just sat in the living room all day watching tv when my sister bf came home with my niece i started playing with her like 5hrs later she was messing w/ her daddy empty beer can 15min after dat or so i think i was holding her i saw something on her thumb and well she cutted herself and so i gave her to her papa and yaddi yaddi ya ya im still waiting for my sister to come home from working out an taking her friend home well im about to go watch sumthing and fall asleep i would sneak out to Night's apt but i might get caught cuz usually my sis come home at dis time.
Random Question
1.Do ya miss me asken ya question?
2.How's life?
3.Do u prefer short or tall guyz/gyrl?
4.what's chur fav. music?
5.will ya miss me if im gone for more than 3mths?
6.r u going to delete me as a friend if i dont update or comment on ur site in 1mth?
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Thursday, December 21, 2006
Awww Shwweet.
well i can actually update early now since im at my sister YES!!! and i change my theme too heh heh XD ok let see what i did yesturday nothing went to the library and update if u read my yesturdays post i watch inuyasha futurama aqua teen errr..fma ahh....what else oh fooly cooly of course and well im doing nothing now i cant wait till saturday i cant watch The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass, Sword of Honorable Ruler and Fire on Mystic Island EVEN though i already have them on DVD i just cant wait to watch them all together at one time well actually one after another or course not at the same time cuz then it'll be all mess up and stuff. Well before i went to my sister i was with tiff at the library i was updating as fast as i can of course cuz there's a time limit and well i my mom came and pick me up went home play Dynasty Warrior 2 w/ my brother Takkun just so u no that he's my bro some of ya think he was a firend of mine but that's ok ehhh that's mostly it i did made some buttons for the ppl that comment on my site but i can't put it up becuz it's at my house on my laptop and i dont really know how to transfer this to that ehhh well ttyl Oh it's unless ya have ya own buttons then pm it to me ok bai.
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Hilios my friendz ok first off i want my sis to keep the baby but she dont really know i told her if she gets an abortion how ever u spell that then she'll be the only person who know what she do it's not going to be us the one that's going to feel guilty be then again it's a lose situation for her cuz she wants to stay skinny me,her best friend,takkun,my mommy,sister and brother wants her to keep the baby ehh well what she pick is what she gets ah in what comes around goes around some ppl dont really get what i mean by that so im going to xplain....but if u dont want to read this then ignore thanx you ^^ ok. My sister best friend told us that her mom have to how to say it pray to 4 ppl those ppl are the baby she didnt want(she had 4 abortion) and so if she dont those 4 souls will come back and hunt her for her life and so yea. Oh yea no school for the next 2weeks yay!! I just finish taking the algebra test which was easy cuz i just circle the one i think was right yesterday my mom took me and my brother and sis to the store and guess takkun bought Dynasty Warrior 2 when we got home me and him was talking and i was like if u go to heaven hell would freeze over and then he was not oh no i better not be rejected from hell it was funny cuz he wants to die so bad what he doesnt know is that he could he just dont know it when we were little me and takkun feel down the stair a really long stair cuz we were living in a apartment well he kinda broke his nose but it looks ok now and he miss the second one when we were living in a house my daddy which is now in jail that what he gets well he built this table and lets just say that takkun is stupid enough to stand at the edge and the table felt over and he bit his tounge dont u think he wouldve die already? oh well guess the boi just lucky maybe he wasnt meant to die ehh well i try to get on 2morrow to comment on ya's site that post today kk bai.
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Back for a little while
Well winter break is coming up so im going to stay the night at my sister apartment since she got internet well i try to visit all of ya's site on wednesday if my mother let me stay the night at her house and i miss ya too alot it's so uncomfortable to not have internet at home oh well i try changing my theme at my sister oh guess what my sister is having another baby! yay err... lets see my bday was ok well i cya later bai bai ♥InuyashaLady♥
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Friday, December 15, 2006
i will be back like next week or on the weekends
Hi there i miss ya so much i cant type much cuz i have to go back to skool im at the library right now well c ya soon kk bai miss ya.
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Sunday, December 10, 2006
Hi how r ya? Me well ok saturday is just saturday i couldnt sleep much cuz it was freezing!!!! Well yesterday takkun and tiff was in my mother room i was messing with them cuz i was bored and well i left for like 15mins to update and when i came back i was talking to them and like 5mins later i saw a hicky on my brother's neck was like O.o and so they told me to draw on their neck i drew inuyasha name on takkun right side of his neck then i drew death on his left side of his neck and for tiff i put "Nerdy for life" yea it was freaky........u no some ppl here and on myo beens really moody i dont y but niece is coming over today for my bday party i miss her (even though she broke my shift button!) well got go bai bai.
I will not ask question
cuz i ran out and i dont like to think of wat kind of question to ask ya it make my head hurts so ur lucky.

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Saturday, December 9, 2006
Hi there! u no i should say sumthing else besides hi and should i start out...ah how bout once upon a time ehh no im not writing a story now im not too good with dat oh ya know i been trying to tell ya dis but most movie i c anime and tv is dat the good guys always wins why?! eh i answer dat who the hell knows... guess what guess what guess what guess guess are u guessing? if it's a no *sniff* i understand u hate me but if it's a yes then yay! guess what guess what? My birthday tomorrow and guess guess guess guess UR ALL INVITED!!!! ^^ see how nice i am XP heh heh well let see....yesterday skool errr was a dread first I HATE IT EVEN MORE i truly want to bomb my band teacher thanx god im leaving band next semester that damn racist bitch uhhhh well second work work work work work but my biology teacher is soooo slow! third did this graffiti thingy lunch Kenshinlover84 told me something realy realy nasty and so i will not tell ya cuz it's kinda personal but if i was hyper still then i would ^^ fourth i shleeep fifth i mess with my friend cuz i was acting retarded six nothing cuz for my progress report my public service teacher gave me a S for my citizenship and so i am not doing shit in there hmph! seventh im the only gyrl in there now nooooo!!!! and so im alone *sniff* oh well.
~Question Time~
1.Who are u spending xmas 2gether?
2.What would u do if i die?
3.I say cocky u say ____ earth made?(this one u do not have to answer) u study greek mythology?
ehhhhhhhhh heh heh heh heh im sowwy im being retarded again.
My Answers:
a.ehh my room.
b.pffft i dont no im dead!
c.heh heh heh....'s realy long to explain so i wont say nothing bout it.
e.of course why u think i ask myself/ya that question durrr....
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Friday, December 8, 2006
I just thought of sumthing funny but i forgot it well let see yesterday was the science benchmark i finish it in like 1hour and 15min i slept through the rest so ya my days been very normal for the first time ever i have one more project to do i turn in my English project yesterday and i better get a good grade for it too if i dont my teacher better give me my paper back. Well we went to first didnt do anything in there finally! then lunch i wasnt hyper or anything just acting retarded as usual then we went to fourth that's where i got my new nick name jennifer how can a name that starts with a 'C' ends up being call jennifer but i like it well then we went to third nothing... i dont remember.... then second i sat next to all boyz acting like idiots. Fifth period nothing as usual six nothing slept seventh work it was easy though well no question today and No i dont hate cha i wasnt myself yesterday!! seriously!! i wasnt! ehhh well i t2yl!!! Bai Bai!!!
♦¢¾¢£ ooooo lookie lookie!
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