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myOtaku.com: InuyashaLady15

Friday, June 15, 2007


I didnt have the chance to finish watching the movie bcuz my sister boyfriend kicked me off so i went inside my sister room and watch tv there but no vcr/dvd bull. so i just stayed in side the room eating noodles an watching lame comercials
I woke up same thing over and over again pfft this week im going to the mall and i already save up to $100 my mom said that if i spend all my money on books she wil kick my ass so i cant spend them all on book *sniff* oh well i wasnt planning to spend them all on books XP oh yea i just got finish vacumming the house while i was vacumming my niece was on the ground running away from the vacum i put her on the counch but she wouldnt sit so i follow her around with the vacum then she started crying so i put her back on the couch and she stay she's such a hard head when i was done she went to the kitchen and touch the closet door where i put the vacum and i told her that it wont come out and attack her XD well that's it how's ur day?
1.Can eating noodle all the time bad for your health?
My next week theme will be DNAngel

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