Nothing happen no party thanx goodness my sister order
some chinese food XD but it didnt taste right so i just ate
watermelon that didnt look right either -_- but it was sweet
I went to bed early too around 10:30ish
Woke up at 6am cuz my niece wants her daddy but her daddy
was in the restroom getting ready for work as usual her ma was
still sleeping i had to change her diaper get her milk and put her
to sleep with li then i went back to bed (on the couch) -_- well i woke
up elynna was still sleeping YES! so i was able to get on without hearing
her screeching at me well i went to updated sites I will come back later
on to see check if anyone else updated I am still cleaning the house
I'm still working on the kitchen bcuz it's the dirtiest eh well that's all
I have to say for right now see ya
Pichure of the day
