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Monday, November 27, 2006
Thanxs for the 12comments the highest i've ever gotten November 27,2006 Hi again i no it's late in some of ya might not even able to read it so i dont really care skool was a dread as always haha i couldnt sleep in 1st cuz i have band and we have! to play 2nd biology i try to sleep but the damn teacher kept on waking me up! 3rd algebra i had a headache im not surprise 4th english i work there bcuz its not all that boring we had to do a prompt and she said we can pick any so i pick about anime hahaha! well i already written 4pages. 5th health slept cuz i had a heachache again *sigh* 6th tried to sleep but i couldnt my eyes just kept on waking me up and i just doze off 7th try to sleep but this big girl kept on bothering me which pissed me off so bad! and well i that's mostly it i guess im tire oh and i want to transferred skool Eastern Hills sux its so boring no fights its lame!! ahh well good day/night how was ur day? Comments (1)