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NC, making human's lives miserable and STILL killing demons. But from the inside out this time. XD
Member Since
Student/ Anime fan
Real Name
Naomi Moonlight
killing most of my enemies within 1 day of making them
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, Samurai Champloo, Trigun, Naruto,DNAngel, and did I mention Inuyasha!
to become a vet and anime writer/ artist
Drawing, writing, gaming
Art and writing also, making my enemies little life a living hell
| Inuyashawolf
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Saturday, June 24, 2006
Yeah, I know I haven't been here in a loooooonnnngg time so I'm going to make it up to you! I rean out of pic but I am going to give you two poems!!!
Teach my heart hatred
And it will turn on you
Fill their hearts with hatred for me
And there will be conflict
Am I really the monster?
Play with emotions
And just like fire
You'll get burns
All it takes it one
A snap to pull it all down
To crush you
Like you tried to crush me
If you fill my heart with love
I'll be there forever
Tell them loving words
And there will be happiness
But will it really be true?
The emotions
That fill the human heart
are tricky and unknown
Try to understand them
And you'll get hurt
But all of this balances
On one thing
A fragile block
A fulcrum made of glass
If it breaks
It takes a while to build it back up
What if . . . . .
it has been broken so many times . . . .
that the broken peices can no longer be found?
What is this pain I feel?
Swirl in my mind
Emotions that burn
My emotions that kill
Am I really this monster?
Light in the Darkness
Hidden feelings
Fake emotions
The feel of your own pain
Call out to the darkness
Falling in a pit of dispair
Looking for the light of your life
To light up your darkness
To love you forever
For the person you truly are
Times of your sorrow
Flash in your mind
Times of your hatred
go through your heart
Of all the betrayal
Of all the dead
The thought of aloneness
Will the light ever come?
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Monday, May 29, 2006
What's up . . . .here's my poem Fright Night
HEy everyone, I'm so happy I'm going to graduate so I've been kinda busy. I did really good on my EOG and EOC that I might be able to get a good scholarship!!!
Anyway, I have a poem I want to share with you today . . . . .(what am I some kinda teacher) well here goes!!!
Fright Night

Eyes watching in the night
Crimson red glow, illuminates
Haunting screams and mourning howls
It all add to the fright
Shifty eyes
Alert ears
Silent feet
Chattering teeth
Creatures of the darkness
Watch your every move
Waiting for you to fall
into their ever ready trap
Search for the light
In this pitch black darkness
Looking upward, for even a peek of the moon
And the repeated thought:
Will I make it out alive?
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
Anime Rox! Myotaku Rox!!!
Sorry people, for not being up here in so long! My scholl blocked out Myotaku and I wasn't allowed to get on the internet at home! But now I'm back and ready for some action!!
Poor Koga!!

Poor poor poke'mon . . . . . .how do they fit in those things anyway?

A little break in the enterainment . . .ahhhhhhh,it's nice today

Youko . . . . . . . . . . .is mysterious don't you think? HIm and Sesshomaru have something in common . . .silver hair, mysterious demeanor . . . . .. sigh . . . .anime rox!

Oh and last but not least . . .I made this one my self!!!

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I have to take my EOG test so I'm going to do this before I go!! Wish me luck!!! Oh and I'm over my little dog delima . . . . . .my uncle went and got a lawyer and said that I was going to get them back!!!!

Oh and lordsesshomaru . . . .doesn't this picture look a bit familiar . . . . ?

If I had of seen this on New Years I would have put it up here but 2006 is the year of the dog!!!!

Invader Zim invades InuYasha!!!

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Friday, May 12, 2006
I'm Pissed as hell
I'm reallly pissed, some bitch from down the street from me called the animal control on my dogs. They can and picked them up yesterday. She claimed that my dogs (Cougar and Leo)killed her puppy, but the thing is my cat Luca just had kittens sunday and they didn't touch them. If a dog wouldn't kill a kitten, what makes you think they would kill young of their own kind?

This is my basic (I SAID BASIC) emotion.

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Friday, May 5, 2006

lol Sesshomaru is da man

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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Okay, this is a question we all want to know! What is that fluffy thing on Sesshomaru’s shoulder? Well, heres a pic that should tries to explain it!!! Much to Sesshy’s dismay!!

LOL, I can’t get over it, even if it’s a little sick!! Next pic!!!

heheheheh . . . . .I’m on a ball!!1
This one is really funny!!!

and for my finishing act . . . .another Trigun Cosplay!!!

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Monday, April 24, 2006
School has started . . . .I'm back
I decided to do a poem . . .I haven't done any in a while.
What Have I become?
Falling, Falling, calling out
To you, for you, now I see
Why you seemed the only one for me
I am drowning, my strruggle all gone
The deception, I'm still trying to swallow
And in my pity, I'm not wallow
Kill me softly, I didn't mean it literally
You had 1 goal in mind, to really kill me
Then to disappear, to run away, to flee
The anger wells up, I'm not going down like that
I'll fight the current, attack head on
You shoulda counted on, shoulda known, I'm headstrong
When I find you, death will come
It will come painfully, it will come slowly
I have never met anyone so lowly
What Have I Become?

In sadness, the anger will come . . . .so will your death . . . . .
~ Naomi Moonlight

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Well, I'm in New York . . .safely. Anyway, no one knew who Envy was acting as so I'll tell you. Envy was . . . .drum roll please . . . Vash The Stampede From Trigun!!!!
Ain't he cute!!!!

Let's see what I have in my bag of pic today . . .
Someone call the press . . .this pose is magazine worthy. . .I'm sure there are girls out there that would agree.


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Saturday, April 15, 2006
I'm going on spring vacation!!!! I'll miss u guys!!! T_T
Sorry People, but I'm going on vacation tomarrow . . . .to NY. I'll put these up here but you might not get anymore until Friday. If I can get to a computer it'll be sooner!!! I am loyal to my friends . . . and fans (lol).
How can you resist these?

Look what else I found!!!!
Can you guess who Envy is? I'll p.m. you if you're right so put your answers in the comments section.

Full Metal meets the Hogwarts school.

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