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NC, making human's lives miserable and STILL killing demons. But from the inside out this time. XD
Member Since
Student/ Anime fan
Real Name
Naomi Moonlight
killing most of my enemies within 1 day of making them
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, Samurai Champloo, Trigun, Naruto,DNAngel, and did I mention Inuyasha!
to become a vet and anime writer/ artist
Drawing, writing, gaming
Art and writing also, making my enemies little life a living hell
| Inuyashawolf
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 02/21/06:
Which member of the Matsubachi Trio should you date? (pics!)
 Congradulations!! You got Shigure! He's sure to make you happy and who knows? He might even include you in his next romance novel! Whatever you do, you're sure to have a unique experiance!(Note: If you don't know who shigure is, shame on you! You can look at more pictures of him and educate yourself at ) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/21/06:
What kind of school girl are you? (cute pics)
 You're the artistic school girl. You're very creative and have many plans for the future. You have a totally unique style and aren't afraid to show it. You can be sensitive sometimes and a little shy. Guys like you because you're not predictable or average. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/21/06:
Who would you be if you were in a horror film?( Now with great anime pics)
 You're the one that get's away! Everyone once in a while a scary movie will have the hero guy or girl who survives and sometimes even figures out who the bad guy is. What always kills people is you get away a lot just because of your dumb-luck. Sometimes you go crazy after seeing so many die, and who could blame you? You're usually the one in the group that manages to stay calm. Instead of getting scared, you have the gift of wanting to investigate or keep fighting back. That's good for you. But someday...I will get you..I mean...want a cookie? Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/21/06:
Why are you crying? (beautiful pics)
 You're crying because you've lost hope. Something has made you give up on almost everything, and no matter how hard you look, you can't seem to find the light. You don't feel like anything's worth it anymore and you're sick of people judging you. But don't let go, things'll get better. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/21/06:
Which Angel of Darkness are you? (pics)
 You're the hopeless angel. You've been broken down, hurt, and ridiculed everytime you've tried to make the best of things and you just don't see any point in trying anymore. You just don't believe in hardly anything anymore and you feel that the world has let you down. When you died, you weren't very upset about it. Maybe you were even a little releived. You wish that the world was a better place but you've given up hope in trying to change it. Your attitude towards others is very cautious. Even though you do care a little about what other's think and like making a good impression, you don't care about people in general much anymore and you think that we're all better off in giving up trying to fit in. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/21/06:
What will your first kiss look like? (beautiful pics)
 You're first kiss will be a little rushed into. Maybe you're ready for that, maybe you're not. You're very seductive so a lot of people fall for your charm. Just make sure you're happy. Be careful not to lead anyone on that you don't mean to. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/17/06:
What planet do you represent? (Chobits based, Anime Girls)
Result Posted on 02/17/06:
What planet do you represent? (Chobits based, Anime Girls)
Result Posted on 02/17/06:
What kind of Nightmare would you be if you were one?(anime pics,detailed results.Guys&girls!!)
 Your a loving nightmare.You start out as a pleasent dream and slowly begin to taunt the dreamer into horror.Your on of the scarest of all nightmares,the ones that relate to true life. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/17/06:
What kind of dark person are you?
 Darkness is your passion. You can't live without it and you're starting to turn dark. You are interested in things that others fear, sometimes using it against them. So much fun. You think you're pretty dark, but that ain't true. Better watch your back, real dark people may find it fun to teach you a thing or two about REAL darkness...Please rate ^^ Take this quiz!
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