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DEFINITELY not on earth....Falena....Ah! Glorious Falena!!...Ahem....Yes! Moving On!!....Ok....Tennessee...
Member Since
Rune Caster?....Voiceless hero with a headband?.....Errr....Yeah...
Real Name
Crissy, but you may call me Inwe...Or Your Royal Highness Prince Vincent.....Ah Sorry! Only may thy call me by that name when in Falena!
I've saved, like....Five different worlds, countries,etc. That counts ...Right?
Anime Fan Since
Sailor Moon! Alas....Such a long time ago....
Favorite Anime
Fruits Baskets, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Trigun, Naruto, Shin Chan,Death Note, Kodacha BLAH BLAH BLAH *continues the everlasting list*
To go to Japan....Get a job in art or video games....
Playing Suikoden or other less intriguing games.....Or drawing....And being sarcastic.....And going temporarily insane....
Drawing....and being....weird...
| InweTheGreat
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Eh.... Hey there.
So... I've been on vacation and it was great except for the fact that me and my cousin were sunburned. Badly. The pain!! The pain of 2nd degree burns!! Ouch... But I'm better now.
And I didn't get to go out in the ocean as much as I would have liked because my cousin got stung by a jellyfish and was deathly afraid of them afterwards. (Honestly, they aren't that bad. I was stung 11 times my first day.)
And I also finished HP 7 two days after I got it.
I won't spoil anything but I'm very unhappy with Ms. Rowling. Verrrrry unhappy. But I supppose I'm not the only one....
School starts back on Fri. so I won't be on as often, I guess... Sorry... And that's it.
Bye-Bye!! Enjoy some pointless Harry Potter crap.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I got my license a couple of days ago!!!
Yay!!! I'm definately not that great of a driver, though.... I'm not that good at
parking either.... But... I'll
get better eventually! Maybe.... *gulp*
I've also been reading a book called Twilight.
It's really good and it's got vampires and werewolves! What more do you need to know?!
I've also read the sequel, New Moon.
And the third installment will be coming out
August 7!! I can't wait! They are also going to
be making a Twilight movie!!!
So... If you're bored and you want a PG-13-ish
vampire book to read.... It's awesome!
So... How is everyone else?....
Yeah.... That's all I really wanted to say...
Bye-Bye! Have a great day!!

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Crazy Obsessiveness!!!!
I have recently (as in one week) become TOTALLY OBSESSED with the Artemis Fowl series.
I finished the third book last night....
I...REALLY need the next one....REALLY.
I almost hypervenilated last night or broke someting.... Gah! I must get to a bookstore!!!
Btw, Yuri says "Hi!" (You don't know her...)
She's the one I'm babysitting. That's not her real name..... She likes it, though...
I really believe these books could be better than Harry Potter... Artemis is awesome and ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!! *can't breathe*
I love these books...As if you couldn't tell...
I can't believe I actually found an anime pic of Artemis!! ^____^
Maybe these will calm me down...

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Quite possibly... I have a temporary babysitting job and might be busy most days... I'll try to get around to some of my friend's sites...
(Who have probably forgotten all about me...
Oh, well!!) Again... I'm sorry I disappeared...
But songs make it all better! And pics!
Bye-Bye for today!!! ^___^

DANG....They are awesome.....
These are for Crystal!
That one (Tao) looks like Gin... In a happy-go-lucky fisherman kinda way.... >_<
And then theres Julie and Gill...
I like Gill....You can guess which GUY Julie is.

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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
I still won't be on for a while!! >_<
At first I had a good reason and now...
Twilight Princess has consumed me.
I can no longer stay away from it's sweet call!!

Am I going crazy or is it Midna's RIGHT eye that you aren't supposed see...In every picture it's the LEFT one you can't see....Oh well.....
Bye Everyone! ^____^
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Monday, December 4, 2006
Oh Hi There...
I haven't been here in a while and I probably won't for a while longer....
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
I FINALLY made myself a new email address!!
I can now email & BE emailed!!!
I put it on the thingie on the side....^^
Yeah that's it.
I'm happy now! ^___^
I heard this on the radio today....
I like it....Does it sound kinda funny to you?...
Oh Well! ^^ Maybe it's just my compooter.
I'm off to faketown!!!! Woooooo!!

Bye-Bye!! ^___^
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Crazy Day!!
YaY!! Yesterday was Halloween!!
Grrr...We missed most of our Trick-or-Treaters because we left our house to go pick up a pizza and wander around town for a while...
Oh well! More candy for me!! ^____^
Two of the most memorable kids.......
Cinderella and a stormtrooper from Star Wars...^^
They were so cute!! ^^ *squeeee*
We started our 1st period by doing the Hokey Pokey...Yeah.... It was because we looked so
*lively*....Yup! And the teacher told us to ignore or smile a lot at the people who stayed up past 12.... I fell asleep around 10 while I was reading The Red Badge of Courage...
It put me to sleep.
I am dead serious.
That boring demon book did it.
Stupid Civil War...... -___-"
I'm posting Monster Mash again....^^
I can't post pics at school...
Darn it.... -_-
Bye-Bye!! ^____^
Hope Everyone Had a Great Halloween!!
By the way....
What did everyone do?...^^
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Greetings from Honors English!!!
Hello Everyone!!!
I'm in class using the laptops....
Darned school....
I have to research Iwo Jima....
I just felt like posting....
We had our presentations today....
Kinda like a play....^^
I was a fireman...
Unicornrain was a fisherman.
Others in our group were...
A scuba diver, a fighter pilot, and a drunk.
We completely messed up but it was still fun. ^-^
I should be leaving now!!
Bye-Bye!! ^____^
P.S-I tried to find the song, S.O.S cause we had it in our play....But I couldn't....
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Sunday, October 29, 2006
I AM BACK!!! WOOOOOO!!! ^___^
Hello!!! I haven't been on here in....
Forever. I'm waaay to lazy to count the days.
On Friday I had a Hayride/Halloween Party thing!
It was fun!! ^___^ YaY!!!
VashObsesser, solidsnake91, unicornrain, moonshine7, grave13, and JohnnyRainbow all
got to come!!! Wheeeeeeee!!!!
The rest of my week has been....Boring.
Yep. Sure has. Sorry 'bout that. XD
I'll adopt a baby alligator to make things a little more interesting around here! ^__~
I'll probably post this song again on Halloween.
I am thinking of changing my theme to Uryu after Halloween....I mean he IS awesome.
You can't deny it.
If you do, you die.
End of story.
Here be some 'o those pic-shure things. Arghhh!!

I finally have 100 pics in my photobucket account!! Whooooo!! Go me!!!!
Bye-Bye!!! ^_____^
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