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DEFINITELY not on earth....Falena....Ah! Glorious Falena!!...Ahem....Yes! Moving On!!....Ok....Tennessee...
Member Since
Rune Caster?....Voiceless hero with a headband?.....Errr....Yeah...
Real Name
Crissy, but you may call me Inwe...Or Your Royal Highness Prince Vincent.....Ah Sorry! Only may thy call me by that name when in Falena!
I've saved, like....Five different worlds, countries,etc. That counts ...Right?
Anime Fan Since
Sailor Moon! Alas....Such a long time ago....
Favorite Anime
Fruits Baskets, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Trigun, Naruto, Shin Chan,Death Note, Kodacha BLAH BLAH BLAH *continues the everlasting list*
To go to Japan....Get a job in art or video games....
Playing Suikoden or other less intriguing games.....Or drawing....And being sarcastic.....And going temporarily insane....
Drawing....and being....weird...
| InweTheGreat
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
I Just Wanted To Post Something.....Something Random. ^^
Woooooooooooo......oooooooooooooooo. >_<
I'm bored and hyper.
What a great combination.
It's like I want to do something but I don't know WHAT to do..... -__-"
Am I the only one who has this problem?...Prolly.
I am going to have a Halloween theme!! Wooo!!
I like my new avvie an' BG....Funny...
Here's some Halloween Dolls! ^^

Well... Here's a song! I still love Franz Ferdidnand!!! I still do!!! >__<
Here's some funny stuff!!

Alright, that's about it.....
No BKO rantings or anything like that....
Bye-Bye!! ^____^
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Wednesday it is!..... ^___^ Song first!!
OH! I've changed my avvie! Funny!! ^^
Yay! Yesterday I went to Freed-Hardeman University!! IT WAS SO COOOOOOL!!!
I WANNA GO NOW!! It's a christian college and OH MY GOSH....They sing so beautifully!!! And...
They're supposed to start building the new Fine Arts building today too...
Wish I could have been there...I hope it's finished by the time I graduate high school...
Yeah...After we left the college we went the Casey Jones musuem...Yeah...It was kinda boring but it was a nice distraction...Then we went across the parking lot to this old timey general store! And I had a Coca-Cola Float...
Oh dear goodness....It was amazing...
For anyone who may not know...A float is a certain type of soda topped with ICE CREAM! Yum!
At the store I bought some rock candy and the cutest thing ever! When I saw it I HAD to buy it!
A cute little stuffed Chihuahua!! I couldn't resist those puppy dog eye!! *squeal*
I have it on my desk at this very moment.
So soft....* pets doggy* Hmmm...What to name you?
You CAN ignore this part....
BATEN KAITOS!!! Milly has been acting suspicious lately....So that probably means she's completely innocent of ANYTHING! >_<
Baten Kaitos is confusing and mystifying like that....I CAN'T WAIT TO GET TO THE 2nd DISC!! ^^
WOOHOO! I also haven't gotten stuck again...Yet!
Milly: "Look at those currents! I don't suppose a person could just swim across..."
Guillo: "Why don't you jump in?
Let's see if wenches float."
Milly: "You first dingbat. If we're lucky,
your mouth will rust shut."
Palolo II:
"Palolo the second, at your service and stuff."
More pictures!!! The first one is Guillo in front of one of the dragon things I fought....
Enjoy!! Later!! ^____^

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Monday, October 16, 2006
I am happy, oh so happy! SO HAPPY!! Yeah!!!
Alrighty then! On Saturday I got a perm.
I now have curly hair. Yes, On to MORE important things! I BOUGHT BATEN KAITOS: ORIGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!
I own and have beaten the original Baten Kaitos too! I ~*LOVED*~, no, ~*ADORED*~ the first one and I have a feeling this one will be better!!!
I already love Guillo! (the scary puppet looking one) *IT* is a puppet paramachina and has no gender. (At least, they never said he or she)
And it's voice is a man and a woman speaking at the same time. Sounds cool....
At first Guillo was extremely serious and cold.
Once Milly showed up....That all changed.
They argue and insult like little kids with adult vocabularies!! So funny....
I thought these were funny...Oh! This could be useful... Milly claims to be a sheltered girl.
*After seeing Milly fight*
Guillo: "Shelterd girl?
Was it a bomb shelter?..."
*In the city, looking for someone's house*
Milly: "Try not to get lost Dingbat...
I walk fast."
Guillo: "Pompous little wench! I'll eat you yet!"
I'm already stuck too...
I can't beat that stupid fire dragon thingy...
I know none of you really care about this game but I just felt like informing you!!
This is Sagi, Milly, and Guillo in order.

And here are some more Baten Kaitos: Origins (BKO for short) pictures! Enjoy!

I LOVE BKO!!!!!!!!!!! ^__________^
Have a song!! ^^ I've always liked Johnny Cash!

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Friday, October 13, 2006
What The-?!?!?!
I really think there's something wrong with my internal clock or something!! It is the first day of Fall Break!! AND I WOKE UP AT 5:40 AM!!!!!
ON MY OWN!! Geez.....Usually on school days I can't wake up....Maybe it's because I just can't wait to sit around and do nothing....
I'll visit sites today an' stuff....
Then watch TV, Play a game, take over Canada, annnnnnd maybe I'll have some time to read our new book in Honors English....
The Red Badge of Courage.
Yay......It shall be so fun to read about the Civil War. Not! I'm gonnna go collect ACORNS!!!
In Animal Crossing, Silly pants!!
Bye-Bye! ^____^
They've been playing this song in my 3rd period class recently...So here it is!

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I'M BAAAACK!!!!!! ^_________^
I'm finally done with all of my homework!
I can surf the internet again!!!
YAY!! It feels good to type again....
And....I kinda...
Missed....Going to everyone's sites!!
*sob* I'm so glad I'm back!!!
I've changed my profile a bit...
And I SHOULD have a banner...
I hope it's...See-able....Ignore that made-up word please..... -____-"
I got a new sketch book thingie!
I know I have tons....But....
This one is different!
All my other ones are Sketch PADS!!!
This is a Sketch DIARY! It sounds cooler.
And it opens like a spiral notebook...
AND it has perforrated (sp?) pages!
They tear so easily! ^-^
And I got something to carry all my paint in!
I've been making Halloween decorations!
Well I gotta go now! Bye-Bye!! ^____^
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Friday, October 6, 2006
Ruh Roh....No I'm not Scooby.
Well....Because of my ~wonderful~ Algebra teacher I am now the happy owner of a whole CRAPLOAD of make-up work. Soooo I will not be getting on the phone OR the internet.
Soooo I won't be getting back on or checking any sites for a while....I will be back though.
I promise you all! Well....Any of you that care.
OH! If you're a Nintendo fan and you don't know.
November 19 2006 the Wii will be in stores!
It will cost $249.99!!!
Better start saving your pennies!!!
I'll probably get it for Christmas!
I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No characters or songs today...
Not on the school puters.....
Bye-Bye!!! ^____^
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Monday, October 2, 2006
I almost forgot!!
Deadpool1986, if you're reading this....
Thank You For The Suggestions!!
I'll try to make a character of the day every time I post!
And...The reason I chose Trunks was because...
He's so cool! He comes from the future and he's my fave character's SON!! What isn't to love?
He even easily defeated Frieza! (I think it was him...Yeah.....) Well he is awesome!
Thanks Again!!
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Today's Post Shall Be Short.
Probably not a lot of people will comment because I'm posting at a strange time.
10:00 PM!!!
I never post this late! Oh Nooooooo!
What is the world coming to?!?! >.<
It's OCTOBER!!!! YAY HALLOWEEN!!!! ^___^
Well I'm bored.
I recently found out that all the make-up Algebra I've been doing isn't really what I'm missing. It's my cousin's of the same last name.
We're in the same class. But really!
Do I LOOK like a Joseph?...Well YOU can't tell....BUT I DON'T!! -____-"
Sometimes....Okay....Most of the time I do not like my Algebra teacher....
No more complaining or ranting! ^-^
Arg! Enjoy da' song!
CHARACTER OF THE DAY: Trunks! from DragonBall Z
It was either him or Vegeta...
Like father, like son!
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Saturday, September 30, 2006
Well.....Hello! I'm a bit tired.....
I just back from shopping at the ~lovely~ mall...
I got some awesome stuff!!
A GORGEOUS Gaara shirt with a HUGE love symbol on the back of it!! ^___^ A leaf village shuriken keychain! Three extremely pretty bracelets (one has an angel wing on it! ^-^)
A beautiful Sesshomaru bookmark. And 4 graphic novels! Fruits Basket and Bleach! (2 of each)
I didn't see some of the volumes I wanted though.....Poo...... -__-
Oh well! It was fun! Except the fact that two of the people I was with did not want to leave some stupid and expensive shoe store OR Victoria's Secret.... Embarassing..... #0__0#
I visited everyone's sites before I posted!!
Now for your five completely random pics!! ^-^
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Today!!! ^_____^
Today was pretty normal, yet fun! ^___^
I went an art club meeting thing because I'd like to join it....And it seemed pretty cool!
If I bring my $10 I can be in it!!
Then I must bring money to buy a shirt, hoodie, and pin!! I can't wait!!
Then in yearbook our teacher came back from her physical at the doctor's (all to adopt a new child! ^__^) He'll be sooo cute!! *squeal*
Well anyways.... We're beginning to sell ads and she acted out this skit on how to sell them and it was hilarious!!! One girl was pretending to be the secretary, another the manager, and the teacher was the student selling the ads...
Well, the teacher held out her hand to shake the secretary's and the secretary just looked at it then put some hand sanitizer on the teacher's hand then shook it! It was so funny!
*falls over laughing* Well, I guess you had to be there....
Anyways, I'm done talking now, I promise!! ^-^
I'm a liar! Here's a random song! Cool!
Random Pictures. ^___^ Enjoy!
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