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• 1986-06-27
• Columbia, SC
Member Since
• 2004-01-29
• student, theologian
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• what is 'real'?
• I won First place for the Carmen Nylan Writing Contest in 2004
Anime Fan Since
• latest: ninth grade earliest: second (didn't know it was anime at the time)
Favorite Anime
• oooh, hard one...there are just too many
• 1) graduate college and be somewhat solvent 2) become a professor 3) save the world
• reading, writing, backpacking, hiking, collecting candles, collecting voices, playing violin, fencing
• writing, drawing
| Irish de Fenal
Friday, December 29, 2006
And the grades are in ...
Well, I passed this semester very well.
German - B
European Civ - B+
US History - A
Old Testament Prophets - A
Philosophy of Art - A
I would be perfectly happy, except I lent a classmate my religion notes and he still hasn't returned them yet. As a religion minor they are a bit important for the rest of my college career. I have a lot of good historical and linguistic notes in there as well that I'll need in the future. I figure, after New Year's I'm going to try and get in contact with him and ask for my notebook back. I need it soon.
In other news: I've moved up in the world! I have a gaming system! It's Nintendo 64, so yeah, it's old as far as technology is concerned but it's very new for me. Most importantly, I have access to a Zelda game (Ocarina of Time) and can thus join the craze. I've already gotten a crick in my back from not moving for three hours straight playing (right after getting over a fever no less). Batman shook his head and he and his mom called me an amateur. I don't mind though.
Oh! One of the coolests presents I got this year was AFI's live DVD I Heard a Voice if you're a AFI fan I suggest you get the DVD. It's the next best thing to actually seeing them in concert.
I've got more news coming up ... but that will be for a later post.
'Til next time ...
I love you Batman @}--',--
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