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I want to be somewhere warm and green
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Horsees, DI, Watching anime, hanging out, stuff like that.
I know not.
| Irith Elindil
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Friday, October 7, 2005
Give you one guss coninued.
OK, where was I? Oh yeah. All my friends at school now know about Miky and, while Kelly just smiles like she's amused by my "love-sickness", Jadzia won't stop saying things like "Miiiikyyyyy, Miiiiikyyyyyy" and "Marisa's in love!". I know she's just teasing, but it makes me go really red. Katherine won't quit with the "I'm going to win!"'s (we have a bet, she thinks I'll be dating first) and the thing is, I think she's right! The probleme is, I don't know if I'm ready to start dating, after all, I'm only 14! When did you guys start dating?
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I'll give you one guss.
I got to see Ian yesterday! I've desided he's my main crush, but any way, we had several short conversations. It was soooooooo much fun! I keep getting this tingly feeling when I think/see/talk to him. It's really nice. G2G, my car-pool to school is coming, more later.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
More off my guy problems.
I'm very, VERY happy! Ian, the guy who was to short to be hot, has graduated to REALLY HOT! We were both waiting for a ride home, and got into this conversation about randome things (I was congradulating him because he earned his second red stripe (that's very inpresive, fyi) and telling him that it would be a bad idea to get on his bad side.)and he asked me how old I was. I told him and it turnes out we're the same age! We talked about other stuff for afew wonderful minutes, then my brother came and ruined the moment. Stupid brother. Any way, adding to my girly ( my friends call it love-sick) feeling, today Shane came up and started talking to me! So now I KNOW he likes me, because I made it so that he knew I was there. If he didn't like me at all, he just would have let me go down the hall, but he ran up and started talking to me! I could still use some advice, even if you havn't been in this kind of situation( this means you Salem). Just your opinion or instinks or any thing would be helpful, after all, I think these are my first real crushes! G2G, buy!
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
This is Kinda Fun, In weird Sorta Way
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I'm Going Crazy!
I think I'm having some sort of horomonal spike. I can't shut up about guys! It is good to have some sort of flirtatious life, but seriously. Ok, so at the top of my list is Miky. He's so entergetic and funny, and he get's this really cute look on his face when he's concentrating! There are only afew problems. First, he's to short to be hot, but still very, VERY cute. Second, he's home schooled, so i don't get to see him alot. Third, I think he might be a year yonger than me, but that dosen't matter, dose it? Well, then there's Kyle, another Kyle. He's blond, funny, nice (so is Miky, I forgot to mention they're all super nice!), and CUTE! i get to see him alot more often because he goes to my school! *blushes*. There arn't really any problems acsept he's kinda spacy, but who cares about that? Third is Shane. He's also nice, and is REALLY cute when he smiles. Unfortunatly, I don't know him that well, though he also goes to my school. I don't think he's interested, but I can still look, right? Oh dear, I have no idea what to do, all I seem to be able to think about is guys! Thank God it's just these three, or I might just lose my sanity! It dosen't help that every time we talk, it's usually in a situation involving physical contact (We all do Ningitsue together, a matial art). Hey girls and guys, A little help would be welcome, I need advise on how to handle this. Please?
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
A Joyful Ocation!
Such Joy! My DI Team is getting back together! I'm sooooooo happy! For a wile there, I was afraid we might not. I was very sad, I thought it was something I did, but I don't know what that would be. But all is good and happy now! They're like my siblings, there's the cheer leader Stephane, our kinda sorta goth/ I my not sure Hallie, our hyperactive acsedent pron leader Katherine, Our funny guy and moral booster/ tall guy Nick, our quiet funny mechanic Bryan, and our fun einstine Alex! And then there's me, though I have no idea where I fit in. But hey, it's all good, even if I'm just the seventh member they need to conpeat (but I'm sure I do something). Nothing could spoil my good mood for a wile, not even the biology test today! Uh Oh, that's today! I need to study! Buy!
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
school has begun!
Such sadness! Shcool has started! I'm oficially in 8th grade! Scary, isn't it? I'm freaked out. So far things are going ok and I can't be throne back into algebra. There are several cute guys in my class, but only one I would consider dating. There is this one guy, Kyle, and he's pritty good looking and very nice and I do have a crush on him. Unfortunatly, so dose every other girl! My Mom thinks that he has a crush on me, but I disagree. Acadimicly, I'm doing ok in french 2, geomitry, and bioligy, but then again, we haven't started woek yet. After all, we haven't even been in school for a week. Well, that's all for now!
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Waz Up?
HI! It's been forever since I last up-dated. I just put up my second fan art, Go Me! It's called Almost and will be seen in 48 hours. On a sadder note, I am having dificulty with my Mom. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mom very much and I think we have a great relationship, but she's so damn inpacient! She has her little bitch fits and yells at me and I'm not aloud to retaliate. Seriously, I have to be reminded who's the teenager! Some times it seems like she's the one with the explosive horomons, not me! Why can't I ever have bitch fit like any other teenage girl? It dose get very anoying, you know.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
La La
I'm so board it's not even funny! My life is so dull, nothing ever happens. OK, things do happen, but not any fun things. I lied, fun things do happen, that's not the point. I know what I mean. Anyway, I kinda wish that I could mabby have something to write about, mabby a crush? Or, I could be in denial about a crush, or mabby I could have a romantic encounter with a guy? Hay, I could fight evil! That's alittle over board, isn't it. But still, it would be nice to have at LEAST a crush to talk about. If something teribly inportant happens, I'll tell you, but other wise expect to hear more useless crap.
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Monday, August 1, 2005
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was on a road trip and we drove half way acrose the US! I was away from home for like three weeks. I was working on a new fanart, now all I have to do is scan it into the conputer and post it! It is a very nice one of Songo and Miroku. Oh, by the way, my bad feeling has been gone for a while. I've identified the person in my dream as an old friend, Delanie. I can't call to see if every thing is allright because I don't know where she lives any more. But whatever was going on has past now.
Well any way, that's my life right now. I have to go clean up dog pee, so I'll see you later!
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