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myOtaku.com: Irith Elindil

Saturday, October 29, 2005

   Ninjutsu Halloween Party
Today was the Ninjutsu Halloween party! It was soooooooo much fun! We played several games and got lots of candy. I was wearing a midevil looking green dress with long, droope sleaves and gold triming. My long, golden hair was done half up half down in ringletts. I must say that I looked pritty good. Miky went as a "native american ninja", meaning he was wearing his nornal out-fit and minimal war paint. He looked good too. We talked about random things, the food, cans, costumes, medical world records, funny stories. He told me that I could be good at like any thing if I just tryed hard enouph. I belive him, I can be a fast learner, I can be anything when I want to. I've been thinking about what you said, Salem, and my brother agrees with you. He thinks I'm in love with Miky! Oh my. I''m not sure, what dose it feel like to be in love?
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