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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
part two
hey gawd i cant believe it the stupid peopple at my otaku wont post my art and i cant figure out why so im gonna email them
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
well i could finally play video games for and hour and i counquered kindom hearts and it was awsome the graphics were really good at the end i also got the secret clip and it was also awsome now im playing ff 7 and its really awsome write tomorrow mom whants me off see yah
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
well my halloween suck and now im playing ff7 and kindom hearts which are both are really good games and now im kick off for pissiin a school teacher off. this sucks 
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Monday, October 3, 2005
well talking about ghost stories
me and my freind duard dared each other to go into this house that was supposiply haunted, we went in there (it was a two story house) and from up stairs we heard this shreik like a women thats scared, well we were probaly mored scared and we ran outside, both of us grabed rocks. i just about pissed my self,
I SHOULD HAVE MY ARTWORK UP HERE SOON SO EVERY ONE CHECK IT OUT i put it like that so it stands out.
well im the master of ghost stories and riddles so if you guys would like to tell me some of yours then. i watched the 3 inuyasha movie it rock!!!!!! well peace out

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
any day now
well any day now the zatch bell game should come out and they said the zelda game twiglight princess its realease was moved to 06 and school started and highschool sucks!!!though i cant wait to get the inuyasha movie, the third one its gonna be awsome
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
as darkness falls, a hero shall rise

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Sunday, July 17, 2005
well the other day they found a boys body up by my house and it was really scary
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Friday, June 3, 2005
yes school is out and since im in eighth grade that means there an eighth grade feild trip and we went to big sky water park wich was awsome and a helicpter ride and a house of mystery wich was like this freaky forc made by a vortex it was creepy there was this one thing were the platform was perfectly even and one side i was taller than a girl then we swithched and she was taller..........creepy

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
schools almost out
man schools almost out and i cant wait although im just going to be working this summer wel tommoro or today, i dont know when your goin to read this but wed, were goin to this cool place called triple play, well my whole class is it for doing these test well any way peace out

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Thursday, May 19, 2005
zatch bell
remember zatch bell this saturday and there coming out with a game for game cube and im so getting it they should have a speaker and then you shout out the spells and they'll do it, that would be awsome

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