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myOtaku.com: Ironi

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Hello and Welcome! ^_^ My name is Ironi, and I’ve been an anime fan for five or so years, but only became a full-fledged otaku this past summer. So far, I like Trigun, Rurouni Kenshin, FullMetal Alchemist, Fullmetal Panic, Naruto, Saiyuki, Samurai X, anything Miyazaki, Azu Manga Daioh (manga), Peacemaker Kurogane (manga), From Far Away (manga) is fun, but apparenly old (oh well! ^^;;), and I’m hopelessly addicted to the Rurouni Kenshin manga as well. KENSHIN!!! *huggles* ^___^

And I’m done. Enjoy my insanity! >:D

Thursday, November 3, 2005

Editing the fan art
I deleted the faeries because they were ugly... <_<;; Hopefully I'll have more pictures soon... I'm planning several, but just don't know when I'll have time to do them... I don't even have time to draw when I have to let alone when I want to... *dies*
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Saturday, October 29, 2005

   I didn't die. Really I didn't.
Hey there everyone... So, I haven't been here since August...yikes... My sincerest apologies to any of my friends who thought I was ignoring them... It's not that... It's college. But I'm having lots of fun, though the homework is hard, but I know it'll pay off in the end. Plus I've gotten to meet some very awesome international students. One of my closest friends here is from Japan!! ^__^ I'll be so sad when they have to leave... T__T

Well, even though I don't have much time, I'm doing my best to keep up on my otaku-ness. I'm doing quite well, actually, though I'm definitely missing watching FMA... I don't have a TV, so I don't get to watch it. And they're playing all the episodes after 26 now, too... *wails* However, I HAVE gotten to watch some of Rurouni Kenshin. ^__^ My friend bought me the first two disks, and then I found the third at Take 2. YAY!! I haven't gotten to watch it all *tear...* but I will soon. I like it. It's pretty neat. ^_^ I'm not so sure I exactly like the art style they chose (though that could just be the manga-lover in me talking) and it seems a little slow at times, but it's still good. ^___^ But, in agreement with the person who reviewed RuroKen and said to avoid the dub like the plague, I'd like to add a resounding YES!!!! It's AWFUL!!! The voices they picked are all wrong... The wrongest (is that a word? O.o) being Kenshin's voice... For those who have seen Trigun, you will understand: Kenshin is voiced by Legato Bluesummers...! SO WRONG!!! X_X Anyways.... In anime club last week, we watched the first episode of Full Metal Panic, and I definitely like it alot!! ^___^ Sousuke is so awkward, it's great! I defitinely want to pick up that one, too. Last but not least, my friend lent me some of Cowboy Bebop (unfortunately not the beginning, but oh well...), but I haven't gotten to watch that yet, either. *stupid homework! >_<*

...And that's the end of my anime ramble. On to manga!

I'm keeping up on Rurouni Kenshin like no one's business - I love it so much!! And we just got to the really good part!! ^___^ Enishi is so insane, it's quite enjoyable! >:D *I would like it though, wouldn't I?* He said something so mean it almost made Kenshin cry. *Bad Enishi!* Why do I like the sad stories and the pain so much? ...Good question... <_<;; I picked up a new manga I like, too. It's called Immortal Rain - Meteor Methuselah for those more inclined to speak/read Japanese. It's pretty cool. A bit confusing, but that's what subsequent volumes are for, ne? ^_~ I definitely like Rain alot. He's very Vash-like and oh so very pretty. =^_^= I can't exactly say what the story's about yet to see whether I'd recommend it or not, but we'll see soon. Also, my friend lent me a volume of Azu Manga Daioh, and it's hilarious! No point, really, just a bunch of high school girls being.........strange? Sure...we'll go with that... e_e;; YAY CHIYO-CHAN! ^___^

...And that's all I have on manga, too... For now. ^_^ I've been poking around at some other titles, and I've got a good list. Now all I need is some money... *agony*

Well, I think I'm done rambling for now. ^_^ And, as an apology for being gone so long, I will post a new picture. I've had it for a while, but haven't had a chance to put it up. AND...I will brouse!! Finally I have time to brouse!!! YAAAY!!! ^___^

Jamata! ^~^

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Monday, May 30, 2005

   Hooray! More pictures!
I finally have more artwork done! For the longest time - ok, so it was only three weeks, but it felt like forever - I couldn't use my hand because the doctor thought I had tendonitis. But it turns out it was just muscle strain, so I'm back to drawing now that it's all better! ^___^ YAY!!

I did my first actual fanart in almost five years today: a picture of Kenshin. It turned out pretty good! I'm very happy with it! I was going to color it, but I was too paranoid that I'd mess it up... Speaking of colored pictures, I only have one posted! I promise I will posted some colored pictures soon!

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