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myOtaku.com: Ironi

Thursday, May 19, 2005

   Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Oooooo it was so awesome!!! ^____^ I went with some friends to see the premier midnight showing of Episode III, and it was so totally cool! We got together beforehand and made costumes and did Star Wars-y makeup, and then we waited in line for two hours in the rain singing Weird Al Yankovich Star Wars songs. There were lots of people who came in costume, and I took my camera and took pictures of anyone who would let me.

And the movie!! There was lots of action, lightsaber fights, *rock on Yoda!!* space battles... I really enjoyed the lightsaber fights! So many cool face-offs, and it was so fast-paced! And the story was great!! I feel sorry for poor Anakin! ...But I won't say anymore for those of you who have yet to see it. And if you fit in the above-mentioned category, GO SEE IT!!! ^___^

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