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myOtaku.com: Ironi

Saturday, October 29, 2005

   I didn't die. Really I didn't.
Hey there everyone... So, I haven't been here since August...yikes... My sincerest apologies to any of my friends who thought I was ignoring them... It's not that... It's college. But I'm having lots of fun, though the homework is hard, but I know it'll pay off in the end. Plus I've gotten to meet some very awesome international students. One of my closest friends here is from Japan!! ^__^ I'll be so sad when they have to leave... T__T

Well, even though I don't have much time, I'm doing my best to keep up on my otaku-ness. I'm doing quite well, actually, though I'm definitely missing watching FMA... I don't have a TV, so I don't get to watch it. And they're playing all the episodes after 26 now, too... *wails* However, I HAVE gotten to watch some of Rurouni Kenshin. ^__^ My friend bought me the first two disks, and then I found the third at Take 2. YAY!! I haven't gotten to watch it all *tear...* but I will soon. I like it. It's pretty neat. ^_^ I'm not so sure I exactly like the art style they chose (though that could just be the manga-lover in me talking) and it seems a little slow at times, but it's still good. ^___^ But, in agreement with the person who reviewed RuroKen and said to avoid the dub like the plague, I'd like to add a resounding YES!!!! It's AWFUL!!! The voices they picked are all wrong... The wrongest (is that a word? O.o) being Kenshin's voice... For those who have seen Trigun, you will understand: Kenshin is voiced by Legato Bluesummers...! SO WRONG!!! X_X Anyways.... In anime club last week, we watched the first episode of Full Metal Panic, and I definitely like it alot!! ^___^ Sousuke is so awkward, it's great! I defitinely want to pick up that one, too. Last but not least, my friend lent me some of Cowboy Bebop (unfortunately not the beginning, but oh well...), but I haven't gotten to watch that yet, either. *stupid homework! >_<*

...And that's the end of my anime ramble. On to manga!

I'm keeping up on Rurouni Kenshin like no one's business - I love it so much!! And we just got to the really good part!! ^___^ Enishi is so insane, it's quite enjoyable! >:D *I would like it though, wouldn't I?* He said something so mean it almost made Kenshin cry. *Bad Enishi!* Why do I like the sad stories and the pain so much? ...Good question... <_<;; I picked up a new manga I like, too. It's called Immortal Rain - Meteor Methuselah for those more inclined to speak/read Japanese. It's pretty cool. A bit confusing, but that's what subsequent volumes are for, ne? ^_~ I definitely like Rain alot. He's very Vash-like and oh so very pretty. =^_^= I can't exactly say what the story's about yet to see whether I'd recommend it or not, but we'll see soon. Also, my friend lent me a volume of Azu Manga Daioh, and it's hilarious! No point, really, just a bunch of high school girls being.........strange? Sure...we'll go with that... e_e;; YAY CHIYO-CHAN! ^___^

...And that's all I have on manga, too... For now. ^_^ I've been poking around at some other titles, and I've got a good list. Now all I need is some money... *agony*

Well, I think I'm done rambling for now. ^_^ And, as an apology for being gone so long, I will post a new picture. I've had it for a while, but haven't had a chance to put it up. AND...I will brouse!! Finally I have time to brouse!!! YAAAY!!! ^___^

Jamata! ^~^

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