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16 Years of Life and Finding true love and having the feeling be mutual...
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Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Angel Sanctuary,Hellsing, and some other ones as well
To be a Forensic Pathologist and to Marry Chris
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I play the piano and write poetry
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Well Well...
 The Angry Princess
What sign of the Black Zodiac are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
It's just emotion taking me over.....
Oh man today was tough, well in all actuality this whole week has been tough. Thursday (Aug. 5) Was Jere's birthday, and also the one month anniversary of his death. Today we went over to my uncle Dave's House (Jere's Dad) and we visited with him and my cousin Jenny (Jere's Sister). Jenny had a birthday party for Jere, and she made a memories DVD. She made my family a copy. So Me, My mom, my Dad, uncle Dave, and Jenny watched the DVD. It was just pictures from when Jere was born up till his last few days. It was set to music. It was so hard to watch, it all seems so unreal. I think that (at least for me) the realization of all of this is finally kicking in.
Well today just wasn't a good day in general. Me and my Dad have been going rounds for a while now. Then I had to go pick out some reading glasses ( and let me tell you, that was fun) Then me and my mom kinda got in to it while bra shopping. She told me that I was a stubborn little shit and I need to change.
I have been really emotional all this week. It all started when I found out that this girl who I used to be best friends with was missing. But not only was she missing, she is pregant too. I ended up calling her house expecting to talk to her mom, but insted I got to talk to her and she told me what happend. I am so worried about her... I mean I know that it's her life an that she can choose what to do with it, but am so scared for her. And another thing that bothers me about this situation is the fact that my current best friend can't seen to understand why it is that I am worried about this girl.
And to top it all off I have no clue what is going on between me and Evan now. He sent me an email on July 18th that really disturbed me. I don't really feel like going into to detail so please pardon my aloofness. He went off to some camp for two week and he told me that he should have been back last monday, but here it is sunday and I still have not heard from him....
I don't know what to do anymore...
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Friday, August 6, 2004
Spirited Away.... What Spirited Away Character Are You?
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Wednesday, August 4, 2004
Nice... One of my personal Faves...
Take the quiz: "What Linkin Park song are you?"
Crawling You are: CRAWLING!! 
Ooh I have a crazy story for ya'll. When Linkin Park was just starting to become popular and before the "Crawling" Video came out, the strangest shit happened to me. The night before I first saw this video I had a dream that I was the girl in it. I saw the whole thing very vivdly. I had never even heard this song before that night. Then the next morning I was at my friends house and we were watching MTV and This video came on. I still think that My dream had somsignificance but I am yet to figure it out...
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Well Would you look at that... I guess everyone was right about me, I am a Necrophiliac!
Take the quiz: "Are you a NECROPHILIAC, a RAPEST, or a CANNIBAL?"
 NECROPHILIAC Necrophiliac is a rare condition in which one has an abnormal desire to have sexual contact with a dead body. Necrophiliacs are usually men who perform sexual acts on dead women. However, they have been known to practice sexual acts on dead men as well. Yup that's right fucker... for some reason you like fucking the dead. Maybe because the dead never say no like everyone else... But instead of raping the person you kill them and fuck their lifeless bodies... that will teach them huh? You like graveyards don't you? Where you pick up all your lovely dates!
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Mahhahah! ((Evil Laugh))
Take the quiz: "What type of attitude problem do you have? (pics)"
 Your Scary Your probably goth (good for you). But this also makes most of the things you say creepy to others. Your probably trying to be mean but your slighty twisted so you end up scaring people. But who cares they still go away which is what you wanted. Try creeping people out by saying....
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I wanna be a Mermaid!
Take the quiz: "What Disney Princess Are You?"
 Ariel You can swim, flip, dive and be one with fish...WHY DO YOU WANT MORE?
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Ha Ha...
 Atheist You are Godless! You could care less about religion. As far as you're concerned, if you can't see, touch and kick something, it's not real to you. You're day-to-day activities consist of eating, working, sleeping and the occasional Internet or coffee shop debate. Lastly, if anyone chooses to preach at you otherwise, you will either leave or debate them until they finally shut up.
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We went to Manitou Springs today... This is one of the Mermaid Figurines I got. She is so pretty!
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Monday, August 2, 2004
Well You guys are no fun!
Since Hinaru is the only one who even tryed to guess on my "Can you guess what movie this is from" Post, I'll just put up the answer for him.
"Movies don't create serial Killers... Movies make serial Killers more creative!" Is from the first "Scream" movie.
Thanks Hinaru!
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