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16 Years of Life and Finding true love and having the feeling be mutual...
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Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Angel Sanctuary,Hellsing, and some other ones as well
To be a Forensic Pathologist and to Marry Chris
Listening to music, Reading, and writing poetry, spending time with Chris
I play the piano and write poetry
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
 You are...Simple and Sweet Xtina!
Which Christina Aguilera are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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FINKS! You're all a bunch of FINKS!!!! ^_^
 You are Loki.
After a hard day of killing every first-born child in Egypt, you like to kick back with a nice drink. It's Miller Time. P.S.: No matter how sloshed you get, don't give God the finger.
"Mass genocide is the most exhausting practice one can engage in. Next to soccer."
Which Kevin Smith character are you (View Askewniverse)? brought to you by Quizilla
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What Lipstick Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are a VANILLA FRAP! :)
What Starbucks Frap are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Who is that girl I see stairing straight back at me?

^^^Which one is the real one?^^^
You know, a good point was finally made very clear to me the other night… a lot of people have tried to tell me this and I just never wanted to believe it. Chris is the one who finally made me see that I really don’t know exactly who I am… does that make any sense? I really don’t act like my true self, my mom, my sister, and now Chris have all tried to point that out to me, but I just didn’t want to admit it. I’ve been putting on a front at school just to please people, and it’s just not me. I suppose that Chris would know best of all, he has spent time with me outside of school, and so he knows how I really am. In all actuality I am nothing like I act at school. I mean I know that you people on the otaku wouldn’t necessarily understand what I am talking about because you don’t know me, but it’s just really interesting. According to Chris, I am a very caring person, I Love kids, and I’m just so much different. And I can finally admit that now, I guess I don’t honestly know who I am…. I don’t fit in with any of the stereotypes that are common to highschool, I mean honestly I’m not a punk, a skater, a jock, a goth, a prep, a loner, not a single one of those labels can really describe me, and I really don’t think that it is a bad thing you know?
So now that I’ve told you that, let me tell ya’ll who I really am… well where to start? I’m a very shy and quiet person, I don’t know why, it takes me a while to warm up to people, I’m even like that with my own family sometimes. I’m not very outgoing and sometimes it takes a big push from someone to get me to try new things. I have a horrible fear of being in front of a lot of people (I guess you could almost consider that stage fright) I Love to get attention, but then again, I hate being the center of attention. I’m very affectionate, and I know that it may sound a bit cliché but I think love is the only reason to live for. I have always been a hopeless romantic if you will, I have always dreamed of the fairy tale romance where everything is perfect, but hey what can I say? I’m a girl ^_^ Now since I have such strong feelings about love I have been criticized, a lot, especially by a certain friend of mine. I Love children, I always have, and I have always wanted a family of my own, once again I have be criticized about this as well. I have had more boyfriends then I can count on my fingers and toes, but the majority of them were just little flings, but from everything I have learned so much. I hate being alone, I don’t even really like to be in my own house alone, I mean don’t get me wrong, I love time just to myself, but I hate feeling alone. I am still afraid of the dark, I have to sleep with a nightlight still. I’m actually really easily scared, I’m afraid of so many things, spiders snakes, clowns, birds, “The Exorcist” scared the crap out of me and I refuse to ever watch it again. I’m also very emotional, I cry about EVERYTHING! I’m such a cry-baby. Almost every single movie that I watch anymore, I can find at least one thing in it that will make me cry. I cried the whole way through “Ladder 49”. I an also be a raving bitch, I’m brutally honest, sometimes to the point that I don’t really think that people like to talk to me. A lot of people think that I am a bit strange, I have I guess what you could call an obsession with death, that is what I want to do with my life, I want to work with the dead. I know that some people might think that that is somewhat morbid and disgusting, but I don’t really care, because it’s what I want to do, I could care less what everyone else thinks about it. I really am kind of a nerd in a way, I absolutely love to read, I do fairly well in school and bring home decent grades, In a way you could consider me a goody goody, I’ve never done anything bad or risqué in my life. To tell you the truth I’ve live a somewhat boring life so far. I’m a spoiled rotten little brat as much as I hate to admit it sometimes, it’s the truth and I can’t escape it no matter how hard I try, I’ve never had to work a day in my life and I’ve taken that for granted in the past….
You know, I could go on for ever, but I’m sure most of you who maybe reading this are already sick of it, so for now, this is just a little insight to the real me, maybe at some point I’ll post more, but for now this is enough….
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
aww! It's perfect!!!
 Your wise quote is: "Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life" by Leo Buscaglia. Yes, love is indeed what you desire in your life. If you have it or not is another matter, but it is in your eyes the most important feeling. You tend to be a romantic dreamer and want you and your love to have that kind of perfect love that you hear about in fairytales. However that can be hard to find, but it doesn't mean you are going to stop looking.
What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
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You kill for revenge. That is because you have lost something or someone you held very dear. Now you can't seem to get over the loss that marked your soul, and the only solution is to go after the one person who brought all this pain to you. Chances are you are angry inside and you bottle everything up and don't talk to anyone about it. People may want to help, but you think that they can never understand your pain and only get frustrated because of this. But it is important to see all that you have left and be thankful of that even if you have lost something great. It may not be true that Times heals all wounds, but with time and talking about your feelings, maybe the hurt will ease.
Main weapon: Yourself Quote: "You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories" -Stainslaw J. Lec Facial expression: Gritted teeth and teary eyes
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, April 10, 2005

Ahh! It snowed all kinds today! there is like a foot of snow out there! Oh how I loathe the snow!

I didn't get to see Chris today... So sad! But we spent all of yesterday together. We Bought Some fish and two frogs! We set up the tank in his room, it was fun! I also got to meet his Grandma, she is really nice.
I miss him so much right now, I love him so much! I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him!
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
Here Kitty Kitty....

Ello everybody! Just thought that I would write someting quickly!
I went and saw "Guess Who?" with Chris last night, It was really cute!
I had to go to the doctor today (Fun, Fun, Fun!) And now I'm on Birth Control, lots of fun let me tell you!
Lets see.... what else can I tell you... nothing really, because I really should be getting to bed because I have to get up really early so I can possibly go with Chris...
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Put that sugar on my toungue, tongue, Yippy yippy, Yum, yum, Goodie, goodie gum drop......Hehehe.... You gotta love LUDA!

Sorry, I was just Listening to the radio! I Love Ludacris! He's a great rapper!

^^^Aww! So Cute! Tear!^^^
I didn't get to see Chris Last night... that makes me really sad. We started talking about somethings, pertainig to when I move with him... and I ended up crying (Go figure huh?) Oh well.
So! Do ya'll like the new theme to my site???
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