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Wednesday, March 17, 2004

What Type of Villain are You?


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Tuesday, March 16, 2004

you are Louis
You are Louis, too sweet and kind to be a vampire,
but you do what you must. You often question
your existance, because you have such a deep
soul. Or perhaps you're just bored? You like to
light things on fire.

Which Interview With the Vampire Character Are You?
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You are Fred Abberline.  There is no smarter investigator on the force and none whose methods are so unconventional.  You believe in finding the solid truth, but not through calculation alo
You are Fred Abberline. There is no smarter
investigator on the force and none whose
methods are so unconventional. You believe in
finding the solid truth, but not through
calculation alone. You take in your
surroundings and make your decisions based on
evidence, deduction, and dreams. You are open
to the world's offerings, and people come to
you with problems where a more restricted mind
would fail.

What Johnny Depp Movie Character Are You?
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Animation from Gpetz.com

Ohh She's so cute!

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Animation from Gpetz.com

Animation from Gpetz.com

This thing is soo cute! I have no clue what it is, but I know its from Tenchi Muyu

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Monday, March 15, 2004


As I prowl the dark streets
in the dead of night I start to
think of my past, the past
that was taken from me with such ease.
No matter now, I have a new life,
I am a creature of the night now,
I am the fear in the back of my victims mind.
I am always watching and Waiting.
I am not a vicious blood sucking beast,
I just do what I have to, It was not my choice to become what I am today, but I accept it.
I see a rose bush off to the side, I stop
to admire it, as I pick one bloom, the once risiliant red darkens
to a somber black,
The sign of my people.

-Kari Trejo 5/13/03

This is a poem I wrote last year, I just felt like posting it up here for your enjoyment. I am very open to comments, If you enjoy my poetry, tell me and Maybe I'll post more in the future.

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Hey I just saw Angel Sanctuary Last Friday! It was great! Rosiel And Kira Are so beautiful! Setsuna has his moments of beauty, but he's not that great! This is one of those Anime's That has a great story to it. Its like your kinda wierded out by the incest, but then you can't help but think,"Oh how sweet!" I hope thay they relese the next two dvd's in America soon!
But any way, Me and My best Friend Jordan went and saw the secret Window on Friday, It was good. But at the beginning it was predictable and dragged on, but At the end, OH MY GOD! It was ABSOLUTLY great! Johnny Depp was so incredibly hot. God i love crazy ass murderous men, that is such a turn on! ^_^
Now today was interesting, If yall remember The guy JP I was talking about in an earlier post, but anyway hes starting to sent mixed messages again. I still really like him and I while back I did find out that he likes me too, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to do anything about quite yet. And now he is being all flirty again! I'm so Confused! Somebody help me befor I slip away!

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You're Rociel, the twin brother to Organic Angel
Alexial! Even though you look quite a bit like
a woman, and you're often mistaken for one,
you're really a man that has some major
problems. Your father is always telling you
how ugly you are, and your twin sister hates
you [or so you think], and your father has even
locked your caring mother away. You're also
pretty manipulative, doing anything in order to
get your own way. You're pretty good at it and
no one realizes how evil you are until its too
late. Though you become insane, there is one
that stays by your side through thick and thin,
and is always telling you that you're
beautiful. You don't realize it but you love
that person very much, and it drives you to try
and destroy the world when that person is
killed [by your own hands]. In the end, you
help the Messiah save the world. You just
wanted to be loved ...

Which 'Angel Sanctuary' Character Are You?
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shattered angel--you have been hurt in the past or
otherwise havent been able to let go of a past
mistake. you sit and wonder how long it will
take before you feel happiness again and often
run away from new problems. you most likly have
hidden talents or beauty but are to far away to
realize it. people try to reach you but give up
because your mental defences are too strong.
staying inside your shell is what you want to
do but if you stay there too long you'll

what type of angel are you? pics.
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Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Avatar from Dragondesigns
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