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16 Years of Life and Finding true love and having the feeling be mutual...
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
I'll take you to the Candy Shop....

Ahh! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated! I've been so busy lately, but on the upside, because of the fact that I haven't updated in over a week,I have a lot to tell ya'll!

First of all, I don't know what kind of music ya'll listen to but reguardless of that, have ya'll heard that song "Candy Shop" b y 50 Cent and Olivia? I absolutly love it! ((If you have heard the song you'll understand the title of this post)) I heard it awhile back and I really liked it. Then I saw the Video, it's awsome! If any of you are rap/ r&b fans you might rememer Olivia, she had a song out like 4 or 5 years ago. it was called "Bizounce" Does anyone remember that?

Well since Valentine's day is on a Monday this year (Which suck so much!) Chris and I decided to go out on Friday. We went and had dinner and we went to see "Hitch" It was sooo cute! I highly recomend it! I had so much fun. Chris looked so damn good that night... He always looks good but it was a little bit different. Well I guess we won't go into that because I'm sure that ya'll don't want to listen to me go on about that soo...

I went over to Chris's house last night (I know...Big surprise right? ^_^)He had never seen "The Ring" so I took that over there. He was really confused, it was so cute! But yeah I had a lot of fun there. I Love him so much! I miss him a lot... I've only been away from him for about an hour and a half...

Oh I'm so happy for Jordan! She has been talking to this guy named Kevin. She really likes him! From what it sounds like, he likes her too! Now I haven't met him, but he seems nice enough, and she seems happy with him, so therefore, it's okay by me!

My Dog Harley Had to get Fixed on Friday. She had to spend the night at the Vet's office. When she came home on Saturday, all she did was sleep. Poor baby!
Well...I think that's about it for right now... I can't really think of anything else that was interesting enought to tell ya'll...
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Sunday, February 6, 2005
My Weekend....

Chris came over on Friday and we watched movies. It was great. I had a lot of fun.
Yesterday I went shoping with my parents and I finished getting Chris's Valentine's day gifts. I was really frustrated fo a while because I couldn't find what I was looking for! I was going to start crying! But in the end I found it! ^_^
He wants me to come over today, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to... I really want to, but I don't know if my parents will let me, I guess we'll just have to see.
I got "The Grudge" last night and I made my mom watch it with me. It really wasn't as scary as I remembered it being. I was kind of disapointed.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005

^^^^^Isn't he just adorable?^^^^^
Ah! It's almost Friday! YAY! ^_^ Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've just been a little bit busy. I can't wait for this week to end!
Hopefully this weekend Chris and I are gonna kick back at one of our houses and watch a bunch of movies, we are definatly gonna watch "Lilo and Stitch" and "The Little Mermaid" It's gonna be so much fun! ^_^ (We're both still kids at heart!)
Jordan has been sick latley, well so has Felisha. I hope I don't get sick! I hate being sick, and if I get sick then I'll get Chris sick! AAH! It would be a vicious little circle!
Well I have nothing more to say.... maybe later I'll put on a more interesting post.
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
I'm back!

I finally got my computer back! YAY! ^_^ Did ya'll miss me? (Hee Hee, just playing!)
I was starting to have withdrawls from not being able to be on the internet! I wanted to update my site so bad but I couldn't!
I miss Chris...granted I've only been away from him for about 2 1/2 hours! I went over to his house to help him watch a bunch of kids. It was fun. ^_~
Well that's all I have to say at the moment...
**Oh yeah! I went and saw "Racing Stripes" the other night, and it was really cute!
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I went to Chris' house tonight, well last night for some of you that might be reading this. We watched "American History X" That is a really good movie. I was crying at the end though, and Chris told me that I was too beautiful to cry! :::Heart Melts::: Then we started to watch "Fight Club", but we kind weren't paying attention, and then I had to go home.
I love him so much and he makes me so happy. I didn't think that I would ever be able to feel this way about anyone after that whole mess with Evan. I completely trust Chris, and he make me feel so loved, I can't even really describe it to you guys. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Does that sound crazy?
P.S I might not be able to post for a while after this... my dad and I are taking the computer in to be worked on. So I have no clue how long that's gonna take.
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Well As ya'll can see I changed my site, and since no one gave me any ideas on what I should change it to, I went with a Moulin Rouge theme. What do you guys think about it?
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She Was My Favorite!
Take the quiz: "Which Spice Girl Are You?"
 Ginger Spice (Geri) Hey, youre like ginger!!! youre cool and lots of fun to hang out with. youre the life of the party and you always be yourself no matter what!
I remember when the Spice girls were all the rage, I absolutly loved them! I had everything spice girls. Now that I look back at it, their music really wasn't that good. Oh well I'll still listen to it every once in a while. ^_^
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Sunday, January 16, 2005

Sorry I haven't updated for a while! I've been so busy lately! But now I've got so much to tell ya'll!
First off, The other day the strangest thing happened to me. I talked to Evan again. He just instant messaged me. We talked for a while. He apologized to me for all that he did, and he told me that he really did love and care about me. I guess it's cool that we are talking now, but it just seems so awkward, you know? oh well!
Well on Friday I went and saw "White Noise" with Chris, Jordan, and Felisha. The movie sucked big time, so if you were thinking about going to see it, don't waste your money. But I had so much fun that night. Jordan and Felisha made me wear this cute outfit, and proceeded to freeze my ass off! But hey It was really cute and I think that Chris liked it! ^_^ (OOH it was so adorable, Chris and I matched so well that night! I was wearing a red skirt and a black sweater and he was wearing red shorts and a black sweater! We didn't even plan that!) But anyway we walked around the mall after the movie and I bought this really cute dress, with in all actuality Chris picked out for me! Then we bought "Napolean Dynamite" and he came over to my house to watch it. :::OMG if ya'll haven't seen this movie yet, I highly recomend it! It was Flippin' hilarious!^_^:::
I finally Finished watching the first season of "Tru Calling" last night! I have had it since my birthday, but I just haven't had the time to sit down to watch it! I love that show so much!
I was thinking about changing the theme of my site... but I don't know what to change it to... any suggestions???
Well I think that I'm gonna go for now, maybe I'll post more later!
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Yay! This makes me happy! ^_^
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 You are a Passionate Kisser there is some thing about your approach to kissing that is natural, smooth and ultimatly very charming, that is right you know the right moves to lure your mate, some may call you a player, but you know that it is just a cover for what you really feel toward your partner.
What kind of kisser are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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