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Hamilton, New Jersey
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Student/Anime Junkie/Gamer
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Whatever your little mind wants to call me...but my name is Eric.....keep that in mind.
To kick ass in VG making
Anime Fan Since
I can remember
Favorite Anime
Just about all of them.
Goals? none I suppose
Anything I want to get good at I guess....
Talents special talents.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
Sorry about the delay...
Ok guys, sorry about the delay, but went well. I only almost screwed up once, not bad for my first day...although, I still have to work on my social skills. Anyway, it turns out that I have to work this upcoming friday with my bro again...then on saturday with the boss of the video store...oh boy, things better go good, I can't afford to get a bad reputation... Well, that's all for now, later guys!
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Friday, August 26, 2005
Okay ladies and gents...i'm getting my first job today...well, kind of. I'm working at a video store with my brother tomorrow...he's training sweet right? Anyway, it sucks because I won't be able to work in the same store as him after today...i'm suppose to work in the same store, just in a different location. I'm pretty nervous...but not really. Well, wish me luck everyone...i'm gonna need it. ^_^; Tata people!
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Attention everyone who is visiting this site!!
Attention everyone! I have a question for everyone who visits this site! Do you or do you not play Ragnarok Online?! If you do, please tell me, that'd be awsome...because I play and I have been in need of 2 things...
1: Assistance in leveling and just about everything else...
2: Friends...god forbid if you have no's actually quite bad to not have friends in that game...and i'm short on some...especially "cool" friends. Thanks in advance.
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Ok....turns out....
Ok turns out i'm not getting Naruto....yet. But, there's another game that caught my eye...the name... Jump! Super Stars. For people who don't know what it is...i'll tell you.
Be prepared for one of the biggest anime fighting spectacles ever! As a result of a powerful collaboration between the famous Japanese Jump magazine and Nintendo of Japan, a total of more than 150 characters from 27 different anime/manga series have come together to duel in this Nintendo DS™ game.
Included in the impressive lineup are Goku from DragonBall Z, Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto, Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece and many more. And how else could it be, the title takes advantage of the dual-screen and touch panel functionality of the DS system to optimize its gameplay. While the action is taking place on the upper screen, manga sequences are shown on the touch panel.
Jump! Super Stars features a J-Spirit gauge to perform special moves. Once the gauge is filled, your attack power is greatly increased and you can unleash powerful combo attacks. With help and support characters, up to 6 fighters appear on the screen at the same time. Up to 4 characters can play via W-LAN.
Now, for the pictures...

Those are some pics....tell me what you think.
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
How about this....
Well, since i'm a Naruto fan and all....i've been getting sick and tired of not being able to actually....get a feel of it. Anyway, I....with my own money, am buying the the best fighting game for GC right now...Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 3. Yup...that's it. i'll show some pictures...

And last but not least....the title...
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What the hell?
Holy ****ing crap....i'm back and still kickin! How's everyone doing, good? Gooood....anyway....i'm hear to break the news. Ok, first off, i'm fine...I didn't get attacked by bears or cyoties...I don't even know if I spelled that right, but anyway... Umm...ah yes. One night while I was "keeping watch", there was 1 cyote right across the street from where i was staying.'d think they'd attack you on the spot. Anyway, that's just alittle bit of what happened, i'm not going to go into the rest. Well, ta ta for now, I hope to see new people soon, and also hear from people soon...okay, i'm done. Later...
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Wow, not again...
Hey's me again...I won't be here for 7 days this time. It appears that i'm going to Maine know what that means? You should. I'll miss everyone, and i'll be glad to see what new updates await me when I get back. Well, that's it for me. farewell everyone, and good luck with everything. (Wow...that seemed rather long. Uh-oh, I'm thinking out loud again...) Uhh...well, until as you please.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
I'm back from vacation as sleepy as ever...*yawn* oh well. Anyway, this is informing everyone that i'm back and kicking...i'll be signing G.b.'s again and everything else...well, I guess i'll catch everyone on the flip side.
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Friday, August 5, 2005
Going to Wildwood!!
Yup, before my b-day i'm going to wildwood in New Jersey, (for people who don't know where it is) i'm afraid I won't be here until tuesday comes. Well, wish me luck everyone...I look forward to seeing everyone again. Umm...I think I got everything. Well, until that day comes...i'll be here. (Going on Saturday in the morning)
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Oh boy...B-day's coming up the 7th. ^_^
Hey everyone! My B-day is coming up on August 7th. Oh yeah, 16....finally! Anyway, come wish me a happy B-day when you get the chance. Thanks! ^_^
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