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myOtaku.com: Ivory

Monday, May 23, 2005


This has been one of the most busy weekends of my life. Now I don't have much of a life, so when I actually get off of the computer it's an occasion to celebrate! XD

Anyway, Let's just start form the beginning. Chances are half of this will be pointless, so if anyone actually reads the whole thing they uh... get a cookie! XD

Friday: Woke up around noon, put on clothes and jumped in the van with the rest of my family to head to Watertown.(A city about an hour away) My dad had to pick up some stuff he got in an auction so while we were there we went to the mall the get a bathing suit for me. All we have in my town is a Wal-Mart and all they have is bikinis. o.o;;
So anyway we're at Old Navy and I find this cute black tankini with flowers on it. I try it on and it fits good, but the bottom was low-rise and mom said it showed too much of my stomach. So finally I convinced that we could just buy a skirt to go with it.

So she paid an extra 10 bucks for the skirt and then I started heading for Borders. Mom is all "Beth we're going to the shoe store." so ended up going to Payless and spending like 40 bucks when mom didn't even need new shoes and dad didn't want any.

So then finally we get to Borders, I buy a Animerica magazine and my little brother, Andrew, got a SpiderMan book. Animerica had Ed on the cover and a FMA sample manga! ^_^ *molests Ed mutliple times* x3

So /then/...(i talk alot, don't I?) we were headed for Hammond(45 min from Watertown) where my grandparents live for supper. Mom had to work in Heuvelton though so once we got to Hammond mom was gonna leave to go to work. Well on our wya I'm all "Oh crap it's Friday. The Youth group is going bowling in Heuvelton at 6!" My friend Jennifer (aka Niffer) was supposed to be coming with me though, but we couldn't drive all the way back to Ogdensburg (where I live) to pick her up for bowling. So I go with my mom to where she works and call Niffer from there. Niffer's parents gave her and April(another friend of mine) a ride to Heuvelton though, so it was all good.

Bowling was so-so. I sucked, I bowled a 78. T_T It was kinda fun, though I felt somewhat left out. We had planned on Rachel(yet another friend of mine xD) and her big brother driving us home. Well the adults had a problem with that because rachel's brother it sa teenager still. Then Niffer got all pissy just because we couldn't all ride in the same car. So Niffer is outside complaining and April agreed with her but wasn't as mad and me and Rachel were just thinking "Shut up! It's a ten minute car ride!" but of course we didn't say that. So then we all have ice cream and then we go our seperate ways and I had the whole house to myself for about an hour. x3

Saturday: Um... Saturday is kinda hazy. Woke up around 3PM, tried calling Niffer but she wasn't home. Got on the computer, and then around 7 or so my keyboard started whackin out on me. I kept getting a 301 keyboard error (the sticky key error) but I can't find the stuck key(s). So I migrated out of my room and across the living room to my mom's computer, where I still am right now. Then I stayed on the computer till 4, talking with Brandi (liquidsilver) about random crap. Then all of a sudden I hear my dad's alarm clock go off and realize that gets up at 4 on Sunday mornings for work. So I'm all "g2g i hear an alarm clock" and instead of actually logging off and stuff i just held down the power button till it turned off. XD Jumped in bed and pretended to be asleep, then after like ten minutes dad leaves and I get up to take a shower. Didn't get to bed till 5:30 and I had to wake up at 8:30. T_T

Sunday: Woke up around 8:45-ish, had coffee, called Niffer to see if she was coming to Church with me or not. She said she could come with us. =3 So we pick up Niffer and get to Church at about 9:49, just a few minutes late. x3 After church I went to Niffer's house. We ate donuts and Rice-a-roni. Yummeh. x3 We did the usual: talk on the phone. So we called this one guy Niffer knows from camp, his name was Brandon I believe. He was all "Can't spell crap without rap!" and I'm all "It depends on if your speaking in Japanese or not xP" and then it kinda went on from there. I knew there were other otakus in this piece of crap state they call New York!

...Then a lil before 4 mom comes to pick up us up and take us to the Boys & Girls club where our Church is having a volleyball game between between the Youth(teens, grades 7-12) and the Young Adults(ages 20-28). The Young Adults won the first three games, and then on the last game I was getting tired so my dad took my place. That was the only game we won. T_T I did horribly, except this one time I was serving and the score was Youth:5, Young Adults:9. Then I got five more points which made it 10-9. Oh and after the second game Andy Best, one of the Young Adults, came over to play on our team. *drool* He is SO FRIGGIN HOT!! Too bad he's 10 years older than me. ;_; Oh and my rival, Charette, whom I can't stand, hit me in the face with the volleyball! X_X Sure, not on purpose though. T_T

Well then on the way out me and Niffer walk out of the gym and then she goes, "Oops, hold on a second..." backs up in the gym, looks at something, and then walks away again. In the parking she explained it to me: shirtless Andy. Yes, I missed a very hot and very shirtless Andy. Niffer shall die.

So then I come home, collapse on my bed even though I'm supposed to be babysitting, and sleep from 6PM to 11:30PM. XD I woke up as eveyrone else was going to bed, waited a few more minutes, and then got up and got on the computer. XD Right now it's 3:35AM ^^;;

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