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Apache, Oklahoma
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High School Student
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Won art awards and scholastic awards.
Anime Fan Since
I can't remember 0_o (ah DBZ, the gateway to anime...)
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FAKE, One Piece, Yami no Matsuei (Decendants of Darkness), Gravitation, Bleach, Loveless, Ouran High School Host Club
Find the legendary All Blue
Drawing, reading manga, hanging out with friends, flirting
Drawing and writing HTML
| iwantmyanime
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Friday, August 11, 2006
Back to School
Man, today it¡¦s back to school for me. -.- I REALYY didn¡¦t want to go back. *grumble* I start my day off by going to AP Calculus. What a way to start the day! Oh well. I suppose I should try to make the best of it. I put a new song on my site too! I wanted a more up beat Gravitation song. So I put Abura Kadabura by Bad Luck! ƒº The only true bad thing ablut school, I realize, is that I can¡¦t get on the computer when there¡¦s homework, but I have three computer classes at school! *evil laugh* I should be on just about as much. Give or take a day or two. So don¡¦t worry! Oh, and I won¡¦t be on for a couple of days. I¡¦m going to an overnight youth evangelism conference w/ my youth group. And now for a picture to top it all off:
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
New Theme
Well, as you can see, I have a new theme. Of course, I have no idea how long it will last! lol. I've got a little MP3 player at the top of my page, but it won't play automatically. You acctually have to go up there and click it! *gasp* NOOOO! I'll have to fix that. -.- Anyway, in other news, I'm entering some of my drawing in my towns fair art contest. Hopefully I can win some money! :P Wish me luck! Later!
UPDATE: I fixed the player! *Woot*
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Monday, August 7, 2006
Dude. It's STILL HOT!!!
And the news cast for today is highs of 113 and lows of 98... Ugh. I was drawing a new piece of art, and I had to stay in the kitchen because my room was so hot! That pic is up by the way! It's Zoro vs. Mr. 9! It's not my best pic, but it IS my first fight scene, so bear with me. I have also successfully downloaded all the Ouran High School Host Club episodes so far! *yay* If you want some, they're at: That's a cool site! ^^ Anyways, ttyl!
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Friday, August 4, 2006
Rather Random
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
It's Hot Here
That's how hot it is here... Here we go, my Hikaru and Kaoru vid. Guys, you are warned... Sorry for the inconvenience of you guys who can't see You Tube stuff.
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Monday, July 31, 2006
Hikaru and Kaoru Like to Party
I'm on my way to making a Hikaru and Kaoru vid too, just have to download a few more episodes! :)
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Loving It
I've been watching the episodes of Ouran High School Host Club on You Tube. I've seen episodes one through thirteen so far! I also saw that in Japan, they're only on seventeen, so I'm catching up. And I also saw that there are only supposed to be about nineteen to twenty-five in total! 0_o So short, yet so sweet! Hikaru and Kaoru are so cute! And so is the quiet Mori-Sempai. Ahhh, love at first sight I do believe!~ So, how's everybody? I'm good besides the fact that school starts in twelve days for me! Ahhhh!!!!!
Oh wait! Look! It's my new logo thingy that will be going at the beginning of all my new AMVs! What do you think?
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
Ouran High School Host Club
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
I'm Shocked!
First, I didn't get to come to the Otaku yesterday because I went to the mall with my grandma and sister. We were there for a long time. -.- I did get some cool stuff though! Two new mangas, Tsubasa vol 4 and Gravitation vol. 1. Do I have anyGravitation fans here? :) I also got a bookbag for school, which for me, starts in fifteen days away... *cry* WHY CRUEL WORLD?!? AND I got One Piece: Grand Battle for my Gamecube. It's a really cool game, despite the fact that Smaoker is "Chaser", and such. Now...for the SHOCKING news. Did any of you ever listen to N'SYNC? I used to LOVE them, and Lance Bass was my favorite singer. He also did the voice of Sephiroth in the first Kingdom Hearts. Well, he was on TV last night...he walked out, sat in a chair, and said calmly: "I'm gay." *IWMA's world shatters* WHY CRUEL WORLD!!!!???? (again) That's just wrong for me.
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Monday, July 24, 2006
Here's what happens when I get bored...

By the way! I put up a couple of new fan arts so uh, check them out...I suppose... Yes! Check them out! :P
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