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Apache, Oklahoma
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High School Student
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I can't remember 0_o (ah DBZ, the gateway to anime...)
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FAKE, One Piece, Yami no Matsuei (Decendants of Darkness), Gravitation, Bleach, Loveless, Ouran High School Host Club
Find the legendary All Blue
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 04/06/06:
So what if i'm clumsy? I'll do what I want! *trips* Owww...
Result Posted on 04/06/06:
I supose Gohan would be a good battle partner.
Result Posted on 04/05/06:
Yes this is just like me. "The love train"
What's Your One Piece Doujinshi Personality?
 You are: Sanji-type.
Extremely romantic, tenderhearted, and chivarous, you are in love with being in love. Simply put, you feel the need to shower someone with your attention and emotions. Why is that? Probably because you want to be loved yourself. You are such a giving soul that it's against your nature to ask for things in return. You are loving others the way you would like to be loved. Unfortunately, you are so attentive and doting that it will be hard to find someone who will be able to reciprocate in the same way. This leads to a general pining away for someone who doesn't return your affections. When this happens, you are given to bouts of depression or melancholy sighing and laying around on the kitchen floor.
You have another side, though. With the right person, you can be very sly and seductive. Usually this tends to be a person who doesn't quite get what you're up to. This gives you the upper hand for once and that makes you a tangy force to be reckoned with. Your perseverance will pay off someday, don't worry. You're like the heart-eyed bullet train of love and there's no stopping you.
Caution: As doujinshi Sanji, you may be prone to sexually harassing Zoro-types or Luffy-types to take out your frustration with the unresponsive Nami-type. Please concentrate your energies on cooking and cleaning, and make sure you have plenty of cigarettes. If you were to run out, your libido will run wild, causing you to moan and whine and lay all over the floor with your shirt undone, even more than usual. Your face and hair may become more feminine and you will be in danger of being uked. Repeatedly. And by everyone.
And I mean everyone.
Please use extreme caution at all times.
You are most compatible with: Another Sanji-type would give back to you as you give to them, but for some real fun, go after a stoic, repressed Zoro-type and watch the sparks fly.
Advice: Pick up a new hobby, like music. You can serenade your honey with a sexy siren song. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/05/06:
Result Posted on 04/04/06:
Wow! I'm not Sanji? Ah well, I suppose I am a lot like Shanks. It takes a lot to get me worked up!
Which One Piece character are you?
 You are Shanks!Laid back, would even be considered procrastinator. Someone pushes you dont care, heck,they can push all they like, and you will not be phased. That goes to show that you are the kind of person that doesnt mind taking shit...course, when it calls for, and only then. will you be serious and bite back. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/03/06:
Jin is a pretty cool character. He's got cool hair ^_))
Result Posted on 03/20/06:
Greed! Mwahaha! Actually, that is the closest homunculi to
Result Posted on 03/20/06:
Really? so this is what One Piece girl I am.
Result Posted on 03/20/06:
Sanji! Yes! That is so awsome, i'm Sanji!
Result Posted on 02/02/06:
Eeeeekkkk! I'm Pegasus!
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