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Ixion Goddess
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Member Since
lady high preistess of the order know what, I forget the rest...
I breathe oxygen....haha. I read beyond college level, write for the newspaper...
Anime Fan Since
I was 9 years old!
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Read Or Die, Wolf's Rain, Rurouni Kenshin, .hack//SIGN, and Witch Hunter Robin (oh. and, er, Sailor Moon...*blush* that was my very first anime!)
Live to see another day. Travel the world. Kick some ass. Finish school and get a degree in Creative Writing, so I can share with the world all that I have to say within the depths of my heart....
Writing, drawing, music, working out, yoga, meditation, and reading!
Imagination, compassion, and living my life the way I want.
| Ixion Goddess

...Endless run...
While I'm alive, I can try not to fall while flying,
Not to forget how to dream... how to love
...Endless run...
To stay myself longer...
Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling
To stay myself longer...
Calling Calling, in the depth of longing
To stay myself longer...

Thursday, March 24, 2005
A look into my deeper self. I think. #^_^#
 You are Form 1, Goddess: The Creator.
"And The Goddess planted the acorn of life. She cried a single tear and shed a single drop of blood upon the earth where she buried it. From her blood and tear, the acorn grew into the world."
Some examples of the Goddess Form are Gaia (Greek), Jehova (Christian), and Brahma (Indian).
The Goddess is associated with the concept of creation, the number 1, and the element of earth.
Her sign is the dawn sun.
As a member of Form 1, you are a charismatic individual and people are drawn to you. Although sometimes you may seem emotionally distant, you are deeply in tune with other people's feelings and have tremendous empathy. Sometimes you have a tendency to neglect your own self. Goddesses are the best friends to have because they're always willing to help.
Which Mythological Form Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your element is Light: Innocent, beautiful, kind-hearted and pure. You are so sweet your almost angelic, you find joy in others happiness and cannot stand to see anyone in pain. You want to make everyone around you feel good about themselves and if someone is upset you can tend to become rather upset as well which means you are sympathetic and raise others above yourself. Being as kind and good-natured as you are people have most likely hurt you in the past but you pick yourself up every time. You may look fragile but you are stronger than most tend to see. Life is beautiful no matter how you look at it and you understand that people make mistakes, not everyone is perfect. You try to see the good in the bad which is a talent few posses, dont ever let anyone change you. You truly have a beautiful soul inside and a heart of gold.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
Hmmm...a look into my deeper self, perhaps. I dont want to admit it, but these are as accurate as Ive ever seen any quiz... (though I did take a quiz once that told me I was Jesus in a past life... o_@). And its creepy when a quiz on the internet knows you as well as you know yourself >.< yikes!
Anywoo, Im going on a group date with some people today and we might go see Phantom of the Opera! AAHH! I love that movie so much! And Im so excited! Its just one of those small things in life that makes you smile so much simply because it brings you bliss...content with life. #^_^# But, I better go shower, because I had to run my booty off in the SNOW today! Im sopping wet here at the keyboard... -_-. And I stink. And I have to shave my legs! Nasty... So, I will talk to you soon friends! True love always! Yay! (lol, im so dorky sometimes I cant handle it...)
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Friday, March 18, 2005
Ever have a day that just pissed you off to no end? That would be my day today. Sigh. Just so many small things that build up and make you the bitchiest bitch that ever was... hrm. Oh well.
In other news im starving because I dont know what to eat, my hair is angrifying me because its too beautiful (lol, just kidding) its actually just all in my face but its so purdy you cant make yourself pull it back kind of thing...and Im wearing my favorite panties today which are white and have stripey blue stars on the back...*another deep breath* and I get to go to English Quest a day hence and kick some booty with my writing skills. Sweet.
All my love, xoxoxo until another day
(7) |
Monday, March 14, 2005
Yay! Pictures! ^_^
Yaaaay! This is a picture from my Prom date (which was pretty sweet, by the way) Thats crazy ol me there in the middle with the black shirt and sweater. Were all in Mcdonalds and completly pissed off the staff by being total asses...teehee. man those fries are DELICIOUS...if I get a heart attack I wont be too mad...I'll just be like "Eh, those were some damn good fries..." lol...
Okay. Thats me. Once again. And of course, Im reading a book (so characteristic of me. *sigh*) And just look at the imense perplexion on my face! Looks like im high or something...LOL. #^_^#. ...My hair looks pretty though....teehee, I love it when my hair cooperates with me ^_~.
Thats all Ive got for you today. I'll post my Prom pictures as soon as I get them for you. otherwise, life is good. Great boyfriend and (secretly...or not. *cough!*) love of my life at this point. :P . lol.Actually, life kinda sucks. I hate school, and Track practice is a bitch of epic, but what do you do? Keep on living anyway, thats what. Lest you be doomed to fester in your suffering.... Hm. Ah, well. It evens out. Have a great day and thanks for visiting! XOXOXO
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Monday, March 7, 2005
*COUGH* *HACK* Oh, there goes my lung. Be a dear and stick that back in for me...
Im about to shit a brick sideways here. Track started last week. At my school, you see, Track is more of a social thing than any real sport...and Im not all that good in the first place. I only have two skills: Edurance and quick bursts of energy. So my nitche in Track-o-rama is basically the 100 M sprints, and relays. Otherwise Im a sack of crap that breathes and thats about it...maybe a cheeto here and there...
*coughs* *lack of oxygen* Im so tired im not even making sense...(mmm...delcious cheetos...). Today was **TERRIBLE**. Firstly we ran a one mile warm up! Then a 500, then two 400's, then a 300, then a 200, then a...100! Excuse my language...but, Fuck! Freaking carthaginian hell! I am *dieing*! I cant breathe. Had my head between my legs and dry heaved at practice for about 10 minutes. Bloody hell! Sitting here takes some effort...oiy., I hope your day was a bit better than mine? Ha ha ^_^. I really hope so. *Turns to the side and coughs* excuse me.
On a last note, me and my man are going great! Im so in love with him...^_^ *blush* but you all know that anywhoo. What pisses me off is just that everyone acts like theres no way in hell we could ever be together. You does a "nerd" like myself end up with such a hottie? HA. KARMA, bitches, KARMA!! Muahahaha....*cough* *hack up a lung* no more evil laughing for today...
All my love to you all! xoxoxo
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Featured Quiz Result:
so true...