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College Student
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I Graduated...I'm Alive...thats it.
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Trigun, Death Note, The Demon Ororon, Demon Flowers, Bleach, godchild, Immortal Rain, Hands Off, Ouran High School Host Club, FMA, Chrono Crusade, Eureka 7, FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, Black Cat , Big O, Saiyuki,Azu Manga Daioh, Strawberry Marshmallow.....ect....
Get my AA, go to an Art College, become an illustrator or animator, get a total of 1000 votes on my art work, make a manga
Drawing, Watching Anime, Readin Manga and dorky adventure/fantasy novels.
| IyamiNaHamusutaa
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
Merry (late) Christmas and a Happy New Year to ya all
Well I got to see me friend, even though she brought her boy friend with her and spent most of her time with him. They are actually engaged, they are supposed to be married some time in Dec. 2009 after he graduates high school....shes been engaged be4 I wonder if this time it will work out. At least this guy is ok. My little sis has known him since middle school (hes a grade above her, 11th grade) And he likes Star Wars and all that good stuff and ANIME! its very important that he likes anime ^^ I'm happy for my frind I just wish she had spent more time with me.
I didn't say this be4 but I hate Christmas, I hate gstting gifts and its hell trying to find the right gift for people! My family was all depressed this year as well. No one had any christmas sprit. My grandma and Grandpa have been not getting along so well and neither have my mom and dad. That justs leaves me and my sister and we don't have enough sprit to fill a soda can. But despite all that I had a pretty ok christmas. I spent Chritmas eve with my friend, then I helped my Grandma prepare for the party thing we have every christmas eve and new years. Then we had the party, ate lots of nummy things, then I fell asleep on the floor and woke up at 12:00 to open presents. I finally gots a cell phone ^^ Yeah I'm a dork. I also gots a 2nd DDR mat, the cowboy bebop movie, 5th HP movie, 3rd Pirates movie, Resident evil 4 and turpantine. Yeah turpantine and linseed oil so I can use my oil paints ^^ I can't wait to paint somethin!
Lets see to day I went to uni chans and I got to play with her Wii (LMAO that sounds so wrong!) that she got for Christmas. Twas fun I'm really bad at base ball though.
Ok I'm bored now, so I'm gonna go...........
Hope you all had a nice holiday and I wish ya all a happy new year ^^
P.S. Sunny Chan, if you read this, do you know how to find out what grades you got in your classes? Do they post them on the school website or something? Hope you had a nice break, your dads not giving you too much trouble I hope. Well hope ya have a nice New Year, see ya when we get back to school in the library ^^
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
This monday.......YESTERDAY! MONDAY! MY BUDDY CAME BACK!!!!!!!!!^^ So HAPPY! Yeahs my buddy... we've been buddies since like 1st grade, when I was 6 yrs old, I'm now soon to be 19 and she is to be 20. Yeah we've been friends for a long long long time. Well yeah she's back for the holidays, she had moved to Georgia our senior year and has only visited once since then....till now...She's staying here till the day after Christmas then she leaves agian T-T, but I get to hang out with her this weekend so YAY!
Hmmm....right now I'm waiting for Saiyuki Reload Gunlock to come on...what time is it...11:30.......
*sigh* it dosen't come on till 1:30
I saw this anime called Desert Punk the other day, yep there was a marothon of it....I liked the 1st episode and then it progressively got to perverted for me to watch, although some of it was funny.....kinda....just kinda...
Before I got out of school, I messed around on the library's computers which are so, so, SO MUCH FASTER! yeah so I got to watch 9 episodes of Black Cat, Which I abosolutly loved. Heehee bad cats have to wear a bell, I wanna put a bell on my black kitty now ^^
What else, oh my little sis and Uni Chan (our buddy) get out of school this thursday, so we will be working on a comic. We made a site awhile back to put them up on, The site is "T-T", minus the ". Yes our site is called, T-T
Seriously it is, type it in, its there. We haven't done really anything with it cuz we haven't had time but I'm sure we will now that were all going to be outa school.
Qusetion of this most joyous month:
When is Santa's Birthday?
Bye bye have a nice
tomorrow, I'll be sleeping in ^^
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
New Picy
1st christmas pic of the season ^^ I'm gonna be drawing more cuz I have nothing better to do...yep Bored
 Christmas Break Doodle Hosted By
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
OMG! THERE TRYING TO CHANGE OUR STATE SONG! (listening to the news ^^) I didn't even know we had a state song. Who cares?
Sorry people I haven't really had time to comment stuff....ok I've had time, I just didn't wanna....SORRY T-T I'll try harder
I'm bored
so I'm gonna go do something else
Bye bye ^^
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Monday, December 10, 2007
HAPPY B-DAY SUNNY-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!^^
If any of you are feeling particularly nice today, It would be appreciated if you'd stop by my friends site (SunnyWinslow) and wish her a happy birthday. Thanky^^
Lets see....I just got done with my math final, I think I got most all of the answers right
...hopefully -_-....I did good, I know it^^ I'm good at math...I love math (*gasp* someone who loves math) My instructor asked me what I will be majoring in, I told him art, and he was all *gasp* you should major in math.....I thought about it and I think I'm gonna minor in math just incase I fail miserably as an artist and theres a very good possibility I will. I know art is a hard feild to break into, but well see.
yesterday one of my friends called me up and asked me to come over cuz she needed help painting mountains......?......So I go over and help her,instead of studying for my math final. I thought oh this won't take me that long an hour, an hour and a half at the most.I get over there and heres this long-ass piece of card board with like 10 huge mountians drawn on it. With 2 people working on it, it took 5 hours to complete and it looked like 8 people had worked on it. Not one of the mountains looked like any of the others. It look like some one had cut out 10 different mountains from 10 completely different paintings. After seeing the finished piece my friend dubed the moutain range "Clusterfucked" and so it got its name.....oh the painting was for a back drop for one of those little christmas town sets that you order from a festive.....Were not even putting up a tree or lights this year. About the only thing we have done for the holidays is make candy cane shaped sugar cookies and there gone already -_- WE DON'T EVEN HAVE REAL CANDY CANES!!! I'm gonna have to go get some.........
Oh if any of you are interested, I put up a 1 paged comic manga strip thing. It's pretty bad, all stick figures and my scanner wasn't working properly. Still I think its a pretty cute little comic, I stayed up till about 4 in the mornig doing it, not because it took that long to draw, but because I was tired and I did't want to draw. I couldn't get to sleep till I got the idea for it out of my head, so 4 in the morning I sat at the kitchen table drawing it. I didn't want to put it up, cuz when it comes to drawing comics I'm a perfectionist. I still don't think the stick figures look right -_- If I'm gonna make a full volumed manga I'm gonna have to stop being so picky.
yeah so, thats it. Thats all I have to say, for now.
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Friday, December 7, 2007
I was bored today^^
I didn't have any classes today so yeah I sat around eating sugar cookies and now I feel sick
-_-" I also gave my doggie a bath, I didn't like the smell of wet dog so I sprayed him with some of my mommies perfume, now he makes me sneeze, but he smells good ^^ (he's a Chihuahua he's allowed to smell girly^^)
Lol I just caught my kitty playing with a light bulb, don't know where she got it. she's so cute! ^^
Kay got nothing more to say
Is everyone ready for winter break, and Christmas and or Hanukkah (wait Hanukkah has already started hasn't it...HAPPY HANUKKAH!^^)
Well bye bye ^^
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I helped!
Yeseterday at my campus there was a squished bunny. Poor thing got ran over T-T and today there was a turtle trying to cross the road so I helped it^^ I picked it up and brought it over to the lake, then I named it Trofknarf, patted him on the shell and went on my way ^^
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Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I put up some more drawings. Most of them are old and bad, but it won't kill ya to look at them anyway.....if ya want to that is, I'm not forcing you, that'd be rude.^^
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Monday, December 3, 2007
SOOOOOO BOOOOOORED! and my computer is slow
Theres no one to talk to on the otaku anymore....
I know you all have lives but I'M REALLY REALLY BORED!!!!! I spent like 3 hours sunday watching my buddy play sonic, the one with the chao world. THE STUPID CHAOS WOULDN'T MAKE AN EGG! we kicked them........BORED!.....2 more days of class. 4 days of finals. Then a month of boredom. Theres not even anything to do on the computer anymore, its too slow for me to play any games on. I hate dial up! -_- I HAVE NOTHING MORE TO WRITE! >_<
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Friday, November 30, 2007
Yeah, so I heard this high pitched sound coming from the tv and it turns out it was a commercial for an Alvin and the Chipmonks movie.....You'd think it would be a stupid idea for a movie but, THE CHIPMONKS ARE SO DAMN CUTE!!!!! CUTE LIKE A KITTY!!! Makes me want another hamster! If ya didn't know, I'm qiute fond of rodents, hence the site name containg HAMUSUTAA (hamster^^)
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