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Saturday, July 21, 2007
hello peeps,
i got another gaia becuase the other one sucked so.....yea..
my username is mi5t30rFl4v0r3d
and the lowercase "m" and uppercase "F" do count.
and if any of you have a gaia let me know.
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Monday, July 16, 2007
guess who?

its ugly tho
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Friday, July 13, 2007
Disclaimer: Don't own it, nope.
Warnings: Umm... Yaoi, stupid game that's been done waaaay too many times... REPOST.
Author: Koneko Shido
Sympathy for the Devil
'Why am I doing this?' Eclipse thought to himself as he sat next to Raenef, facing Chris and Erutis in a small circle on the floor in Raenef's chambers.
"This is gonna be so much fun!" Raenef giggled happily.
'Ah, that would be why,' The fourth-ranking demon in existence sighed. Saying no to Raenef was like kicking a puppy.
"Ok, does everyone know how to play?" Erutis asked, setting an empty bottle down on the floor on its side in the middle of the circle.
"No!" Raenef grinned happily. Chris rolled his eyes.
"Well, we spin the bottle, and whoever it lands on has to do a dare, ok?"
Raenef nodded, giggling.
"Right. Since it was my idea to play, I get to spin first." Erutis smirked evilly, placing her hand on the empty bottle and spinning it. It came to a stop pointing at Chris, who paled slightly. Erutis wasn't the most merciful of people, really.
"Ok, heheh. Chris, I dare you to...hmm." She paused for a moment, then pulled a crayon out from behind her back. "Eat this crayon!"
Chris blinked.
"Won't that kill me?" He asked, not quite sure if crayons were poisonous or not.
"So?" Erutis shrugged, and handed him the crayon. Raenef stared, feeling sorry for the poor crayon.
"Ehh..." Chris looked at the crayon, wondering if he should really eat it. Erutis was looking at him as though she expected him to chicken out and Eclipse was looking at him as though he hoped the supergenius choked on it. Chris shrugged, then popped it into his mouth, chewed a few times with a grimace, and swallowed.
"Eww!" Erutis exclaimed, then gave Chris a 'dude, you're weird' look and pointed to him. "Spin, freak." She ordered.
"Poor crayon." Raenef sniffled. Eclipse patted him on the head comfortingly, and the little demon lord soon cheered up when the bottle stopped pointing at him.
"I don't want to eat a crayon!" He bit his lip, but Chris gave an evil smirk.
"Relax, you don't have to. You have to... wear this!" Chris pulled out a lacy French maid's outfit from nowhere and handed it to Raenef, who blinked.
"Why? Isn't this a dress?" He asked, a little confused.
"Yes, and you have to wear it because I want to see the look on Eclipse's face." Chris smirked. Raenef shrugged, gave a cheerful 'ok!' and scrambled off to the bathroom to get changed. Meanwhile, Chris and Erutis were staring at Eclipse, who was twitching scarily. A demon lord did not, under any circumstances, wear a dress, damn it! Besides, the thought of Raenef in a French maid's outfit, sitting right there next to him, was making him think some things he definitely should not be thinking. He was pretty sure this was all one of Erutis' evil plans, because she was looking smug and there was no way Chris could have thought of something like that on his own. Erutis, Eclipse was pretty sure, was the mastermind behind all this. And he was slightly worried by the fact that she seemed to have a lot more strange props hiding behind her back and under the bed, which she was sitting against. Not a good sign.
At that moment Raenef made his grand re-entrance, blushing like a schoolgirl... erm... demon lord, even. The little black dress with the frilly white apron showed off his long, very shapely legs, and it was rather unnerving how much the outfit suited him. Especially with his blonde hair tied up like that, he looked like he should have been standing on one leg, dusting something. Eclipse flinched as the little lord ignored Erutis and Chris' sniggering and sat back down next to his teacher, his legs folded beneath him and his cheeks stained with a cute pink blush.
"Uh..." Raenef stammered, not quite sure what to say. Eclipse was staring at him looking somewhere between annoyed and turned on. That was quite... scary. Deciding he should really get on with things, Raenef reached out and spun the bottle, watching as it landed on Erutis, who stared at him with her scary look.
"Um, uh, um..." Raenef whimpered under the heat of that terrifying gaze. Obligingly, Chris reached out a hand and placed it over Erutis' eyes, cutting off the glare. Raenef sighed in relief and grinned shakily.
"I-I dare you to... uh... Tell everyone in the room how you really feel about them." Raenef finished, smiling shakily. Erutis batted Chris' hand out of the way and smirked.
"Fine. Chris, you're an idiot, but I guess you're kinda cute in an insane sort of way." Chris blushed, face going bright red. "Raenef, you're sweet, but if I say you're cute Eclipse will probably gut me. And Eclipse, you're hot but you scare the crap outta me." She said, not embarrassed in the slightest. Eclipse's lips twitched upward in some semblance of a triumphant smirk at having his ego stroked. Raenef smiled at her and she spun the bottle again. Ah, just what she'd been waiting for. It stopped pointing at Eclipse, who went even paler than he already was.
Now, Erutis had a plan. A very evil plan. There were a lot of very wicked things she wanted to make Eclipse do, but she reasoned that unless she softened him up a bit there was no way in hell he'd do any of them without going on some sort of murderous rampage. She also wanted to see Eclipse jump little Raenef, which was the sole reason Raenef had ended up wearing a dress. So, back to the evil plan, time to get Eclipse... drunk! Mwahahaha!!
"Ok, Eclipse. Hmm." She gave an angelic smile, which scared Eclipse more than anything in his entire life, and reached under the bed to pull out a bottle of vodka and a small shot glass, which she filled up and set on the floor in front of the puzzled and slightly scared demon. "Alright, you have to drink a shot every time you say the word 'Lord'. Ok?" She smirked. Eclipse scowled darkly at her, thinking of possible ways to kill her and make it look like an accident.
"Fine." He muttered. Besides, he could hold his drink, he was, after all, the fourth ranking demon in existence. A little alcohol wouldn't hurt him. Although, where Erutis had gotten a bottle of vodka, he had no idea. Giving the shot glass before him a deathly glare, he spun the bottle. It landed on Raenef again.
Eclipse wasn't quite sure what he should do. Of course, what he really wanted was to dare Raenef to kiss him, but that would be very un-teacher like. So instead, he said...
"I dare you to death drill...this, my lord." He smirked, then vanished. He reappeared a moment later with a tomato and a permanent marker, which he used to draw a happy face on said fruit. He then placed the smiling tomato down in front of Raenef, who whimpered.
"Mr Tomato!" He squeaked, tears sparkling in his eyes. Eclipse felt slightly guilty, until he noticed the way Erutis and Chris were looking at him.
"What?" He demanded.
"You said 'lord.'" The knight smirked, and Eclipse scowled, raising the shot glass to his lips and downing it, not even twitching. He placed it back on the floor and smirked.
'Just you wait,' Erutis thought with an evil laugh. The others just stared at her, then back to Raenef, who was whimpering and cuddling the tomato.
"I can't!" He sniffled, looking up at Eclipse adorably. Eclipse raised an eyebrow then glared at the tomato for a moment. It shook for a second then exploded in a mushy mess all over Raenef's hand. The little demon lord stared at the red mess on his hand and his eyes filled with tears, his lip shaking as he tried not to burst out crying. Eclipse sighed.
"Hah! Raenef didn't do the dare, so now he has to do the flame!" Erutis cackled, producing a can of spray cream from behind her back. Eclipse looked worried as she grinned at him. "Since it's your fault he couldn't do the dare since you did it for him, you can help with the flame. Lie down." She ordered. Eclipse was about to point blank refuse, but Raenef was about to burst into tears, and taking his mind off the tomato was probably a good thing. Besides, it involved spray cream and lying down, so it sounded like one of the thinks he shouldn't have been thinking earlier was about to come true. With a muttered curse on everything, ever, he lay down on his back and folded his arms, still managing to look annoyed and elegant, even in that position. Erutis crawled over, watched closely by Chris, who had no idea what was happening but was enjoying it anyway. The knight snickered and lifted Eclipse's black shirt up, exposing a nice little strip of creamy, taut stomach. Eclipse scowled, jumping slightly as she shook the whipped cream and sprayed a line across his flat stomach. Then she turned to Raenef, who had just wiped the tomato innards off his hand absently while watching what was going on, seeming to have forgotten about Mr. Tomato in favour of watching Eclipse get humiliated.
"You," Erutis pointed at the little lord, "have to lick that off." She pointed to the spray cream.
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Sunday, July 8, 2007
v> Create your own Scratch Ticket
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
ok, so today i went surfing and it was SO AWESOME! But, the waves were huge and scary like the shadow in my room but i was brave enough to hang. n e ways, i got sand and a whole bunch of otta shit all in my suit and it was horrible. Then i find sand all in me private areas and shit. so i was pissed. but other than that i had fun.
I had so much fun last night talking to was stellar. I LOVE YOU BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, July 1, 2007
yesterday my mom was so pissed at my brother because he like broke her favorite vase in the whole wide world which she bought on ebay, That she called him "son-of-a bitch".
and after that he started laughing and i was like why are you laughing(he was like laughing hysterically like roop dead laughing) and he said mom never saw the irony in calling me a son of a bitch.
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Friday, June 29, 2007
There were so many wrongs in the world. There were so many people committing wrongs in the world. It was bad, it wasn’t right; it was human.
People grew addicted to wrongful things, didn’t they? Wrong things were an addiction. Smokers kept smoking, cheaters kept cheating, and wrong people kept doing wrong things.
Some times, the wrong things can grip you so hard, you don’t want to stop. Your life could be ruined but what does it matter? You feel good.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
KRUMP DANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when i get older i want to be a krump dancer.....NO MATTER WHAT!!!!
by september....ill be on my way by attending a lesson or studio or w/e. And next summer i could go to a krump camp. and i hope you guys on otaku would pray for me and encourage me to do my best!!!!!!
thank you all,
loves yas
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007
my computer has a virus and i feel yea. I WISH IT DIDNT!!!!!
now i have to use my dads slow as hell computer to go on my sites!!!!!
i hate it!!!!
ill miss you guys for the time being but so far my computer hasnt crashed it just annoying pop-ups just keep appearing out of fuckin no where when im on....theres one now....
k back....n e ways..I HATE VIRUSES!!!
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