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myOtaku.com: izzie blind girl

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hello my name is izzie i am blind, but i know how to read and wright brayle, anyway my mom reads the messages to me and i tell her what to put down.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

im back
hey everyone i got done with my eye surgery i can see better now but i was in a comma for about a week and someodd days, so what did i miss this time?
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Monday, July 30, 2007

   not again...
tommarow i have to go in for my 11th eye surgery i dont want to go through this again but i am in so much pain and i want to see, my little brother is trying to say sissy and i want to know his expresion when he sais it, wish me good luck (just because i get surgery doesn't mean it will work)
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

hey everyone i am finally awake, OMG I CANT BELIEVE I WAS ASLEEP FOR LIKE 3 MONTHS I MISSED MY BIRTHDAY T.T anyway what did i miss?
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Sunday, January 28, 2007

hi everyone
(all) hi this is the triplets we are izzie's cousins we just wanted to let all of you know that izzie is not dead but she is not awake yet wee byebye

-the triplets

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

hello everyone
sorry izzie is in the emergency room her eyes turn completly white and she was screaming at the top of her voice "it hurts" clutching on to her head she was crying in pain we didn't know what to do.... now she is in a coma (sp) where you are in this deep sleep we are not sure when she will wake up could be days, weaks, or even months so here is a amv to dedicate to her please comment on her site until she gets back

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