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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
I don't have much time, just posting to try and say hi to some friends back home.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
30 minutes!
Not sure if I'll be able to use my dad's business computer to update while over there.
If not, I'll see you guys later.
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11 hours and 20 minutes...
...'til I leave for the airport. 12:20 in the morning right now, just got done packing.
Guess I should get some sleep.
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Monday, May 23, 2005
Just got back from sword class. Thumped good on right shoulder and arm. Can't say my friends didn't get away, though.
Josh's thumb got split by me during our first round, and then Shane (Vash106) hit it again during his second match.
It was pretty weird the goodbye at the end. It's not like I'm dying or anything I dun think. One and a half more days left!
Last day of exams tomorrow. Biology and English.
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
One week!
+ 1 day until I leave America to tour southeast asia. Problem is, Izzu seems to have a cold so I'll probably be showing the symptoms once I land on Malaysian soil.
Anyways, I'm organizing some prank gifts to give to my friends before leaving but only Himura knows that it's coming (however he doesn't know what it'll be).
Not sure if I'll be able to use my father's business laptop to update from over there but I know his pda/phone thingy can send e-mail so I'll be able to keep in touch through that.
Left hip and back kinda hurts now, a friend of mine and I were demonstrating some aikido and I had to be his uke (he couldn't breakfall so I couldn't demonstrate on him). We did a couple throws in orchestra and it's hard landing on the floor without mats.
This Thursday is the last formal day of school and exams start on Friday and end Tuesday. Probably will be going to Andretti or something on Friday or Saturday to spend last few days with sword buddies and others.
Hm...while doing a poetry project in English I found this funny site that I'd like to address and open a link to. Maybe then people reading my posts will finally have something solid to respond to rather than forcing themselves to relate and reply.
In other news, you guys probably already know but a new series called Samurai Champloo aired on Adult Swim last Saturday. Just wondered if what you guys thought about the first episode (I saw portions of it through fan-subs.)
Metropolis aired after that. Seemed to have been influenced by early American cartoons but that style of art was phased out later in preference of the more popular visual style commonly seen today.
I'm no expert, don't hold me to it. Just a guess I made based solely on how the eyes were drawn and some consideration on how old that movie was...if anybody knows anything on that for a fact I'd like to know.

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Friday, May 6, 2005
About 2 week's worth of school days left in my freshman year. I'll be spending my entire summer vacation visiting my father in Malaysia (He got a one-year job offer over there).
Soo...I probably won't be updating while I'm over there. Probably won't make a difference anyway.
Probably...after my trip and once I've saved everything I want to save on this blog-ish thing I'll be deleting this account.
Maybe I'll be back sometime later under another name...
(I'm updating at school in English class right now and my teacher is coming down our row. Gotta go quick, I'll maybe add more once I get home. Does it matter? This place has been dead so long I don't know why I bother to update and who would bother to read.)
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Stuff happening
Yes, things are happening. Can't recall it all, memories are dimmed everytime I get on the computer. Just went to Barnes and Nobles today and bought three books: The Prince, The Book of the Courtier, and The Art of War. I'll be reading those for awhile, should keep me busy.
The orchestra has decided to both go to the state MPA and study new music for the Spring Concert. This will be a lot of strain on the players. We'll have to perfect our first three pieces (which we're sick of) and then learn a couple new ones on top of that.
Today we had a substitute in that class however, which was a little refreshing for the most of us.
He was not certified to teach music, though. I thought, like all the other times subs were assigned to a music class, he was just there to baby-sit us. It turned out, however, that he knew a good bit about music and his unusual personality and peculiar habits and terminology (1st fiddles, 2nd fiddles) gave a bit of a change of gear for the players.
This change seemed to have done good for our morale or atleast it did for me. It was a nice change, even for just a day, from our inexperienced and up-tight new orchestra director. At times the replacement director seemed a bit internish.
Monday in sword class, Vash 106 and my sister and I (the entirety of the active brown belts in our class) started memorizing the new series of kata which mandatory for our rank. 5 of the 6 were taught that day, the names of which I forgot almost as soon as I learned them. Tomorrow they should be reviewed again to strengthen our familiarity with them, along with the 6th being taught as well.
Next class should go well, also. I'm hoping to spar again, we haven't done so in over a month.
Haven't been writing much in my little black book lately. It was intended to keep track of my thoughts and experiences in order to look back later in life. I don't trust my memory to keep track of everything. I was also hoping to use it to keep track of how my thoughts evolve over time. Turns out that I'm a bit too lazy to make daily or even weekly entries in it. It also became difficult to keep up with my ever changing mode of thought and put it in writing. It appears that once I write a thought down, after reading it and subconsciously evaluating myself, I rethink and my ideas change again. Trying to write down the reevaluated version brings about change then again. It's annoying.
I think that's enough for today. Have a test on a novel tomorrow and I haven't started reading yet (it's 11 'o clock at night).
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Monday, March 14, 2005
Just got back from sword class. We were doing some randori was is a training situation where guys surround you and attack while you defend and counter.
We went through a couple rounds of that and then I got hit hard on the side of the head while attacking.
This was when I was one of the people in the surrounding groups and the guy in the middle swung it hit some other guy but hit me instead. Ice pack would feel good right about now.
Anyways that was pretty fun. I'm tired and gonna go to bed now.
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
hey guys
It's been....a good while since my last post. 'bout 2 am in the morning right now. Just decided to drop in and make a half-hearted attempt at keeping this place alive.
Starting Valentine's Day I started keeping a journal of sorts. Found a need for this when I was reviewing my life and found that I couldn't remember the majority of my life prior to six years. Thought it would be a good idea to keep 'significant' events written down for retelling later in life. This has mostly eliminated the need for keeping an online blog-ish thing (This place here). My only concern is the threat of someone finding it and reading. The fact that the book I'm using to write in is suspicously small and black doesn't help with other people's curiosity, either.
Anyways, last Monday I was promoted to brown belt in sword along with Vash106 and Izzu so now my sister (Izzu) and I have two brown belts(one in karate and one in sword). It'll be awhile before my next test (for black, 1st degree).
Two of my friends and I have started producing an rpg and we've already a world map sketched out to use. I'm currently working on a new battle engine (It's hard and I don't know what the heck I'm doing).
Hm...FCAT Reading and Math was last Monday and Tuesday respectively and the NRT will be taking place this coming Wednesday. Not much to worry about however I'm angry that there were typos in the math section of our FCAT test.
Ooo if I had posted a couple days earlier I would've written that I'll be moving to Malaysia for a year! However my father just got back from his business trip over there and returned to hear that the productions plant he works will be shut down and he'll be losing his job.
He is, however expecting to hear something from administration on Monday but I don't see how any good news can come regarding work when the plant is going under. He says he believes that the one-year job offer in Malaysia was presented by the administration to him was just to keep him working for them for the remaining couple of months while they're still afloat (He was about to quit and move on anyway).
Hm...that's about it...was really hoping to go though...nice experience to tell about. But even with all of this happening nothing seems very sad. Maybe it's just because dad is back after a 3 week trip.
The worse from the future is more than probable but I don't feel it coming. It's weird...
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
Hey guys
Sorry, Haven't posted in awhile. Hey, is anybody going to MegaCon in Orlando tomorrow? It's a big video game and anime convention.
Anyways, I'll be taking my brown belt test either on Monday or Wednesday so that'll be something to look forward to...
and my popularity rating went from #800 to #1200 since last post.
I'm sure there was a lot more to post but I've forgotten since then.
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