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College Student
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Anime Fan Since
1991, when I first saw an episode of Doraemon.
Favorite Anime
too damn many
Videogames, Anime, Music, etc....
Wallpaper Artist, Ninja, Charismatic Leader of the Masses
On this site, you will see various rants that I post every so often. WELCOME TO MY CORNER OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Pilgrimage to Chicago......
Well, this weekend has been rather interesting and quite unforgettable in my eyes. My friends, Cody, Ross, Matt, and I recently went to Chicago to take part in a Japanese culture festival last Friday, which unfortunately wasn't up to our expectations. All we did there was learn how to play Go and pump $6 into a machine of House Of The Dead 4. The best part was afterwards, where we went to an authentic Japanese restaurant, where we dined on ramen, tonkatsu, and I relaxed myself with about 300 ml of sake(and by relaxed, I mean got nicely drunk.) The next day had us drive around town until we noticed a Japanese toy shop and browsed it for a good while, giving me the chance to get some great wall scrools (I found a Detective Conan!!!! YES!!!) and a Rock Lee for my cell phone:) But the best part of it all was that Ross and I found not only a DDR Extreme arcade machine, but a Furikura photo booth, which is 50 times better than any photo booth in the states. We asked the owner for his offering price, since Ross and I are trying to get good machines for an upcoming arcade for our local mall after the arcade we used to work at folded over and DDR is like God here. The prices was reasonable for an arcade machine and hopefully we have something great coming up for our job securities. Then we stopped at the local Asian marketplace where we all tried melon soda and melon bread for the first time other than Ross, who tried even better stuff when he went to Japan a couple years back. We even browsed a Japanese bookstore to see CDs and manga that we could look forward to here. But the best part of the evening was when we went to this Medeival Times restaurant and got to enjoy a great show of jousting, combat, and some good acting while enjoying some old-style food, like roast half chicken and the like. It was truly unforgettable, even though half the trip was nothing but finding our way from point A to point B (with some wandering to point C and stopping at points D,E, and F to get directions) I'll never forget it. Once Matt gives us our copies of the pictures from his digital camera, I'll upload them so you can take a look.
No word on my computer, and I know that this post is rather long and winded, give me a break. Gotta give you something for all my time away from here. Well, gtg. Criminal Law class is giving me an exam in 9 hours, and with all this chaos in the trip, I couldn't even hope to study. Now, where's that extra-caffiene coffee????.......
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
well, let me just turn the light on......damn a lot of dust here. Well, seeing as I haven't checked in on my site in so long, who can blame me?????? What can I say if college has kept me busy???? Well, I am definetly returning to mean it......I'm not dead......but my computer is with all of my images so far and is being repaired....yet again....but hopefully i can return to some normalcy and post like crazy again. Thank you to all who still enjoy my wallpapers, I'll bring you some great stuff in the near future.
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Monday, December 12, 2005
Shiny Happy moments.......
wel, today has been what i call a super happy day. one, i took my first major final today and did pretty well, 2, I sold back half of my boks and got me 72 dollars for shopping needs and to get Animal Crossing DS (.....wai:).......) and three, my buddy is letting me borrow Azumanga Daioh, whic makes me feel happy inside. Now i get to start my happy periods.......oh, i also have 6 new wallpapers up, let me know what you think:)
Happy Holidays,
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Back to some normalcy......
Well, today will be very good for me. I finally finish my final performance for my Performance Studies class (which is why today I'm decked out in all black and looking very awesome right now:) ) and I get my computer back from my dad, who is taking the effort to bring it all the way here to my college so I can have it, which means I'll have my pictures and wallpapers up and running for the first time since September.
I really am sorry for all who have missed my work and for those who have been downloading my wallpapers since then, I thank you VERY MUCH. (17k......w00t....) Well, before that, I have to get back to planning this performance, but I might be on tonight for chatting or IMs for those who I haven't talked to in such a long time.....
Until then, bye:)
Feeling good,
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Featured Quiz Result:
This is actually very fitting for my other half......
 You are a maniac killer. It doesn't matter who they are and what they have or haven't done. You still want to kill them. And for a simple reason only; it's fun. Seeing people in pain is like ecstasy. Maybe you have some sort of mental problems or you are this way because of previous deep scars, only you know. But now you are sadistic and maybe you only like to see a special group of people be in pain (e.g. preps). However you are not the most social person in the bunch and people think you are weird. That bothers you somewhat but atleast you can entertain yourself with daydreaming about killing them. After all, they have no idea what's coming.
Main weapon: Explosives and torture equpiment Quote: "Insanity: a perfect rational adjustment to an insane world" - R.D. Lang Facial expression: Wicked smile
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] brought to you by Quizilla
fits me to a "T">:)
Well, this makes me think of what I am.....