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myOtaku.com: J2

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

   Out of the frying pan, into the fire......
well, it has been very very busy with some things since my last post. Good news- I'm back here with my college connections, and as you have seen, so are my wallpapers. I have many more in the works, which will soon be up in good time. Bad news-I'm tired as hell, and I still have 4 more days of marching band camp to go through, which include today a visit to the Indiana State Fair for a special performance, even though we learned all of our fundamentals only yesterday.

Yeah, we are in some serious hurt.

But it's good. My instrumental section is quite big this year, and we sound very good. I just hope that we can do well today....

Also, it doesn't help that I just came to college after dealing with a good visit from my mom's friends from up north. She brought 4 boys, ages 17 to 12, and three little girls, ages 7, 6, and 3. She also brought along a little shih tzu which drove my poor dog nuts. So I have had no chance whatsoever to wind down for these events.

I just moved back in to this room, went online to check out the wallpapers that are up (which makes me realize how crappy some of my wallappers are:( ) but I'm sure a lot of you disagree on this, I'm just telling it the way I see it.

Well, I got to go pack some things up for the bus trip, if they only had an outlet for my computer'a AC adapter........oh well. Well, have a good week all, and I will return maybe later this week......I hope.....

Running his feet to bloody stumps,


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