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myOtaku.com: J Briones

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Thank you all for your support
I want to thank you for always supporting me and never saying anything negative. I am sorry that I haven't been visiting sites and such. But I didn't even have time to study for my test and do my home work. I was working at the haunted house yesterday and by the time I got home I was so tired I just went to bed. That resulted in my waking up late and being tardy to class.

Speaking of tardy to classes. They started this whole if your tardy to class you get a 90 min d-hall and I think its so stupid! I am late to class but for good reasons. Oh well I guess I just better not get caught. lol.

That cemetery tour is at 6:45. So I guess I will miss Naruto. I have to go since the bell rang. Hopefully I can be back later.

OKIE DOKIE!! I am back. So yeah the whole Hour and a half d-hall is stupid. I umm have had an ok day so far. I took my ROTC and Senior pics today. The whole senior class was on the bleachers and I thought I was going to fall to my death. ( i was on the top bleacher/row)

I started feeling sick about an hour ago. I hate feeling sick at school.

Song of the day is ... Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I need to look up some more songs.

I need to go cause I have a ton of homework.

Have an awesome day!


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