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myOtaku.com: JackieSkellington

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Night shade2 (11/04/05)

Thank you for signing my guest book I really apreciate it.I like your site I will also add you as a friend.I will give you the code for the banner through private messaging.

Sweet Momiji (11/04/05)

Hey! I got the background for a website of course! Hey if you want it just "private message" me. Ok..Am adding you as a friend, hope you will do the same.

-Momiji @.&

fled13 (11/04/05)

I like madness as well... in small doses

KagomeMaya17 (11/04/05)

Hello. Thank your for signing my guestbook and visiting my site. Yes, I do love Inuyasha and Kagome being a couple. I shall add you to my list of friends, hope that's okay. Talk to you later.

newmooninuyasha (11/04/05)

you write inu fanfics too? someday i want to read them! i love your site it is so cute. so your a super smart seventh grader? well, im a super dumb 10th grader!!! small world, ne?

cu around! ^0_->


msyugioh123 (10/15/05)

cool cute background and avitar

Myui (09/28/05)

Haha, what a great site! Presea and Genis are so cute. Good luck being a bendy person, you could be a pirate then. Sorta.

ToS fans rock hardcore, so rock on! ^^

dragonboy621 (06/27/05)

I love your site! Presea and Genis are so cute together. Can I add you as my friend? Well, please visit my site and sign my guestbook sometime!

XxBeetlejuicExX (06/22/05)

kool site. nightmare b4 xmas is muh fave movie. ona my faves. BEETLEJUICE! i hadta say that cuza yer user name! ^_^ haha gunna add u as a frend ok? OK!
ps: stopp on by!

Zhana (06/05/05)

Hola, chika! I love your site, and added you as a friend! Love the background, btw, so cute!

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