Birthday 1986-04-23 Member Since 2004-07-14 Occupation student...ocassionally a computer'd get it if you only asked Real Name Dammit! Here's my button if you want to link me ^__^
Achievements getting to you Anime Fan Since 1993...maybe earlier Favorite Anime Yu Yu Hakusho, Hunter X Hunter, Rurouni Kenshin, Outlaw Star, Inuyasha, Trigun, FLCL and more Goals to dream Hobbies uh...anime...and fighting Talents fighting...yea jacks heartache
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Ok, so...I'm still working on a few things...but that is to be expected when you for some strange reason arn't on your comp for most of the night...I blame Dodgeball....yeah a few of us got together and ended up watching that.
I think the main reason why I am posting today is because I found this video and had to immediatly share...I think all of you should put it up on you sites as well it's great!
Random Video:
OMG I can't really believe how amzing this is but Final Fantasy Thriller!
I'd like us to play together, but you're still really a cute little teeny apple ~Hisoka~
Ok as you may have noticed a few changed have been what do you think of the songs? I wanted to put at least one song from Serenity/Firefly and Funeral/Rebuilding Serenity I think fits very well for the time. Eden ~To Destiny~ is another entrancing song that I had to include, and yes I have seen most of Yami no Matsuei....I just need to watch the final ep while fully awake this time...I'm not sure either. As for Bouncing off the Walls...I wanted something a little up while not being way WAY too up and hey, Sugarcult rocks.
Question is, are there any other songs that you think I should include???
Hmmm...OH yeah, all animations and screencaps that were in the intro before can be found Here this page houses all sorts of animations that PO and I have made....speaking of Rachel the background I currently am using is one that she made of Ayumu Narumi of Spiral *because I'm kinda using him as a bit of a theme but not really* and is available to download in the wallpapers section....obviously.
Well it looks like things just might be looking up in all but one class....I loathe my science class right's not even the class itself it's the lab. Anyways, yeah.
So more changes hopefully to come soon, more than likely I'll have a new banner/welcome sign, maybe a button, definately I'll be changing up the way that I post/content.
Bye for Now!
Random Video:
Somebody got me hooked on AOTS and so this is my first random video for ya'll to watch ^_^ Comments (1) |
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
It's Gendo! Oh Baby!
So yeah it's been a while. Sorry about that just lots of stuff going on. This month has just been bad, been sick off and on, was miserable during Spring Break and now it looks like I might fail at least half my classes unless by some miracle I don't....sorry about that.
So how've you been? Or am I already off everyone's friends list for not updating all that much and even less frequenting their sites, that's cool I probably would have deleted me off my friends list too....if I was on my friends list.
I haven't written anything lately, and created even less since then. Perhaps I will trasform some things on MyO and we'll see how things go from there.
Item number 5411239839
Long time, no? Sorry for that. I had to disconnect my internet/phone/cable for a while...the real world is tuff get a helmet. As for the title I started to type It's been a while and after "it" that started to appear and I went with it.
Interesting thing: CORN!!! thank PO for that link.
Other than my entertainment fund being the first thing to go...I've been in and out of work, finally back in...although it is only a temp job. School starts soon...not really looking forward to that but perhaps I'll have something to talk about that isn't all depressing like. Let's see finally got to watching both Firefly & Serenity loved them. Hanging out with PO, rarely though, I think if I see her every two weeks now that's too much.
Still preoccupied with 1985
Hey! It's been too long I know. I still need to scan in the pics from March. I've just been really out of it lately. A bit depressed with the bills and unnessecary stuff. I'm finially catching up with the Naruto manga/anime, as well as Yu Yu Hakusho a few of us are recaping for another friend who just started it a few weeks back we are just ending Chapter Black soon, starting on a few new and old shows. Not much to say about what's going on here, which is basically nothing but work, reading, hanging out with PO and friends. Sorry I haven't updated since May. My bad. I am in the process of attempting to write a fic, it'll probably be a one-shot but yea, look for it next time I update. Oh, and the title for today's post is that since my rank is 1985, I thought it was funny.
It's already MAY!!!!!
Wow! Sorry I haven't updated in a good while. I've been trying to keep up in my school work, finals are already here. Thankfully I am almost done. I'm getting burned out on just about everything, but at least I have PO to keep me semi sane. She is doing fine, and is almost ready to get back into the real world. We are planning on looking for jobs together soon. Oh yea, those pics I was talking about I'm barely going to be able to take them out tommorow b/c I am poor. PO's b-day is on Saturday so we're gonna party from tomm. (Cinco de Mayo) until Sunday night (Mother's Day). Other than that not much is going on. Well hopefully I'll be around here more often. Comments (1) |
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
[[insert title]]
Not much going on here, I was just finally able to get back online and make a puzzle. I visited with PO again, she seems to be well, but still can't go online so I'll update her site agian. This puzzle is of Edge putting his submission on Triple H, it is a little hard but such a nice picture, speaking of which sometime before April I should have enough money to develop all the good pics PO and I took when the Raw superstars came down here.
Did you order the ringside interferance ~John Cena, A Few Good Men Parody~
So howdy and all that jazz! How's life been going for you? I'm a little down right now. Tuesday they took Rachel (Princess Ookumae) into the hospital, she says it was just for testing but I talked to her mom today and it sounds like she's doing worse. If you can/want could you say a prayer for her. So other than missing PO and getting ready for Spring Break I've really haven't been doing anything lately anyway. Actually this is my first spring break in years, all my high school ones went to doing make up work and hanging out with PO on the set of UIL One Act Play rehersals. Good times. This year I probably won't go anywhere, but I mean I'm not that far away from Padre Island to where I'd have to plan a whole day just to get there either. So I guess depending on how she feels and what the doctors say I might just be spending time with PO. And if nothing else I will try to catch up on my shows and storylines...perhaps try to even make an AMV, I have a little idea thanks to the Wrestlemania 21 trailers...I think I could do a Dirty Harry scene for Yu Yu Hakusho (you know the scene...Do you feel lucky?) Anyway I think that's about it. I might come back later and make a puzzle, then again maybe not.
Random dialog:
Eddie : You know what they call Wrestlemania in France?
Booker T: This is good...Tell him Eddie. ...EDDIE!
Eddie: Wrestlemania
Keep safe during Spring Break, there are a lot of people out there that don't know when to call it quits....or are just really stupid. I want to see you around! Comments (0) |
Sunday, March 6, 2005
After the rain....the sun came out and scared me back inside
Just kidding...I couldn't come up with anything good. Sorry for the month of not being bad. Ok, so Friday was RAW LIVE! (LIVE! means it will never be televised RAW by itself is the actual show...go figure) anyway yeah PO and I went and it was friggin awesome, we took a lot of pics, PO got Victoria's autograph I only got a card with her info on it which is really cool! We ended up being in the 8th row and the seats were alot closer since it was only a houseshow so we were up there and having fun talking 5h!t to some of the wrestlers, it was funny I was the only one in the arena cheering for Edge in his fight against HBK, which I enjoy watching both fight but Edge has that great submission which Here Comes the Pain calls "THE EDUCATOR" I for sure have two pics of Edge hitting that. Oh, I am going to get the pics developed soon hopefully, we took 5 rolls of film, but in the middle of the 2nd or 3rd roll the camera started acting up so I don't know if those pics will come out but for sure the 1st, 4th and 5th are all good, and the Edge and HBK fight is on the 5th roll I think. Anyway other than that I've just been out of it lately, PO's been under the weather, and my comp's been down but it's back up now thankfully. That's about it.
Random quote for today:
2 reasons that a guy wrote on his sign of 100 reasons that he hates Christian
"2. His girlfriend is [Tyson] Tomko
3. He is a waste of marker" Comments (0) |