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1993...maybe earlier
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| jacks heartache
Monday, November 15, 2004
Rain, Speech, and a lotta unnecessary typing
First off I'd like to say this hasn't been the best of times for me but watching Survivor Series more than helped....then Ookumae went crazy when they showed RVD getting dressed and Cena in you couldn't see that already? So yea, basically this weekend was a waste, right now it is 4:19 Central time and I have 4 hours until I need to get to school and I still have to get this stupid speech ready for seminar, figure out how the hell I'm gonna put this thing together and if it does get done hope I can get there....right now it is raining, it has been raining all night in fact, like it was last night just right now my part of the street is a little flooded which rarely happens because my house sits at a higher part of a hill, so I'm hoping it does flood so I can e-mail my teachers saying that the forces of nature are not allowing me to go to school today, so everyone send your rain down here to Corpus, please! Other than that I've just been here, watching a lot, a lot of AMVs, I think I might try to make one, but my computer is so ancient that I only have Windows Movie Maker and it's not even the good version with all them transitions or effects. Well I guess there's nothing else to say than
Random dialog of the day:
Eugene: "You...your Kurt Angle"
Kurt: "Yea"
Eugene: "You....your the only ole-olempic gold medalist in the history of the WWE"
Kurt: "You catch on quick"
Eugene: "Your a former WWE Champion"
Kurt: "Yea....I have to get to my match"
Eugene: " SUCK" ::claps and repeats....a lot::
Ok...lines 5 and 6 I'm kinda fuzzy on but that was the meat and potatos of it.
EDIT: Oh yeah! For all of ya'll who watch wrestling out cool is it, Yu Yu Hakusho is one of the sponsers for the WWE now! When I was watching Velocity and saw the commercial for the new series being commented on by Josh Matthews I was like RIGHT ON!!!!! Just thought I'd say that. ::runs off singing:: "I wish it would rain"
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