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myOtaku.com: Jade Lotus

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

   Artwork! & Quiz thing-a-ma-bob!
I am working on compiling some more artwork to post... Too bad it is mostly original artwork... It requires more of an explanation, & you are only allowed so many characters in your description... Ah well, what can ya do?

Your connection with darkness is through
self-harming. Life has hurt you so badly and it
feels like it always will. Of course, you just
want to get rid of it and has found out that
cutting releases your pain and tension. After
all, now it's you who decides to inflict pain,
not someone else. Perhaps you even feel guilty
afterwards when you've "come to your
senses". Due to this you tend to wear
long-sleeved shirts, if it's the wrists your
cutting. You fear your scars will be seen and
often keep away from people physiclly. Some
cutters just want to get caught doing it, to be
saved and for someone to care for them and
understand. While others may do it just because
there is too many problems they have to deal
with, and inflicting harm upon themselves seems
to be a good way out. This is the point where
I'm supposed to say that you should talk to
someone. The thing is though, I know as well as
you, it's hard seeking help. But it's still
highly recommended that you stop harming

What is your connection with darkness? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

What happens when you try to be Japanese? by hideto
Your Name
Your Age
Your Japanese NameHotaru (Firefly)
Your New StyleGothic Lolita
Your Favourite SingerKozi
You end up becoming..An international film star
Cash flow?$816,026,003
You die..In a fiery car accident.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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