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myOtaku.com: Jaded Glass

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Allo. This is my little Anime related site. I'm a fan of the Anime style, but I really haven't watch all that many films. The first Anime series I ever saw was Sailor Moon. I was totally hooked and watched the entire series over the next few nights.

After that one time I didn't really get into it until last year when I stumbled onto a website featuring Anime style artwork. That's when I found out my brother was a big fan of Cowboy Beebop. And I finally found a common interest with my brother, and when you haven't been close in over four years, that's a huge thing!

So I started to draw anime and read episodes online. And now, a little webpage.

So thank's for droping by and reading my little rant! <3

Friday, April 21, 2006

   Sleepy and sluggish
that is how I feel.

I sat in my bed as the alarm echoed in the room, refusing to accept the sun was outside my window. I hide inside that warm place where sleepers dwell, safe and still, and pushed the harsh rings out of my head. But to no avail, this siren overpowered my sweet retreat and I was forced to open my heavy eyes.

Trying to reclaim that peaceful state I threw the covers over head as a sheild against the day. But the unrelenting screams of the day pierced my armor and I was awake.

O soft bed.
O comfort and warmth.
How I long to lay and dream again.

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Tuesday, April 4, 2006

   The sun'll come out.. tomorrow...
Or so I was hoping. :D It rained with a fierce desire to soak me through and through. My gifted powers of premenition had me clinging to what little body heat still remained in my drenched body. But a little rain never hurt any one, however, alot of rain kills. To my good fortune I did, however, found all my car windows closed. Yay, for me, no portable bathtub for my trip home. But I exaggerate, as I often do, life seems so quiet and realitive if I don't.
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

   It's raining outside...
Yes, it's all gloomy and stormy and rainy outside. This disturbing weather does not bode well for the coming week. Weather has been inconsistant to say the least. I find it drudging one as if it too can't seem to brighten up.

I look out my window and see little light, plenty of dark, and the no indication of a clearing to come. It is depressing and pulling me under with it's flat tones of gray. Not that the sky is flat, only it shows no color or life. The sky was so clear yesterday.

To say my day has been without stimulation is an understatement. I am talking about the weather and the depression is only making it worse. Did you know that depression can create physical pain? I've have a stomach ache all afternoon. It was as if my body was also having an internal battle to stay alive.

Oh my. This is depressing.

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