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Nothing much, yet . . .
Anime Fan Since
I've always been a fan of the art work . . . didn't really get chance to be a fan of the stories until around 2000
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop
Reading, drawing, writing, playing video games . . . the list is endless
Reading, drawing, writing, playing video games . . . the list is endless ^_~
Hello everyone, I hope you're having a nice day! . . . Not that I could do anything about it if you weren't . . . Anyway, I hope you enjoy my fan art; it makes ME happy, if no one else. ^_^
Feel free to look around . . . sign my guestbook . . .
If you have any suggestions/advice/comments/whatever about my fan arts, feel free to make them in whatever post is newest. I'd love to hear anything that could help me improve my drawing skills!
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
Well . . . I wasn't planning on posting or anything, but I figured if I was going to go and bug people, I might as well put up a new post for y'alls to comment on, if you feel like doing so!
So, this as officially been the longest between posts. (who can beat two years??)I recently had my birthday, and I am now 20. I've been going to the University of Washington for the last two years. Probably my favorite thing has been doing Husky Marching Band, which is kick-awesome. As of the beginning of this year I decided I was going to double-major in Linguistics and Spanish. And all (4) of my classes are in Spanish this quarter. It was a real trial at the beginning, but I've gotten better at reading things in Spanish quickly, which is good because I've had a LOT of reading to do. Not to mention papers written in Spanish--those are always fun.
If we're being quick, it doesn't seem like a whole lot else has happened. Cow and I are still together. The evil boy, he introduced me to the wonders of World of Warcraft and that takes altogether too much of my time up. Although lately I've been playing Zelda--finished Twilight Princess in three days over break, and just finished the Minish Cap . . . today!
So umm, guess that's all. Enjoy your biennial posting!
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
. . . . aaaah
Okay--once again it's been about a million years since I posted last, but man has a lot happened!
Let's see . . . I turned 18, April 18th, I managed to survive all five of those AP tests (won't get the scores back until July, though--boo) Managed to finish this ridiculously large project for chemistry that in fact had nothing to do with chemistry--we made a movie that was supposed to be like on of those old "private eye" movies, you know. It actually turned out really good, but it took us forever. And by us I mean the Cow and me, because he was my partner. I think I would have gone insane otherwise. So, then I mangaged to complete all my other classes, and successfully graduate from high school--which I did two days ago. Monday. It was really stinking late and very annoying, but whatever.
And guess what else!! I can't beleive I forgot to say this on my last post, but while I was in Ireland, my best friend got married. So I missed her wedding!! That's about the only thing about Ireland that sucked. She's the same age as me--I remember when I was younger thinking that 18 was plenty old enough to get married, but now, no--definitely not. And now I hear that she's having a baby girl. She's always wanted kids, so that's good, but man, I couldn't deal with a baby right now. . . yeah. It's crazy.
So not alot has been happening in my life other than trying to get done with high school--I'm so glad it's over. I have to go to an advising session tomorrow for college--we signed up just about as early as you can so that we could get first pick of classes n_n;; I got a bunch of money from people as graduation gifts, and I'm going to put it towards buying a laptop so I don't have to share this computer with my brother anymore.
After graduation the seniors had an all-night party thing (here they call it spree--I don't know why) and so I got home at 630 in the morning yesterday, so I pretty much slept all day. My internal clock is just starting to get back to normal now. n_n;
As always, sorry about the infrequent posting--this time it's only been about 2 2/3 months. n_n;;
I've been stopping by some people's sites--not commenting, but now that I'm grauated, maybe I'll have more time. (ha ha)
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
Hello everyone--it's been a long time again, hasn't it? Three months. But hey--at least that's not five months like last time!!
Anyway, it makes me sad to not have time for the myO anymore after I made such great friends, but my posts are probably going to be like this--whenever I have time to type them, and the courage to try and come back after who-knows-how-many months n_n;;.
Anyway, I've been really busy with school--five AP tests coming up in May (NOT looking forward to that!!) I've successfully applied and been accepted to college--the University of Washington--and haven't had any major crisis in my life this year . . . (knock on wood).
But enough of the boring stuff!! A couple weeks ago my band went on a trip to Ireland, and it was the awesomest thing ever. I'd been looking forward to this all year--since last year in fact. It was a lot of work trying to get the money together for it--it ended up being nearly 3000 dollars!!--and then trying to get a bunch of my work from school done in advance becuase I was going to be missing an entire week (and as you can probably tell by my upcoming AP tests, my coarseload is not light--I swear, I'm never going to do that to myself again.) But it was all definitely worth it. People keep telling me that it was "the chance of a lifetime" and talking about how I may never get to do anything like it again, but . . . I want to go back!!
We were mainly going over to march in the St. Patrick's Day parade in Dublin. --In Dublin, Ireland!! It was awesome being over there, and you may think that everyone would just get all drunk and everything--and most people did--but it was a lot of fun. I mean, I don't know--like, there was just a friendly atmosphere that I've never felt anywhere else before. (and I didn't drink--even in Ireland I was still one month short of the legal drinking age (18).)
Although the main reason we went was to be in Dublin, we were actually only there for three days. Before we went there, we spent a couple of days in London and played a sort of "concert" thing in front of the Albert Memorial in Hyde Park (if anyone knows where that is--seriously, there've got to be about a bazillion Albert Memorial type things--but of the ones I saw, that's definitely the most impressive). I wasn't really looking forward to going to London, but when I got there I really, really liked it. Especially using the Underground--I mean, you can get basically anywhere you want in a half-hour or less without having to deal with traffic. And the traffic in London is horrid. One of my favorite things in London was using their money. It's just so much more fun to ask someone, "can I borrow twenty pence?" than to ask to borrow twenty cents.
So after we left London we drove through Wales and rode a ferry across to Dublin--4 hour ferry ride! Then after Dublin we stayed in Dublin we drove across Ireland to Limerick, where we had another parade and concert. Driving through the English and Irish country side is just how you'd imagine it--rolling hills, green fields, hedgerows, stone walls, and lots and lots of sheep. And we also saw a lot of old castles and things--seriously, in Ireland, you're driving along the road and about every half hour you see a castle or ruined watch tower, or an old church with all the Celtic crosses on the tombstones. It was really impressive. Ireland is a very beautiful place.
Near Limerick we got to see the Cliffs of Moher, which are amazing--650 feet high in some places!! And they let us run on this beach for like five minutes, so I got to touch the Atlantic Ocean for the first time (no, I've never been to the east coast.)
And one of the best nights had to have been the last night (although after that we had three hours of sleep on which to try and stand nearly twenty-four hours of plane riding.) That's becuase we got to eat dinner in a castle. I saw several castles up close and personal when we were over there--we visited the Tower of London in London, Malahide Castle near Dublin, the end of the parade in Limerick was in the courtyard of King John's Castle, and then we ate dinner in Bunratty Castle. --Huge!! It doesn't look that large from outside, but it's got to be a least the equivalent of a six or seven story building. I guess it's not really that large compared to some castles becuase it only had a tower at each corner with two levels of central room (huge rooms, though), but it was certinaly impressive. The dinner was semi-authentic medieval, which of course meant no silverware--except for a knife. Quite fun.
The Cow came too becuase he's also in the band, so getting to spend more than a week solid with him made everything just that much better n_n. This has stretched on for quite a bit, so I think I'll stop here and call it good. n_n;;
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
Hey Peoples
Man, I hope I remembered all that html right--if I did I'll be amazed!!
Anyway, hi everybody!! I don't know how many people will even notice that I posted, considering that the last time I did was . . . August . . . 1st . . .
No, I havn't dropped off the face of the planet, and no I'm not dead!! Just extrememly busy with my senior year of high school and all that. And the Cow and I are going out, so that's diverting my attention too. n_n
(if any of you're wondering who the Cow is, ask and I'll explain it to you)
Anyway . . .
It's been a really long time. And each time I might've gone on here, I'm like, I havn't been on in forever!! And then didn't. Kind of dumb, I know, but hey.
I really, like really need to go to people's sites, but I just don't have time!! Man, I still need to go to Someguy's site and find out what happened to Cream in the story he was posting like half a year ago!! And he's probably already written more . . . aah
oh well.
Man, I'm really tired cause my friend Tabby from Portland just went home and we'd been staying up late, and she had to leave at 7:30 this morning. Blah
Yeah so peoples . . . I do come by here everyday . . . I really do. I do, but I don't post, so go figure. what's the point, right??
Anyway, I decided to post today becuase I have officially had 1000 hits. I know that probably doesn't seem like a lot, but when considering the last number I commented on was 600, and the other 400 happened when I wasn't even posting . . . I don't know
Anyway, if any of you happened notice that I updated and have stopped by, thanks for coming!
Have a happy holiday season and all that stuff!!
Oh, and there's fudge on that plate over there--help yourselves. n_n |
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
Hello peoples . . .
I'm really sorry!!
This week has gone much too fast, and I didn't have enough time to get all of the things i wanted done, and that includes checking up on all your sites!! . . .and now I"m leaving again for two weeks.
So I know, I suck.
I really appreciate all of you guys coming by when I am not returning the favor . . .
bye |
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