Thursday, January 11, 2007
Cbox is Back.
Love yall!!!!!
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Pplz are coming back out!!! Yay!!!
Yay, everyone is coming back out to talk to me!!! I am so Crazy happy!!!! I finally found my cousin on here!!! Her name is cat girl ichigo. Go and visit her. well bye ppls.
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Yo, Sup PPLZ??????
Hey, just me! I am at my grandma's house and just chillin'..... I hope all of you r having good exams!!!!
LOVE, Amethyst
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
WAAAAAHHHHH!!! Where r u guyz!!! I wuz here!!!!
Hey, where is everyone??? I miss all the ppl that were once here..... Where is every one????????????????????????????? I really want someone to talk to.....
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Thursday, November 23, 2006
I am CRAZY BOUT BOYZ!!!!!!!!! YEHAAAW!!!!!
I adopted a chibi! ^.^

Name: Crackers_Bout_Boyz
Likes: Shingami(For lunch), Me, My friends, Swetty treats, Raw meat, Veggies, Edward Elric, Vegeta, and every thing or person I like.
Dislikes: Everythig else.
Owner: JAG2000
Click here to adopt a chibi too!