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Misao Sakurasawa
Straight A student, PVYO
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Anything Yuu Watase or yaoi, and Cowboy Bebop
Graduate high school with at least a 3.85 GPA
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Master at clarinet!
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Friday, May 7, 2004
More Braces Trouble
I got my bottom braces two days ago. Yesterday, the little rectangle of metal that hold the wire in place in the middle was sticking out, and my lip was all cut. My mom let me stay home from school today for some reason, and we recently went to the orthodontist to get it fixed. It really hurt because they had to take the whole wire out, and they had trouble opening and closing the bracketts, so my teeth were really sore afterwards. But at least that thing isn't poking into my lip ^_^ Because I missed school, the band auditions will be on Monday for me, I guess. Good, I have two more days to practice ^_^ But it hurts to, a little, because of these damn braces. I can't wait for eighteen months, when I finally get them off.
We got the summer school registration thing today! I'm going to summer school not because I'm stupid, but because 10th graders have to take health, and I have no room for it because I'm taking band and two science classes, bio and chem. It's only for about two weeks or so, though. It won't be that bad.
I don't have much to say right now, I'll write more next post. OK, later!
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
MY Friend?
Yesterday, I invited my friend 'Katie' home with me after school. We saw 'Freaky Friday' and some music videos and she ate dinner with us. She had a very long conversation with MY MOM about what food they like, how to prepare it, Katie's native country, etc. I felt kinda left out, to say the least. I would smile and nod every once in a while, but I could have flipped my mom the bird and she would not have noticed. Katie is very outgoing and talkative, but I would have listened to her cooking recipes and all. Well, maybe not. But I was getting SO annoyed at her, because when we were atching TV, she wanted to see Teen Titans and Lilo and Stitch and all, and watch them seriously (you know, versus watching them with your friends to make fun of it and as a joke.) She was the guest *cringe* so of course we saw those. It sucks major ass.
I got my bottom braces today! It sucks. My teeth hurt, and band audidtions are in two days and I won't be able to play! Braces suck. Eighteen more months of pain and ugliness!
Yes, we have ANOTHER spanish project. I got a 100% on that last one though ^_^ But in this one, I have to memorize this whole thing about Chile in Spanish. I didn't start yet. I ought to do that after this poat. Repeat: ought to. Probably won't though.
I had this short little project in History, and my assigned partner was Jenn. We used to be friends, but we drifted, and we had a great time talking when we were supposed to be doing our project. Byron and Gabby joined in, and we spent maybe 15 minutes talking about medical abnormalties we have. On ehad diagnosed bad handwriting from a doctor, one has bunions on their feet, one doesn't have an adult tooth under their last baby tooth, and one has two extra ribs. That conversation was so fun. OK, later!
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Monday, May 3, 2004
Eve6 Has Gone Downhill
Hmm, SOMEONE hasn't posted in quite a while.... *coughcough* Misao *coughcough* Soory about that! ^_^ Anyway, I'll start off this post with a little something about one of my fave bands, Eve6. They had their first CD with their hit single 'Inside Out' and a bunch of other great songs, but an equal mix of fillers too. Then their secind CD came out, and I LOVE almost every song on there! No filers in my book. Eve6's second CD is one of my faves. The I bought their new CD. There is maybe one good song, and eleven crap songs. Max, Tony, Jon, what happened?
My youth orchesta concert was yesterday! It went very well. Now I'm sad because now I can't go to rehearsal on Tuesday and Saturday. At least this time, I didn't embarass myself at the concert unlike the winter one... I won't go into that further. IU told my band teacher at school to go, he said he would, but being the total tool he is, he didn't come and said he forgot. Symphonic band auditions in school at this Friday! Duh, I'm gonna get in, I should have been in this year, but oh well.
Otakon is this July!!!!! I can't wait! My mom (don't tell anyone) is making my Misao cosplay. Misao from Rurouni Kenshin, that is. Next year, I'm gonna be Shuiichi from Gravitation. Anyway, I was going to go to Otakon with my best friend, but now my mom is letting my dork little sister go, and I don't want her to. I know this sounds selfish, but this is my escape and I don't want my sis hanging out with me.
The new Offspring video is playing. 'Can't Get my Head Around You.' I love that song!!!! Misao sings part of it: 'deep inside your soul theres a hole you dont want to see covering it up something something something likes of me no matter how i try i cant get my head around you.' Anyway, it's a bunch of shouting, and I liek that ^_^ Talking about shouting, Linkin Park seems to pull off one guy shouting and one guy rapping pretty well. Whe you hear the idea, you think, 'That'll sound bad,' but LP works. I love The Strokes!!!! I wan tto go to a The Strokes concert for my birthday this August. I'll have to check the tour schedule. In fact, I think I'll do that right now. Ok, later!
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Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Six Flags, New Jersey, etc....
Wow! Sorry I haven't updated in quite a while, but I'm back now ^_^ On Friday, I went to 6Flags as the physics fieldtrip. Well, there was more waiting in lines than having fun. First, we had to wait AN HOUR (I'm not exaggerating) in the hot sun crammed in the little space outside with nothing to do. Then the lines for all the rides were superlong. As for the lines to get food. Indunil, Alisa, and I had to skip lunch. But it was okay, and I'd rather be there than learning at school. When we got back, my parents picked me up and we went straight to New Jersey because my second cousin was having her Bat Mitzvah. It was pretty boring, but we went out to eat a lot, which was nice ^_^
At the synogogue, there was this cop guarding the little entrance way for some reason. And he was SO hot! And the DJ at the reception was HOT too! But he didn't play any of my requests, because he only played slow, soft old songs and I requested stuff like Nirvana, The Strokes, Blink182, etc. At my Bat Mitzvah, the DJ (a different guy) played whatever you asked for, and mainly Sum41 rocked my Bat Mitzvah, because they were my fave band at the time. The same guy who actually plays what you request is going to be at my sister's BM so she's going to hear some The Strokes that night ^_^
Reptilia is haunting me. That song won't get out of my head, and I can't find anywhere to download it. I am going to explode. If you know where to download new music for free, please tell me! I'll forever be in your debt.
I have a youth orchestra concert tonight! At some library. It's just for the Clarinet Choir though. The Symphonic Orchestra's concert is this Sinday, and I'm gonna get my band teacher at school to come, because he doesn't think I'm good, but here I'll show him that I am. Go Misao.
And as it turned out, Carlo didn't call during Spring Break because he never got Gothika. He promises over the summer, but knowing Carlo, I'd be better off renting it for him and taking it to his house. Actually, I might do that.
Got to go! OK, later!
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Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Today we went to the zoo! It was ok. We saw the famous pandas, and they were walking around, all the other times I've seen them (2 or 3) they've been just sleeping there. Maybe because we were there at 8:00 in the morning ^_^ The best part was when we saw these ugly little macquecas or something like that... they look like baboons. There was this little one in the cornor, so my friends and I flocked over to the cornor and looked at him. He looked so sad and lonely! Then he bared his teeth and jumped at the glass at us! We jumped like maybe a foot back ^_^ It was so funny! He then started attcking a much bigger monkey, who just swatted him away. He then jumped to this high branch, and hit into the glass right in front of us again! We were maybe watching those monkeys for 20 minutes or so. So my teacher tells us to meet at Amazonia at 11:15. My friends and I figure that sge's just checking that we're all here, then we'll be off. Most of us decided to buy zoo food, so we decided to eat after the meeting. As it turned out, we were going on this boring tour of Amazonia then going right to the bus, and we were all starving! The tour ended about 15 minutes early, so we rushed to eat. There wasn't a huge line, so we were fairly quick on the eating part. But we had to rush to the bus, which was at the other end of the zoo! We ran the whole way there, and were sweating and out of breath, and everyone was mad at us. My teacher was really pissed off. Tired...
And I just got 400 visits to my site! Yay!
I got my hair cut ^_^ It was all one length and a little past my boobs, and now it's layed and down to my chin and it looks very nice. I love it a lot! My mom still won't let me wear makeup yet though. She says in a few months, when I'm 15, but hopefully she'll break sooner than that ^_^
I'm starting to excersize more. Need to lose those ten pounds! As soon as I'm done writing this, more aerobics for me. Joy.
Oooh! Guess what! On MAD TV at 7:30, the Strokes are performing. I personally don't like MAD TV that much, I'm more like a Saturday Night Live girl, but I'll sit through the lame acts to see The Strokes perform! Man, I love The Strokes. Reptilia is awesome! And their other songs rock my cereal box too ^_^ Is that hot lead guy's name Julian Casablanca? I think I saw that somewhere but I'm not sure. OK, later!
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Romeo and Juliet
The Romeo and Juliet field trip was yesterday. The bus ride to Wash DC was an hour and a half, but I was sitting next to Byron and had a good book so it wasn't that bad. The play itself tried to be funny and to 'relate' to us high school kids, but didn't do too well of a job. It was very crowded, and I fell asleep halfway through the play! Good thing I wasn't drooling... On the bus ride back I sat next to Byron again, but we were both tired and we didn't say much. And I just found out a few days ago that Byron is going out with Brittany! She doesn't deserve him. I mean, he's just my friend I don't feel for him in that way, I'm just saying! During lunch, Danny came in between me and Brian, so I couldn't really talk to him. On Thursday, I vow to say something to Brian! Anyway, in Wash DC, there was this middleaged balding fat guy, and he was crazy. He had on a turquise skirt and a shirt reading, 'Salvation for Satan' and a little devil headband. He was shouting something and holding up his hand weird. It was Wash DC, so he was pretty much ignored. I felt kind of bad for him though.
Tomorrow is the Zoo field trip! Yay!
On Saturday, it was my cat's 6th birthday. Happy birthday Rocky and PJ!
Well, I got in front of the class and did my oral on Pancho Villa. It went pretty well. There was this group of people who did Celia Cruz, and it was so funny! They set it up like an awards show, and the guy dressed up as Cruz had on a wig, and a dress with fake boobs and a fake butt ^_^ It was so funny! And all he said was 'Hola' and 'Gracious' in this high pitched voice. It was so great.
On April 5, there was a ten year anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death. I just forgot to mention it for this long ^_^ Not that it was in the back of my mind all the time, just that when I wrote myotaku posts, I had other things to think about. Anyway, let's have a moment of silence for Mr. Cobain.
Ok, later!
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
Well. Ahem. My boyfriend just told me he is bisexual. Hey, hey, I'm not some hick who thinks all gay or bisexual people are a sin or should die or whatever, I was just taken aback and surprised. I said that was okay, and it really is. He asked if I still loved him. Of course I did, and that's what I said. He was relieved, I guess that's the right word. I mean, he still wants to be with me and all, and loves me. So what if he's attracted to guys too? We can go guy-watching together^_^
I hate my dad. He keeps calling me fat, even though I'm not. I'm not ultra-thin, so that's maybe why. I mean, I'm 5' 1'' and 110 lbs. Evenly spread out. And he sarcastically says things like all the boys are after me, and we both know they're not. I mean, my sister was all like, "I have nice thighs," and my dad goes, "Misao hears that from the boys all the time," in this weird tone. He is very insensitive, but sometimes we really get along well. Sometimes he's really fun and we have a great time. Yeah, my relationship with my dad is weird to say the least.
This summer, I want to do a lot of things with my friends. Last summer, I was like, 'If they don't call me, then they don't want to spend time with me. Everyone hates me,' but this summer, I don't care if no one calls ME, I'll call THEM and we'll have a good time ^_^ Whether they like it or not! And I've met my soulmate this year, Alisa. We're gonna spend almost every day together ^_^ But she's going to Taiwan in July. I guess that's time with Indunil, Laura, Carlo, Michelle, etc. This summer is going to be a lot better than last, when I went maybe 6 or 7 places total with friends. It's not like I don't have friends, it's also that my family drags me everywhere they go, so the oppurtunity doesn't come up that often. My family thinks if one member goes somewhere, we all have to go, and it sucks. We do too much together. I hate it. I know some people are envious whose families do nothing together, but I guess the best place is in the middle, where families to some things together, but not everything. Believe me, I'm suffocating here. Not much else to say for today, so ok, later!
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Friday, April 16, 2004
Rebel Without A Cause
We were watching 'Rebel Without A Cause' today in history class because we're learning about the 1950's and how the teenage generation started becoming what we are today. I've seen parodies of this movie of SNL and shows like that, but the movie was really enjoyable! I loved it! It's really funny, and James Dean is pretty cute ^_^
I finished my Physics project. Finally! Go Misao! But now I have a Physics outline to do. Stupid Physics.... it's probably my hardest class. And I'm taking both bio and chem next year. A double period of chem first semester and a double period of bio second semester. But there is only one double period class, and the double period of bio interfers with Symphonic Band! I was supposed to be in symphonic this year, but my teacher did this screwy thing, and now I'm the best person in concert band. Our band SUCKS so bad. We do a sucky job and our bum teacher is just like, 'Good job you guys,' but we suck. I mean, I'm third chair in a hard-to-get-into youth orchestra an hour away, and I'm stuck in Concert Band. As you can tell, I hate concert band. But the only double period bio is periods 4 and 6, and symphonic band is period 4!! When I get in next year, I might have to take concert again anyway, even though I'm very good on my clarinet, in order to take biology. Hopefully they'll move the band or double period periods next year. And I'm taking health over the summer just so I can take band because there's not enough room in my schedule, and it would suck to take summer school health only not to get to play in symphonic band. I might need to have a little talk with my guidance counselor...
Oh, I tried to change my song on this site, but there's something new on msealsmusic that says I have to say 'yes' to let this security thing in, and I don't trust it. So no new song for me. But anyway, I used to go to this site under 'my site' just to hear the music, but now it won't play. Is 'Memory' playing on your computor? Thank you for reading abuot my boring life ^_^ Ok, later!
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Thursday, April 15, 2004
Dumb Prep Jock Boy
Remember yesterday when I said I was at a new physics table full of preps? Well, two of them weren't here today, so it was just me and "John" to do a lab together. Well, he had no idea what to do, so I had to explain it all, which was hard to do, and when he said he got it, we did the wave experiment. It went out fine, but it was weird for me to dictate what to do with someone I was pretty shy around. John is dumb beyond all reason, but he is one hot guy! But I'm a shy person, and I would be shy around anyone who I wasn't a friend with ^_^ When the lab was over and the questions were answered, he needed help on the problems, which were simple beyond all reason. Being the kind sould that I am (^_^) I helped him. Physics ended too late (at least it felt that way.)
Hey, what do you all think about an internet relationship with someone that you met over the internet? There's this guy "Adam" that I met in a small chatroom my friend owns and moderates, and we really hit it off. I've known him for about three weeks, and recently we became official 'boyfriend and girlfriend' even though Adam lives in Ohio. There's not like a line of guys wating for me here back here (ha, ha) so I don't see the harm in just talking to someone I truly like over the internet. But my sister wants me to stop for some reason, even though I really like Adam. What do you guys think?
On a more lighter note, there's this website you guys HAVE to go to! This 6foot guy in a chicken suit is in this room, and you type something in and it does whatever you type! It's so awesome! It's great. OK, later!
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Wednesday, April 14, 2004
I just got home from school. It was just a blah day, and nothing much happened. We got new seats in Physics, and I'm in a table full of preps! Ahhhh! Kill me now! And we got new seats in English. Mr. Harrison likes me, so I'm in the back ^_^ And Kelly is diagonal from me so we can talk when Harrison's back is turned. Shhh, don't tell him. ^_^
I'm scaring myself. I have a newfound obsession with cinnamon roll flavered oatmeal. It's only 3:00 and I've already had three packets! It tastes SO GOOD!!!! I love it! I could just eat it all day long. See, now I bet I'm scaring you, too!
Haha, but I got to impress Kayoung with my music knowledge. Apparantly she watched Power Fuse or something like that, and she sang a bit of maybe 6 or 7 songs, I knew every one of their titles and artist. She's probably downloading them right now, like she said.
Alisa was supposted to meet me near her locker this morning, but she was sick today. Indunil signed us three up on the same bus though, to 6Flags. I told her to write Alisa's name, because she didn't know Alisa. My mom thought this was crazy. I mean, I have a bunch of different groups of friends, or individual friends, and the different groups are not necessarily friends with each other. My mom was like all her friends knew each other and were friendly. I thought that was weird!
Crap! I have to go to Giant now and get toothpaste. My mom doesn't even try to learn what toothpaste I like, and she just gives up and says, 'Just come with me.' This is probably my lamest excuse to go, but it's true. Unfortunantly. Ok, later!
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