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myOtaku.com: Jaganshi

Monday, July 12, 2004

   Five Failures in Bush's 'Fight' Against Terrorism
1. Ignored warnings of 9/11. - In the months before September 2001, the Bush Administration ignored the Hart-Rudman Commission, a bipartisan commission set up in the Clinton administration. The Commission specifically warned of a "weapon of mass destruction in a high-rise building," and the White House stalled hearings that were to be held on May 7. The administration formed its own committee headed by Dick Cheney, but it would not make a report until October.

2. Where's the anthrax guy? - Anthrax sent to several Congressmen. The fine powder could easily be spread over the building after the recipient took his deadly dose. After narrowly averting disaster, and although the real terrorist remains to be found, the Department of Justice (headed by everyone's favorite Johnnie Ashcroft) does manage to slander scientist Steven Hatfill.

3. Osama - Where is he? By diverting resources and attention to Iraq, Bush has made Osama fall off the landscape.

4. Iraqi Materials - There is good news! The United States found 1.7 tons of enriched Uranium in Iraq recently. The catch? It was held in a UN-secured storage building until the war broke out. When the Americans took it over, they gaurded it poorly and the materials were stolen. There are probably already more cases of Americans losing weapons (or possible weapons) in hectic Iraq.

5. Soviet-Era Technology. - Even though we have no bigger threat than terrorism, the Bush Administration continues to push Cold War technologies like Star Wars, even though they cost billions of dollars, often fail to work, and are completely ineffective against terrorism.

Yay Kerry!

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