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myOtaku.com: Jaganshi

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Well. Ahem. My boyfriend just told me he is bisexual. Hey, hey, I'm not some hick who thinks all gay or bisexual people are a sin or should die or whatever, I was just taken aback and surprised. I said that was okay, and it really is. He asked if I still loved him. Of course I did, and that's what I said. He was relieved, I guess that's the right word. I mean, he still wants to be with me and all, and loves me. So what if he's attracted to guys too? We can go guy-watching together^_^

I hate my dad. He keeps calling me fat, even though I'm not. I'm not ultra-thin, so that's maybe why. I mean, I'm 5' 1'' and 110 lbs. Evenly spread out. And he sarcastically says things like all the boys are after me, and we both know they're not. I mean, my sister was all like, "I have nice thighs," and my dad goes, "Misao hears that from the boys all the time," in this weird tone. He is very insensitive, but sometimes we really get along well. Sometimes he's really fun and we have a great time. Yeah, my relationship with my dad is weird to say the least.

This summer, I want to do a lot of things with my friends. Last summer, I was like, 'If they don't call me, then they don't want to spend time with me. Everyone hates me,' but this summer, I don't care if no one calls ME, I'll call THEM and we'll have a good time ^_^ Whether they like it or not! And I've met my soulmate this year, Alisa. We're gonna spend almost every day together ^_^ But she's going to Taiwan in July. I guess that's time with Indunil, Laura, Carlo, Michelle, etc. This summer is going to be a lot better than last, when I went maybe 6 or 7 places total with friends. It's not like I don't have friends, it's also that my family drags me everywhere they go, so the oppurtunity doesn't come up that often. My family thinks if one member goes somewhere, we all have to go, and it sucks. We do too much together. I hate it. I know some people are envious whose families do nothing together, but I guess the best place is in the middle, where families to some things together, but not everything. Believe me, I'm suffocating here. Not much else to say for today, so ok, later!

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