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myOtaku.com: Jaganshi

Saturday, May 8, 2004

   What Happened, James?
Wow. I looked at the popularity rankings, and James, who has been #1 for the longest time, is now #4. I think Seifer_sama is #1. I have no idea what happened to make James drop so low from his reign as #1, but it's surprising to me!

I hate my dad. We were talking abot having a family bike trip around the neighborhood (augh. social suicide) and of course, I didn't want to go, and told him that. He said my brain was screwed up and everybody else would want to go bike riding with their families. I'm serious. I mean, come on, what 14 year old girl wants to do that!? I have nothing against bikes, but my family does SO MUCH together, and I can't stand it. I'll have to start calling my friends more. My dad was being really mean about it. Fortunantly, we didn't go. It's almost 3 pm and I'm still in my pajamas ^_^

I have a lot of physics homework and an english paper to type. And a spanish project to do! I should be doing those. But I'm here typing a post. That's some dedication. Or not.

Oh shit! Earlier this morning, the Columbia hOuse guy called, and said I could order one free CD because we were members so long (www.columbiahouse.com) and I ordered the new System of A Down, 'Steal This Album' because it was the first thing I thought of. When I hung up the phone, a million other CDs I wanted MUCH MORE than the SOAD one flooded into my head, and I really regretted ordering the SOAD one. My parents wouldn't let me call the guy back and switch my order. The Strokes, The Cure, The Offspring, A perfect Circle, man, why'd I order System of a Down? I don't even like them that much.

Well, I better get started on my physycs outline. OK, later!

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